Sweet and Slow


When it comes time for the weather to change around the farm, that means it is time to clean up. After the snow melts and reveals what has been hiding all winter, it is time for some order.

One of the many chores that needs to be done around here is moving piles of firewood from one part of the farm to another. It was a big task, but my oldest son and I knocked it out.

While driving the load of wood to the other property we found this little guy in the middle of the road. We took some time to get a few pictures and then move it out of the way.

I always tell animals "hey, I'm The Yeti and I am a friend to all creatures"....Not sure they always believe me haha

I hope you are enjoying our adventure as much as we are.

Be well.

~The Yeti



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beautiful.. slow and study win the race.

Absolutely! Thank you for your support.

we just saw a turtle in a neighbors backyard, curious little fellow. apparently he kept his neck stretched all the way out when the dog came outside, followed her with his gaze but the pup never caught on!

I think even if they don't understand human speech (or believe you), the intention of kindness to all animals has got to do something energetically for them.

I like that. I love turtles. Ill play with them whenever possible

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