Be aware. Take caution.Be vigilant.

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Today isn't a good day.

Everyday Monday - Saturday ( alternate ) i take LRT from Taman bahagia station change Masjid Jamek ( take Ampang line ) towards Pandan Jaya station. After that i will take teksi to office because walking to office is extremely dangerous.

Today morning, things took a turn. As i was walking to the teksi as usual ( what i do everyday)

A malay guy in a helmet came from behind and snatch my bag. Open my bag and took out my wallet open it and took out the money. I tried to hold my bag tightly hence struggle a bit. The malay guy was holding a parang ( knife ) at my neck asking me to let go of my bag. I hesitated yet was terrified. Inside my wallet has about RM100 that is to last me the whole week.

I am traumatized not by the stealing of my money but by the Parang itself. In any second if i didn't let go , he could have killed me.

Really thank God that the fella didn't hurt me with the parang. Thank God for his divine protection.

To all those out there, please be extra careful / vigilant when you are walking out from any place. Even if you are not alone , be cautious , be aware.

Take care Fam! Be extra careful.


oh dear, peace of God be with you. Are you still traumatized or scared?

I declare psalm 91 over you and angels to be encamped around you. I bless you with divine protection in Jesus' name!!!

Sending comfort and hugs your way.

hey @happycrazycon ! Yes i am still traumatized .I claim psalms 91 in Jesus Name Amen!
Thank you so much!

thanks to the god who saved your life. I hope next time when you will walking please be careful.

hey @brightworld78 ,thank you so much , will definitely be more careful!

I hope that you are alright, next time be a bit more careful.

hey @superoo7 , thank you so much , will definitely be more careful!

GG..... Ok girl. Time to take the car license test. Seriously.
This has been going on too many time on you. And this Masjid Jamek is really getting dodgy every day.

hey @littlenewthings , Will definitely be more careful next time. Thank you so much!

I agree! Nowadays it is much safer to drive than to rely on public transport as connections are not the most convenient... :(

Oh no. I am so sorry this thing happened to you. I can’t imagine how terrified you must be with this incident. I hope you are okay @chloephuan93.

hey @viverridae , I am traumatized but will take time to overcome it but thank you so much! Will definitely be more careful next time!

OMG!!! I hope your emotion are ok now. Its really thank God to save your life. Better next time you just order grab from train station? Hope it will not happen again. Pray for you..

hey @bboyady ,thank you so much , will definitely be more careful!

Take care there..

It was very fortunate of you not to get injured, that is the most important thing. A mere RM100 is nothing compare to your life, you better let go your handbag next time if it happens again. But thank God nothing worse had happened to you.

Thank you so much!

Am just hearing about this...
So sorry you had to experience this. It is so dangerous nowadays - I have experienced two attempted bag snatches over a number of years, fortunately both failed, one got me dragged a couple of feet on the ground not because I held on but my bag strap was weighted down by my laptop bagstrap. But I was 'lucky' not to experience any use of weapons, ie. parang, etc. I can't imagine what you have gone through... Take care every time you go out, we must all be more vigilant!

Ohmygoodness. Yeah, we all must be extra careful whenever heading out! Thank you so much

OMG ... What a messed up world we are living in. Hope you are ok and really sory for you to go thru this experience

hey @bitrocker2020, Thank you so much , will definitely be more careful, traumatized but will take time to overcome it.

Sorry to hear this. Thank God you are safe. Pls be more careful and extra vigilant next time

hey @karindailygrind , yeah , really thank God for his divine protection and yes will be more careful next time. Thank you so much!

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