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RE: Thanksgiving Challenge Day 1

Yes we did discuss the very hot temperatures, I remember now. I sure hope there is some rain in the forcast for you. We also discussed the drinking water. Drinking water is so important. We live in an earthship and it collects all of our water for us. We use the local well for water for the animals. Water is not a big issue here yet. I feel it is coming soon. Yes the changing climate seems to be everywhere. Sometimes I forget that we are not the only ones that are effected.

Have a fantastic weekend


Nice to know about your water collection way. I am trying to explore on that, because as for as I know, we don't use that here.

Climate is changing with every season and we are all hopeful of a rain soon as we see the overcast days off late, that should cool down the temperature and soothe the nature especially the trees.

Good Weekend to you as well.

All our water is collected into two 2000 gallon tanks and then it is run though various filters. @wwf would be able to explain it more than I would. We only use rain water for our house. The water around here is contaminated with chlorine and other things that we don't want in our water.

Ah, got it. So, it's like a mega filter :).

Here it's like the water is pumped from rivers through big pipes and then purified and supplied to houses.

We normally don't use rain water for drinking purpose.

Nice, thanks for the explanation. :)

That is similar to here for our towns and cities. Most people here use a well if they are not connected to city water. Another main stream way to treat the water is to use chlorine.

We are not connected to any of that so we collect our own. Many people here are amazed that we collect our own rain water for drinking and for use in the house. We use two filters one carbon filter and one particle filter. We also use Hydrogen peroxide to assist for the drinking water. Hydrogen peroxide is easier on the body.

Nice to know that and I appreciate that you are not dependent on anybody for your drinking water.

Nice to know your filtering process as well.

Nice information sir, appreciate for sharing the link.
We live in the city and has to depend on tap drinking water which is purified from source and then supplied through pipes to the houses.

We do face the issues during summer as the water will be supplied once in a week or 10 days and then we use bore water for washing and household activities.

Thanks again for the nice explanation in your blog. Good day :)