Cutting Taxes VS Cutting Spending

in #taxes6 years ago

Adam talks about the Trump administration cutting taxes but not cutting spending and the results.

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AK. How come you never seem to have a book at your finger tips to hand to someone who has never heard of the libertarian program before? The man sounded like his heart was in the right place.

We usually give people cards or books after the interview.

I am your great supporter and idolize you @adamkokesh. i have seen your struggle and your work for freedom. i am a victim of the conflict of Aceh and both my parents have died in the wicked battle of the evil rulers. i become a bum looking for a bite of rice, today i make a special post for you my idol, I hope you can give a little smile for me. honestly i really need attention
Please @adamkokesh my idol

Excellent. I look forward to seeing what happens as a result of "carpet bombing the Big Easy".... and more important: the LP convention's delegation's reaction to this bold move.

Nice to see him work it out in the end! 💯🐒

I think politians do this things intentionally, always trying to get on our nerve even when it is quite clear that there is only one response when it comes to cutting taxes or spending. Common sense

If you cut taxes but not spending you will inevitably increase the debt. Why do politicians lack common sense?

they don't lack common sense. What is the percentage of incumbents getting elected in this ridiculous "democratic society?" Why should they change anything?

"Trump will cut tax rates, both corporate taxes and individual income taxes, from 35% to 20% .This plan actually has two implications, positive and negative," For the positive impact, people will have higher purchasing power (disposable income) which will encourage an increase in the multiplier effect of consumption consumption. "The corporation will also be more eager to raise its production capacity by paying lower taxes, so the funds can be used for investment, and the downside of the US government revenue due to the tax cut will definitely have a negative impact on the fiscal side and there will be additional debt withdrawn and caused massive unemployment so that the government donald trum is not paying attention to the people.

surely the answer would be the same if asked to me. This is a unilateral policy favorable to the business ruler (especially for Trump who has many business).
I personally think this is a policy that harms the small and dominant population who earn enough ( insane policy)

Supporting evil, by paying taxes to evil, does not make you "free", it brings misery, suffering, and death to others, as well eventually, to those responsible. Hang on America and "enjoy" the ride. You've earned it!

I think you should take a more direct approach in a lot of these videos, adam.. it is very easy to find people that will make themselves look stupid in the wake of ignorance, but it is that much harder to convince those same people that their way of thinking is wrong. You did an excellent job explaining government spending as an underlying issue to this guy.. but in what respect did you change how he will vote, or change how he views the government as a whole?

I think it would serve you better if you explain flaws in other's arguments and views instead of shaming them, and perhaps worked with their views to bring them closer to the correct conclusion.

Almost everyone will agree they would prefer 0 taxes and 0 government spending, but privatization of everything government is logistically impossible. Although the government consistently wastes trillions on pointless wars, the MIC, inefficient health care, etc.. there are still regulations and laws that need to be enforced by a central body... how could we move a massive number of people away from our two garbage parties toward a more decentralized, less bought out and more efficient government? Do we just have to wait for all the baby boomers to die?

sorry for the rambling, I hope this all makes sense.. i've been celebrating the holidays a bunch today. Hope all is good!

I think it would serve you better if you explain flaws in other's arguments and views instead of shaming them, and perhaps worked with their views to bring them closer to the correct conclusion.

While I disagree with the idea that everything cannot be privatized, I think you are right about the approach taken in many of these videos, and in several other instances, by Kokesh. Instead of getting down to brass tacks, shame tactics are often used.

I think the feasibility of privatization depends heavily on the people, and unfortunately, we cannot magically change the minds of the people who have become numb to party politics.

I can agree with privatization of almost everything... though privatization doesn't insinuate a complete lack of government. There still needs to be regulations in place for SO many industries, potentially at a national level. There are some issues that need discussion to take place, by which certain regulations need to be implemented. Thus I still see a necessity for a federal government. I am not adept on libertarian principles, maybe someone could share some knowledge on how it could all work out.

thanks for the response

While I agree that the shaming is not the most productive thing, neither is voting. Voting is asking permission from the government to be free. Only agorism and counter-economics can truly bring about freedom. So, in a sense, what we need is for him to convince people, but convince them to act!

By no sense is voting the most productive thing, but we cannot magically change that we are in a democracy even if we think the act of voting is wrong by principle. In which sense, the government can only be changed if there is both human and financial pressure to make such changes.

If we convince every thinking person NOT to vote, we are left with the same two parties that pray off those who don't think for themselves.

Run for Congress!!!

Running for Congress defeats the purpose of his morals, and makes him take a salary stolen for people! Adam, start an underground market.

I thought he was going to try and run as a Libertarian for President? Politicians can donate their salary back to the Treasury.

Yes, but as President, he hopes to make an executive order to abolish the office of president on day one. He can't really do that as a congressman, unfortunately.

That would be unconstitutional. We have checks and balances to prevent that.

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