The position of the victim or the struggle? What do you choose?

in #success7 years ago

Hello everyone! Today I was drawn to philosophical themes. Very often a person chooses for himself the position of the victim. He resigns himself to circumstances and stop fighting. He says, he's powerless, everything's against him. According to him, everyone except him is to blame for his problem. This is a very convenient position. Others often begin to feel sorry for you, to support, to convince you, that you're a very good, strong and can do this. But man continues to act like the victim. In the end everyone bothers to comfort him. We can say, that we are not to blame, that the circumstances in which we find ourselves are to blame, but this is no reason for whining, resentment and anger. Man is a intelligent being, he has a brain and he has to use it. From any situation you can find a way, any circumstance can be overcome, but you need to act and not to lay on the couch. I believe, that we are the creators of our destiny and happiness. Of course, everyone had circumstances, when a person is really powerless, he needs emotional relaxation. But this state cannot last forever, it is impossible to always take the position of the victim.


You can treat a problem as a nuisance, or you can treat it as a push for development. In psychology there is the term "comfort zone". A person rarely leaves the comfort zone on their own, in most cases he needs a push. Just the exit from the comfort zone guarantees the development of personality and achievement of success. It's like saying - all, that doesn't kill us, - makes us stronger. When people complain to me about their life, their work, I often ask, why don't you change your work, don't you change your life? Often people get lost with the answer and find a bunch of excuses and reasons not to change anything. So why complain then? Even if you can't make a difference, change how you feel about her. Many may think, that I know nothing about life, that they live much harder than me. I'm not going to argue. I just express my opinion and urge you to act instead of take the attitude of a victim and complain.

Thanks for reading!



I Believe, I Can Success :)

I think this is spot on! It's all about how you frame events that happen in your life! I have always believed that everything happens for a reason, EVERYTHING. I may not know the reason as it is happening and I may never know the reason but I challenge myself everyday to ignore the unfortunate events and constantly think about the positive things that are happening in my life! Thinking about all the things you are thankful for really helps to brush off the less positive events when they happen!

Great post! :)

I'm not a fatalist. I believe that human destiny always has options, this is the choice of every person! Thanks for stopping by!

That's interesting, are you religious? I am the complete opposite, I don't think anything ever happens for any reason whatsoever. I think as humans we are programmed to find patterns and sometimes we find patterns that are not really there. When I look at life logically I can't really say I can understand the reason for anything happening or not happening, things just happen.

Amazing answer, I am going to do the same, It's not easy to ignore the unfortunate events but I'll try.

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We have been discussing similar issues in my classes and with fellow philosophers. The consensus is that some people, for whatever reasons, simply cannot "pull themselves up" so to speak. Which leads to another question: should we give a shit about those that cannot help themselves?

I think, we can help these people, but patience is not infinite. Sooner or later, a person will cease to help someone, who does not want to get out of the pit. But I think this rule does not apply, for example, to your children, it is very difficult to refuse to help.

Very motive but in some cases work aint easy to change cos it may be tough to find another work

These victims want attention, want to drag you to the same dark cloud they are. Want company to complain together.
Have you try to be positive to them? Instead of accepting the negative comments, give them all the positive thoughts that come out of mouth.
I work with somebody like that, and every morning, he steps in the office saying “oh boy...”, and I’m like: good morning sun, good morning sky, what a beautiful day!!! And I keep going...
If you don’t bombard them with positive thoughts and feelings, they will steal your energy and take with them.
Be positive!

I try not to comment on the behavior of such people and ask questions, if they ask for advice. I like your advice, thank you!

Great post and I agree that what is important is to act on a situation instead of sitting back and whining about it because that approach will never cause change or growth. We are all faced with tough situations every day. When you face them done and get over them, you grow and become stronger. There simply is no other way.

Thank you for comment!

unquestionably I will always choose the fight ... because when you believe in something you must defend your ideals

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