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RE: A.I. Is Scary Because It Implies We Might Afterall Have No Soul

in #technology7 years ago

It was not celebrated, and is still highly contested or outright ignored.

Find me a proper physics textbook where it's not celebrated.

Take it this way, if we believed in the double slit experiment, we would not believe in Einstein's theories. One disproves the other.

I have to say you are entirely wrong here. We might struggle with interpreting both with a unified theory, but both the double-slit experiment and the experiments and observations that have confirmed Einstein's relativity stand. It doesn't matter who tries the double-slit experiment, it works, so it's reliable. And it doesn't matter who tries to use GPS (which is adjusted for the effects of relativity), it works. Our understanding of why both apply and how they would work together might still be lacking, but the experimental data still stands and so does the predictive power of both theories in the areas when they don't overlap. They break down only when they have to work in concert in the same context, but nobody would deny that and everybody would celebrate them being binned for something better that unifies them.

I get into a group of shaman or into a group of out of body experiencers, they all agree that the mind is not in the brain.

If you get into a group of flat-earthers, they would all agree that the Earth is flat. Does that make the Earth flat?

It is self evident.

That's not a real argument. And of course it's not self-evident. How could you explain that people who get brain damage might get a personality change (lobotomy as a clear example). If the personality doesn't come from the brain, than changes to the brain should not change it. And our personalities are quite easy to alter with things that alter the way the brain functions. Like drugs and alcohol. If our personality and consciousness doesn't come from the brain, why do substances that alter the way our brain functions change them?

But, to most scientists, it is literally arguing that there is an invisible dragon in your garage.

Because scientifically-minded people demand real evidence and those groups convinced as they might be don't have any evidence to offer. If they had real evidence, everybody would listen.

Of course, there is no proof that the invisible dragon exists. But once you learn to see it, you will never be the same again.

If you can see it so well, why can't you come up with reliable evidence to show it exists? Why would there be no proof for something that really happens to you?


If you can see it so well, why can't you come up with reliable evidence to show it exists? Why would there be no proof for something that really happens to you?

Because scientists have divided things into physics and metaphysics.

Things from the metaphysical realm, are all woo-woo, and cannot be used in any proofs for "science". Science is really set in the materialistic universe. Accepting anything outside of it is verbotin.

Just look at the arguments for intelligent design. Anyone who believes in intelligent design is thrown out of the science community. Black balled. Their papers stricken from the record.

The double slit experiment disproves Einstein's theory of relativity.

Further, all of the supposed evidence for the theory of relativity is all bunk. Einstein's theory explained Mercury's orbit much better than Newtons, however, it was still only 96% accurate. A lady published her findings recently with a 99.999% accuracy, and her theory does not use relativity.

The GPS satellite thing is a myth. I have had some people in the know say that it doesn't exist. And, it is impossible to prove or disprove. There is nothing verifiable about it. There is one group in one company that does it all. You either believe them or you don't.

Spooky action at a distance. That was what freaked Einstein out the most.

So, the latest double slit experiment finds that if you observe the "particle" that it behaves as a particle. Further, if you observe it in the future, it behaves as a particle in the past.

Further, there are many, many forks I can stick into the theory of relativity. That it is still in the science books is beyond me.


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