Just another bluff post (plus IMPORTANT Fireflies and Monkee info for those that care!)

in #thealliance5 years ago

The title was meant to get one person on this platform giggling. They know who they are... Lol

I have two important bits of info to let you know! Both are very near and dear to my heart... And then some last thoughts on HF21 before I leave that topic alone foreeverrrrrr, cuz who wants to read daily Debbie Downer posts. I don't...and I also don't want to write them! Lol

"But we thought you were leaving, Dreemie."

You thought correctly! However, I said that would be when HF21 passes in its current state. Until then, I intend to enjoy my home fully. Posting, commenting, and in true Dreemie style.... throwing steem at you in a final contest or two. Hehehe

Let's start with the fun?

Do you remember the Monkee mascot that the little girl made us? He still needs a name!!! So here is the official invitation to name him!!

Check out what he looks like...HERE.

Get inspired by him, and tell me: knowing what we do on Spunkee Monkee

My daughter and I will choose the best submission! You can simply drop a comment with his name... Or you can write a post with a story and drop the link below.... Do WHATEVER you think will make your name stand out the most!

Most importantly... Have fun.

Always have fun, my friends.

Since I'm on the way out, I'm going to continue to be as irrational as I always have been....and make the prize

for the entry that delights us the most! Let's say ...I'll announce the winner on @shadowspub's PYPT on Thursday. Not necessary to be there... as that's our national holiday...If you're there, you'll hear the winner live. If you're not...you'll be notified. Simple!

BY THE WAY... if you win - you get the full 100 steem. CORRECT. I'm not gonna ask for 50 steem back as curation rewards lol . I know -I know... you've been trained to think otherwise but nope - IT'S ALL YOURS. Scandalous!


THE LEGO CONTEST!!! The prize has hit gifts and cash worth $500...

Yes. For you.

Please someone amaze us and take that prize from us!!!! We cannot wait to see the incredible things that spring from your creativity! We hope this is a super fun family challenge this summer!

August 15 is deadline for submissions.

Oh...my subscribers!! This week, you have been so patient with this sad, little heart. Lol. But I have continued to write for you!!! And I have to say.... even as an author, It's getting so exciting to see what mess Talia can get herself into! How is it just as exciting to me as it is to you? Well...

I swear, sometimes I sit down to write her in one situation...INTENDING to help our poor, lost girl! And what does she do? She takes over again and rewrites the story her way. Like all my characters, they have a way of getting what they want, in spite of the fact that I AM their creator!!! Lol I wake up the next day and read the last chapter and think... WHO wrote that? That's NOT where I was taking the story! 'Twasn't me.... 'Tis a mystery!

So... because you have been so patient this week with my warring emotions on other matters "that-shall-not-yet-be-named", I will release TWO chapters today. Maybe one at 3 pm (PST) and another at 7 pm (PST). Sure! That sounds good.

And then.... Another really special treat for Fireflies is coming TOMORROW.

And I CANNOT wait to write about it... (Oh yes, the hard fork may be coming for me .. lolol. But until it does, this is still my home and I will be dancing around until they pull the plug on my music hehhehee)

Final thoughts on the you-know-what?

If you're still here, you get a 🤩gold star🤩 for putting up with my "selfish, entitled, disloyal whining as a content creator". Heheheheeeeeee!!! 😝

Yep, are you all tired of being labeled that way? Eh...I don't reeeeally care about those labels. They make me giggle because I know exactly who I am, and more importantly, I know what happens when people are faced with facts that they don't like to admit.

They usually take the focus off the FACTS and turn them to personal attacks so you can spend your time defending your character, instead of defending your stance. Clever little tricksies.

But let's recap shall we?

A new platform comes on the scene. It is going to be decentralized, different, uncensored, aaaaand... As the BIG bait to MOST people... You're also going to have the opportunity to make more money here than on other platforms!

"Why spend time and energy on other platforms when we offer THIS here?!"

Of course this was a big part of the lure. Does anyone else remember that? Or is it just me? LOL

For me? I came kicking and screaming (thanks @creatr! Lol), gave away more than I should have- just cuz it was fun, finally had to be encouraged to "settle down and set some aside" (thanks @shadowspub and @mariannewest).. Lol and started to see the benefits of writing, playing, AND earning for the future.

  • And now that I see the value in that... I'm selfish for wanting to keep what they lured us in with. lol

  • And now that I don't agree with their decisions, I'm "entitled because it was never mine to begin with".

  • And now that the terms are changing to be more like those other platforms... Somehow, I AM the disloyal one for not seeing the benefit of staying and belieeeeeving that it's all for my good!

You know when the timeshare companies call you up and tell you "No no no...this is not like other timeshares! Just come enjoy the little holiday on us! If you don't like it, just say no to the presentation and that's it!!!" Hehehe and when they've "got you", and you sense the writing on the wall and get up to leave.... That's when you're just a "cheap bastard that only came for the free vacation!!!" 😂😂😂😂😂

All I'm saying is... The terms are changing. The bait is switching. And...if things are changing, that COULD be for the better or it could be for the worse.

The powers-that-be are supposedly banking on the better. A lot of people are staying because they choose to believe in the power of change.

I personally do not believe it's fair or right to make money on the changes they are proposing while the community is losing money, HOPING that it works. Neither is it fair that the people who are voting are the ones standing to gain. I think the fair, just and unbiased thing to do is make these changes in a way that the risk and potential is spread evenly across the platform - regardless of the size of your account. -dreemsteem

Did you see it? That is now clearly stated for at least the 6th time. THAT is the reason why I do not agree. An experiment that disproportionately benefits large accounts (while at least INITIALLY harming small accounts) REGARDLESS of its success or failure is not a fair, just or right thing to do.

If you hear ANY OTHER reason for MY distaste for this injustice..... Remember the timeshare people. 😉

In the end, I think it's awesome to have convictions either way, and to follow your heart, speak your mind, and find your peace.

When all is said and done, turns out steemit is not so decentralized, it's becoming less "different than other choices" everyday, the earnings for creating content is shrinking drastically.... BUT it is still uncensored.

And that's why I get to speak my mind, and you get to speak yours! That's my final words on the matter. All other blogs from here on out (until HF21 LOL) will only be fun, fireflies and frivolity!!!! oh yeah - and some Monkee Business too.

Why? Because I am NOW, and ALWAYS WILL BE..... Dreemie, the Firefly, and the Monkee Capt'n 😁

And as Penny in "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" classically states..

"I've spoken my piece and counted to three: 1,2,3." -O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Yeah Penny! Me too!!!
Theeeeeee Ennnnnnnnd 😘

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All Spunkee Monkee images were created for explicit use by Spunkee Monkee by @jimramones, and are not to be used without permission.


Wellll, Dreemie, If I knew your Middle Name I'd have Spunkee's name


LOLOL come on - be creative! LOL give me a name!!!! hehehe

🎁 Hi @underground! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Saving Up Steem!!! Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

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I was wondering if anyone would put a double EE in there!

!tip LOL

That's definitely Punkee, The Spunkee Monkee!

Ohhhhhhhh you are like @thehive!!! Out to win this for sure! Lololol

🎁 Hi @improv! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Now You Can See The Numbers. Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Call him "BOBO"

BOBO the Spunkee Monkee!!!!!

It's a funkee and spunkee name for our Spunkee Monkee!

I can here all sorts of tunes and songs and giggles with that one!

hahahahahaa I can totally hear your voice saying Bobo!!! LOLOLOL

thank you for entering hehehe

🎁 Hi @jackmiller! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Sad, But Not Yet Defeated. Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Sad to see you go. but totally understandable..

i can still spy on you ;) like a haunting ghostie!!!!

!tip (did you want to enter the contest??? hehe)

🎁 Hi @darrenfj! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Saving Up Steem!!! Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

How about Kid Kong?
You know like King Kong, But a kid king kong.

ohhhhhhhhhh very clever! I think you want to win this! :)

lol yup. I think everyone who comments would like to win lol. even those that don't put a name.

well.. must have a name to win ;)

Gelos, named after the God of laughter


hehehehehe!!! I have to hear your pronunciation of this!! :) Love you Missy <3

i don't know why - but hearing that robotic voice say that made me bust up laughing!!!!!

Cuz that voice makes you go , What??? and listen again lol

Posted using Partiko Android

LOLOL yes - and laugh ... EVERY... SINGLE... TIME!

I looked at that little guy and I saw a tarot card, the Magician. I then immediately thought of Magnus Eisengrim, a character from a book I adore, World of Wonders by Roberson Davies. It seems to me that A World of Wonders is a good name for the world Spunkee Monkee exists in, although I looked that entity up an hour ago for the first time. I just met you yesterday which seems fortuitous, and I giggled a little when I read this post, not at the title but at this: And now that the terms are changing to be more like those other platforms... Somehow, I AM the disloyal one for not seeing the benefit of staying and belieeeeeving that it's all for my good!

I think it's pretty clear that little creature's name is Magnus.

hehehehehe i'm glad that I got you giggling! I mean - really - don't we just have to laugh at the ridiculousness at some point?

I can't stop laughing about the "timeshare metaphor" LOLOLOL it's so true! (sad, but true, but hilarious too!)

Magnus is a great name!!!

and the title ... someone said that I was bluffing yesterday - and that I'm not really going anywhere. and then said "see you tomorrow on your bluff post!" hahahahahaha

but - it's not a bluff post - it's a REAL post. LOL cuz i will still post until HF21 passes. that's when I will no longer post. until then... eat, drink, be merry, dance, and giggle. hehehe

thank you for coming to make me smile today :)

I was a timeshare owner for many years, and I got my share of those free weekends. I totally know that scene and it is a good one for this sitch.

LOL right? I thought so too! it feels bad in the moment, but the more distance you have from the situation, you can actually laugh about it and just chalk it up to one of life's experiences! hehehe

i've gained much more than I've lost. Thankful for the experience, and I'm able to walk away when it conflicts with what I know is right and true. You can't ask for much more than that! :)

Somewhere in my steem travels today I read that you are "always upbeat". It's so true! It's lovely to have such a happy person in my peeps on steem. I'm glad one of your smiles came through me!

Wow!!! what a wonderful legacy to leave behind! That just made my day - thank you for sharing that! I hope that many people remember me that way! smiling now

Oh thank you! gee...

🎁 Hi @owasco! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Now You Can See The Numbers. Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

I can't even see the words right now, never mind making sense; can you remind me tomorrow please...

hahahaha I will try to remember - rest your eyes ;)

🎁 Hi @wales! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Sad, But Not Yet Defeated. Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

Oh my you sure a lot off your chest here, I got a lot of catching up to do. Darn, life is sure getting in the way of things to do.

oh this is just the end of it. LOL the last 3 days was the brunt of it - but I've accepted and have peace! :) Life goes on, and we all have lessons to learn. Life is that way! :)

but make sure you give me a name for the monkee! hehehehe you know me... i want to leave the way I spent my time! FUN

It sure caused a ruckus over at the alliance castle on Discord.

it did.... but... that's just what happens when people love too hard ;)

I was there to feel the emotions run high. I had to step back and look at this clinically or I'd just come apart. You know. Kubler-Ross model; Denial, Anger, Bargaining and Acceptance witnessed on a community level. Simply amazing to see. Sharing is so therapeutic I say It's one of those Nursing skills.

Yes... I was only there for about 5 minutes in between my shower and work! Lol just enough to tell him that I loved him..that i knew it was coming from hurt... And that my stance is unchanged for the reasons I had already mentioned.

Time heals... He asked for forgiveness the next day also.

I told him he was forgiven that night.


🎁 Hi @kerrislravenhill! You have received 0.1 STEEM tip from @dreemsteem!

@dreemsteem wrote lately about: Sad, But Not Yet Defeated. Feel free to follow @dreemsteem if you like it :)

Sending tips with @tipU - how to guide :)

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