Thanksgiving Challenge Day 1

@cecicastor tagged me in this challenge.  I am grateful for that.  It is always nice to feel grateful.  There are so many things to be grateful for we just need to think about it.  When we are in times of stress or frustration we need to dig a bit deeper to think of the things we are grateful for.  

I really like this challenge because it can spread the good feelings.  

Gratitude can make you more patient.  Research has found people who felt grateful for little everyday things were more patient  - Time Health

My list for today:

  • I am grateful for my husband.  He is my world and we work so well together
  • Our beautiful domain
  • March ending and spring coming
  • Beautiful sunrises

I nominate @earthmother, @harvardhomstead and @grannybubbles.  I would enjoy reading your lists.  Have a wonderful day.


Those are all things to be grateful for indeed! When we marry our soulmate our spirits join for a tight bond that can not be broken. Bent perhaps, but never broken.

Very true! Thanks so much.

These challenges every day we are participating are a way of fun and keep us engaged with people.

Good day :)

Yes they are. Thanks so much for reading. Have a great day.

Yeah. I think you are not that active off late, is the weather ok? How is snow, cold?

Hey there, Yes you are right. I am working on some family issues right now. So I am doing these challenges to help me stay connected. For the next few weeks I won't have the time that I had before. After that things may settle down here.

Our weather is good. Having a cold spell but it won't last. The snow is really melting in the day. How are things over there? It seems like it has been a long time since we chatted.

Nice to know that, take some time out and sort out the things you need to. These challenges are really fun and let's us have some extra interactions with our friends.

Good to know that weather is improving.
Here, it's like some cold winds are going on during night, but days have already become hotter. Couple of times it's rained as well just to soothe the hot air and mud got settled as well.

Yeah, I was also not active for last 2 days and yesterday I missed to write my daily blog.

Today, I have yesterday's blog, couple of contest blogs including the one from you and my usual daily blog today!!!

I hope to complete atleast 3 today.

Have a good Friday and keep writing whenever you are free :)

I thank you so much for your support. You are an amazing man. I am so happy to have you as a friend. Yes the challenges are fun and a bit easier. I enjoy hearing what everyone is grateful about. It makes going through the hard stuff easier.

Has the weather been different in the last 10 to 15 years for you over there? We have noticed a change in the weather here and sometimes it is hard to predict what is going to happen. Already your days are hotter, I hope it doesn't get too hot too fast. I imagine the rain was nice.

I am sure you needed those two days. You are active everyday, sometimes a day off is nice. I hope you are able to complete everything you set out to.

Enjoy your day.

Oh, I am happy go through your blogs and learn about the things there.

Weather is always changing constantly over the years. The summers are hotter year by year and the winters are colder. The bad thing is the rainy season isn't of much help to farmers as there isn't sufficient rain and that has even affected some of the states with drinking water.

Already your days are hotter, I hope it doesn't get too hot too fast.

Unfortunately this is getting increased every passing year, as we discussed in one of our earlier comments, last years some cities experienced a temperature over 45 degrees and this year it's already hot and it's just March. So, by May, June, it will be definitely too hot unless the rainy season starts early.

I am sure you needed those two days.

Yeah, needed to complete some household works. I am on my second blog related to your nomination. Hope to complete that soon before dinner and then I can explore on 5 people as part of my daily blog.

Thanks, I am so happy to be back messaging you all. :)

Yes we did discuss the very hot temperatures, I remember now. I sure hope there is some rain in the forcast for you. We also discussed the drinking water. Drinking water is so important. We live in an earthship and it collects all of our water for us. We use the local well for water for the animals. Water is not a big issue here yet. I feel it is coming soon. Yes the changing climate seems to be everywhere. Sometimes I forget that we are not the only ones that are effected.

Have a fantastic weekend