The Language of Love

in #teamsouthafrica6 years ago

I am a man with four beautiful daughters.

Naturally as their father I only desire the best in life for them. My wife and I have sacrificed greatly to give the best of all worlds; education in the academic fields, music,arts and culture, politics and even teachings in the spiritual dimension.

The social element is one of the most sensitive areas because it involves the heart. To give one's heart to another person is one of the greatest acts of faith, courage and hope that can be committed to. Being young magnifies the intensity of being vulnerable. Fear with all its facets of concealed pain must be hurdled by nerve quivering courage to reach the promised land of incredulous joy, where the views are magnificent in a pink hued splendor. It is so wonderful because it is so unexpected. The odds of reaching a successful outcome are quite low.

I am a man who has a strong bent towards philanthropy, especially in the category of helping young single adults from their early twenties until later in their lives (not really, just for my own ones, I may be regarded as a pervert otherwise). My philanthropic bent become even greater when I consider the mind boggling financial rewards of getting the girls hitched up with a desirable partner. Obviously there is a non-refund policy in play here. The Afrikaans expression is "voetstoets". I shall leave the task to you of researching the meaning of such an expression, it is an expression close to my accounting heart.

To help my girls reach this desired state of having a boyfriend, I will need to reveal some of the secrets that allowed their father to capture a fair maiden, almost against her better sense. My love skills are legendary (especially in my own mind). I have had to sacrifice personal anonymity to help them. I am certain these skills will be highly sought after by those of you (both male and female) out there in a cold world who are faced with this same personal challenge in life. I want to give the world these tools to help the lonely cope better and have the same happiness in life that I do.

(Image 1 - Look from under lowered brow with much fluttering of eye lashes)

(Image 2 - without being too obvious, lick your lower lip occasionally)


(Images 3 and 4 - Sometimes lick the upper lip in an erotic manner)

(Image 5 - Keep lips slightly parted while maintaining eye contact)

(Image 6 - to quote in the language of love "laat hulle 'n bietjie van die land sien waar hulle kan ploeg")

(Image 7 - Subtly and gently chew the lower lip)

(Image 8 - Laugh lots at any attempted humour of the "date" regardless of how pathetic, with parted lips)


(Image 9 - the most dangerous of all! The Wink, when I was young and innocent, I winked at a lass from Zimbabwe. Unknown to me, it is a signal of love! I had to flee with great haste from the amorous young maiden)

Please use discretely and wisely. Do not break the hearts of young lads or young lasses. As it is said in the Spiderman movies, "with great power comes great responsibility"


Hey, @fred703 sir,very good photo and i enjoy all photo.Thanks for sharing with us.Have a nice day.

Oh, you've got a nice sense of humor, and you have a lovely family. GOd bless you!

To give one's heart to another person is one of the greatest acts of faith, courage and hope that can be committed to.

that's Indeed!

thanks, hope you have the same.

Great memorization...@fred703.. You are looking different in different photos... But interesting..I believe, Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.

Very funny :) Did any of your girls get to read this ? Oh that I were a fly on the wall :)

I don't post often so you probably would not notice my latest :

Really sir,very funny photo and i enjoy all photo.Thanks for sharing with us

your all photography is very finny. like mr ben.

Haha. This is the best lesson I've seen. But I'm afraid I've already passed this stage of life. Thank you for the wonderful post.

I agree, that has been the case for too many years. In fact my kids said that I had already passed it when my wife condescended to marry me. (she just didn't know any better)

You are looking great sir @fred703. it seems that you are really happy today.☺ nicely written sir.👍 always keep smiling. 😁

Funny picture...I think you are seeming as a friendly with your daughter and complete your own duties as a father,,,if all parents should do this ,,children don't go to bad path,,thanks for sharing,,@fred703

wow really you are blessed with some great and lovely blessings for God..
all the pictures are really funny sir @fred703
like this in the end "with great power comes great responsibility"....
lots of love for your daughters <3 <3

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