Orangila’s Short Story in English and Translation to 4 Other Languages/Dialects~!!!!
Growing up, I was fortunately to have picked up a few languages and dialects:
English – Born in Canada (not from Quebec so I don’t understand French), English came very natural to me.
Penang Hokkien – Raised in Penang, learning Penang Hokkien was easy as it was the most widely spoken dialect in Penang. In another generation or two, only few will understand this dialect
Hainanese – Coming from a traditional Chinese background, my siblings, cousins & I were forced to learn our mother tongue since we were young. I moved to Penang at the age of two and lived with my grandparents, and I was too young to ever understand why they would punish me for speaking English (the very language I was born with).
Teow Chew – My mom and her family are Teow Chew, and it is not much different than Penang Hokkien, so it is never difficult for me to understand Teow Chew.
Bahasa Malaysia – All who grew up in Malaysia for the past 40 years learn the official language of Malaysia in national schools.
Cantonese – I Learned Cantonese from Hong Kong dramas and Cantopop. Also widely spoken in many parts of the world.
Mandarin – A language I learned from kindergarten till high school. Most definitely my weakest link but is growing in popularity thanks to the rise of China’s economy.
Languages, dialects and linguistics aren’t my forte and I am fluent in none of them. So I challenged myself to write a short story and boy it was a challenge~!!
The following story is written in this order:
- English – A loose reference should you not fully understand the story in other languages/dialects.
- Orangila’s versi punya Bahasa Malaysia
- 疯人版的中文
- Penang lang eh Hokkien ua
- Malaysian English – Version to be curated
I did not translate to:
A) Cantonese - not a difficult dialect to speak and learn but close to impossible to write in a full article (for someone born and raised outside of Hong Kong).
B) Hainanese – because my Hainanese will mainly be understood by only my siblings and cousins.
Setting: a small town in Pahang (A state in Malaysia) with a population 50,000
Year: 1985
Story by @orangila
Illustration (Black & White) by @sireh
Source. I love this illustration of a township in Malaysia of 1985, unfortunately, I have no idea who the talented artist is.
Si Gila is busy cleaning the fish tank when he heard a loud knock on the door.
He rushed to the door and was greeted by his best friends (Sileh, Zod Zhai & Alen). Each of them holding two ten Ringgit notes with a grin on their face.
Alen: “Three of us won a scholarship of 50 Ringgit, and we managed to convince our parents to let us spend 20 Ringgit each.” Si Gila turned to his mom and said: “Can I please go with my friends?” Feeling sorry for Si Gila and looking to encourage her son: “Your scorecard has room for improvement but you did well last semester. Here is 10 Ringgit. Please spend RM1.20 for a loaf of Gardenia (bread) and rest is for you to spend.” Feeling delighted, Si Gila gave his mom a hug and left with his friends.
Si Gila sedang sibuk mencucikan tangki ikan apabila mendengar ketukan pada pintu. Dia bergegas ke pintu dan disambut old kawan baik dia (Sileh, Zod Zhai dan Alen). Ketiga-tiga kawan dia memegangkan tua keping wang kertas bernila sepuluh Ringgit dengan senyuman kepada muka mereka.
Alen: “Kami mendapatkan pelajar biasiswa berharga lima puluh Ringgit dan menyakinkan ibu-bapa kami untuk membenarkan kami mengunakan dua puluh Ringgit untuk beli belah.” Si Gila pandangkan kepada ibu and kata “Bolehkah saya pergi bersama kawan saya?” Ibu dia berasa kesian kepada dia sambil ingin mengalakkan dia: “Keputusan semester ini bertambah baik kepada dulu, tapi masih ada peluang untuk tambah baik. Sila gunakan satu Ringgit dua puluh sen until mebeli sebuku roti Gardenia dan lain until suka hati kamu.” Berasa gembira, Si Gila memeluk ibu dia and kelaur bersama kawan-kawan dia.
Siao Kia kiok tiao hu ti eh si tia tiok lang kar mui. Ee zhau ki kui mui liao kua tiok ee eh hor peng iu: Si Leh, Sot Zai cham Eh Len. Ee lang eh bin chio chio, sa kiok lang eh chiu gim tiao nor tio ji chap kor. Eh Len kong: “Wa lang sa lang than tiok gor chap khor eh jiong hok kim, lau peh lau boh eh kam hor wa lang ji lang kai ji chap khor.” Siao Kia ki mui ee eh lao boh: “Wa eh sai kar wa eh peng iu chut ki boh?” Siao Kia eh lao boh kam kak ee eh kia jin jia koh len tai: “Lu eh seng kip uu jim por, tan si ko eh kah hor. Lim peh hor lu chap kor gin. Kor ji si gia lai beh ji liap Kah Ni Nia lo ti. Chun eh lui si hor lu ki kai eh.” Siao Kia lam ee eh lau boh eng kui jin jia hua hee, kui ao ka ee eh peng iu chut ki.
One day, Crazy Kid was cleaning his fish tank when he suddenly hear kok kok noise on the door. So he ma go open the door loh. Suddenly hor, faces of his monkey friends pop up (Sileh, Zod Zhai & Eh Len). They each show off the 20 Ringgit on their hands and their smile on the face is like the kind of face you want to slap one. Eh Len say: “We menang 50 Ringgit from scholarship and we begged our daddy and mummy to let us spend 20 Ringgit, they said okay. We jio you to go shopping and makan with us.” Crazy Kid then ask his mom: “I can go out with my monkey friends or not?” Crazy Kid mummy feel so soli for her son and want to make him do better in the next exam, so she ma say: “You do better than last time, can lah can lah, can go. I give you 10 Ringgit to buy me a Ka Ni Nia bread, the rest of money you buy what ever you want. Please don’t spend money on ting ting (arcade machines)~!” Crazy Kid is so happy wei, he hug his mom then go with his friends.
Illustration by @sireh
Walking towards the bus stop, Zod Zhai abruptly asked his friends to stop and suggested that they should walk to town since it is only 3 bus stops away. Naturally, his friends didn’t agree until Zod Zhai said that he could see his crush (by the name of Milo) at very busy stop they were heading to and is too shy to cross path with her. They finally agreed to walk, as it was a cool breezy afternoon.
Mereka berjalan ke arah perhentian bas, tiba-tiba Zod Zhai memangilkan kawan-kawan dia supaya elakkan ke arah perhentian bas dan berjalan ke Bandar. Mereka tidak bersetuju dengan cadangan dia. Oleh it, Zod Zhai memberitahu kepada meraka bahawa sayang dia (Milo) berada di perhentian bas and ingin elakkan bersemuka dia. Mereka bersetuju dan berjalan pada hari yang beringin.
Kia ki chia zham eh si, Sot Zai kio ee eh peng mang kia ki chai zham, eng kai kia ki pho teh. Ee eh peng iu mui Sot Zai: “Walawei, lu si siao si boh?” Liao Sot Zai kai sek hor ee lang: “Lim peh eh ai zheng (Mi Lo) tor ti chia zham tan tiao, gua mm kar tu tiok ee.” Ee lang kah liao io tau, kam kak Sot Zai is boh lam par chee eh. Tan si eng siu ee, liao tio ban ban kia ki pho teh.
So they walk to the bus stand to go to town loh. Suddeny, Zod Zhai stop and tell his friends to don’t walk anymore. And ask them all to walk to town instead. One of them said: “Walawei, you want me to walk until I get heart attack and die izzit?" Zod Zhai then tell them that his dream girl (Milo) is waiting on the bus stand and he got no balls to be face to face with her. Then Eh Len say: “Cincai lah cincai lah. People jio you to go makan and you jio people to suffer. Weather not bad so we walk lah. Haiya you.”
Illustration by @sireh
First stop was the departmental store. Zod Zhai bought the latest release of Kiki Lala shirt while Sileh bought the Buncho water color set he has been eyeing for months. Before they left the store, they were frantically looking for Si Gila as he was nowhere in sight. After a good 20 minutes of searching, they finally found him hiding in the washroom. Sileh confronted Si Gila: “Why are you hiding here? We were worried about you”. Si Gila replied: “I came here hiding when I saw Jess (their discipline teacher).” Rolling their eyes, they all laughed with a sigh of relief.
Perhentian pertama ialah pusat beli-belah. Zod Zhai beli pakaian Kiki Lala yang terkini sementara Sileh beli set lukisan cat air Buncho yang dia sudah ingin beli berapa bulan lepas. Apabila mereka mahu meningalkan pusat beli-belah, mereka perasan bahawa Si Gila sudah hilang. Selepas mencari dia selama dua puluh minit, dia didapatkan in tandas. Sileh berhap Si Gila: “Kenapa kau bersembunyi di sini? Kami bimbang tentang kau”. Si Gila jawab: “ Saya bersembunyi di sini apabila jumpa Jess (guru disiplin mereka)." Mereka bernafas lega dan ketawa.
Thau ji leh oui ki tio si shopping centre. Sot Zai beh teh et sin chut pan eh Kiki Lala eh sa kor, Si Leh beh ji set eh Buncho iu chat, ee si jin jia ku boi beh liao. Bui zhao ji jeng, ee lang chui boh Siao Kia. Koh len tia, ji kiok kiok kia ka bin ceh ceh eng gui chui beh tiok lang. Ji zhap hun zheng kui ao ka chui tiok ee tau bi tor jamban. Si Leh tio meh Siao Kia: “Lu si gi na, you zho mik tau bik tor jamban. Wa lang kia ka bui lau ceh sai, lai jamban balu ka tu toit lu.” Sioa Kia kong: “Wa kua tiok Jess (guru discipline) eh si, wa ka meh zhong jip lai ji peng.” Ee lang tia tiok chio kar pat tor tia, ah bo ee lang si ta tiok tatt Siao Kia eh kau chui liao.
So first they go shopping. Zod Zhai buy a Kiki Lala shirt, the new one that come out just a few days ago one. Sileh bought Buncho water color set, he so happy until saliva come up of his mouth. Then when they want to leave, they cannot find Crazy kid. They walk up and down, look everywhere but cannot find him. After 20 minutes, they finally found him inside the toilet. Sileh scold him: “Walawei, you know we look for you until we forget to breath. Now feel like dying d. Why you hide here? We thought someone kidnap you.” Crazy Kid say: “Soli soli, I saw Jess (discipline teacher) and so afraid of her garang face that I come here to hide loh.” They then laughed out loud.
Illustration by @sireh
Next, they head off to the famous durian stall by the river. The boys were warmly greeted by the stall owner (Mr. Mon): “Hey boys, it’s been a while! Having the usual buffet?” The boys nodded with a grin and each paid him 5 Ringgit. Their afternoon was spent enjoying the King of Fruit (what durian is referred to in this part of the world) and wading through the river. Just before they left, a strong gust of wind hit their face, followed by a heavy down pour. Mr. Mon told the boys that his wife is picking him up and they are happy to give them a ride home. They graciously accepted his offer and after they entered the van, they were greeted by none other than Jess (their discipline teacher who is his wife) and Milo (his daughter). Throughout their journey, Sileh and Alen giggled while Si Gila and Zod Zhai were silent as a rock. Alas, Si Gila’s mom will have to wait another day for her Gardenia.
Selepas itu, mereka teruskan perjelanan ke kedai durian di tepi sungai yang terkenal. Apabila dijumpai Pak Mon, dia menyambutkan mereka: “Lama tak jumpa, hari ini akan nikmatikan bufet seperti biasa?” Mereka menganggukan kepela dan menyerahkan duit kepada Pak Mon. Keseluruhan petang mereka menghabiskan masa makan durian dan bermain di sungai. Apabila mereka mahu pulang, mereka disambutkan dengan angin ribut besar diikuti oleh hujan lebat. Pak Mon menawarkan untuk memandukan mereka. Mereka bersambut tawaran Pak Mon. Selepas mereka masuk ke dalam van, mereka disambutkan oleh guru disiplin Jess (isteri Pak Mon) dan Milo (anak perumpuan Pak Mon). Pada jalan keseluruhannia, Sileh and Alen menggelatar. Si Gila dan Zod Zhai duduk diam diam sahaja. Ibu Si Gila terpaksa menungu satu hari lagi sebelum dapatkan Gardenia.
Kui ao, tio ki jin jia chut mia eh ho pi liu lian tiam. Liu lian tiam eh tau keh (Mon Pek) kua tiok ee lang jin hua hee: “Ku boh too bin. Ken jit pun si jiak buffet hor?" Ee lang ka liao tiam tau, ta ta lang hor ee goh kor gin. Kui leh eh por tio si jiak liu lian cham ee zhui. Cha bu tor buik tui eh si, tua hong chui tiao, liao tor lok tua hor. Mon Pek kong “Iao siu, lu lang kah liao tam kar sang ka puak jip long kao. Keh ji eh, lim peh eh darling hua chia lai zhai wa, wa sang lu lang tui choo ho boh?” Ee lang ta tiuk kong ho lah, ti oh oh, teh kor pun tam liao. Chia kao eh si, ee lang jip chia kui ao tiok ceh kia. Eng gui ee lang huat hen Jess (guru discipline) is tah keh eh bor, Mi Lo (Sot Zai eh sim kua) si ee eh zhar boh kia. Si Leh ka Eh Len tor sim lah bin chio ka par tor teng kok kok. Siao Kia ka Sot Zai tor tiam ka sang ka kua tiok kui. Si loh! eng gui lok hor, Siao Kia boh ki hui ki beh ee mak ai eh Kah Ni Nia.
After that, they go to the very famous durian shop, beside the river one. The boss (Mr. Mon) so happy to see them: “Long time to see, today eating the same buffet set right?” The kids all nod their head and each give him 5 Ringgit. The entire afternoon har, they just makan durian and play in the river. When time to go home, suddenly, wind blow heavily on their face and then it start to rain like nobody’s business. Mr. Mon then asked them if they want him to drive them home, he waiting his wife to pick him up. Sky getting dark, underwear also wet already, so of course they say yes la. When they got inside the van, they all got shock. They find out that Jess (discipline teacher) is Mr. Mon’s wife and Mi Lo is his daughter. On the way home, Sileh and Eh Len quietly laughed the whole way. Cannot laugh out loud right? Nanti they kena kao kao. Meanwhile, Crazy Kid and Zod Zhai were quiet like they just saw a ghost. Because of the rain, Crazy Kid’s mummy will have to wait another day before she can eat her Ka Ni Nia bread.
Haha...finally got round to reading this.Beh pai..ar tau lu ta beh xia xi hang language liao. Aneh kuan kasi suin 1Malaysia ma...tiuk boh?
Crazy~!!! translating to BM, Mandarin and Hokkien each took me over an hour~!! It was fun but not something I can do often.. unless we collaborate or something:)
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Wow. Good stuff!
Thanks bro~!!! I took me a long time to translate into Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin.. hehehe.. thanks for reading
Got potential but I totally don't understand the Hokkien dialect. Haha.
Hahaha... only those who are older who were born to speak Penang Hokkien will truly understand... casual speakers will have a hard time understanding
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This is so good! And hilarious! So your friends are Sireh, Zord and Aaron? And guru disiplin - littlenewthings? The ka ni nia lo ti part cracked me up. Well done!
Yes, you correctly guessed all of them...
If you understand "ka ni kia lo ti" means you are a true Penang lang.. hahaha
I am not! Only exposed to hokkien 13 years ago after i met my husband. When we were at Alor Star everyone spoke in hokkien i guess the listening helps a lot. I still do not speak the language.
Oh wow... then you are truly amazing... I grew up speaking Hokkien and it is the most colourful language... even after spending 10 years in Canada, my Hokkien is still as perfect as before.. hahaha
Yes i agree it’s very colourful. Hey u know i saw this video on from tedtalk on hokkien, this caucasian lady learned from a podcast and speak like a local - that is amazing!
Hahaha... I especially love the swear words in Hokkien, very chor loh and very uncivilised one..
No, never heard of that, please share me the link... I have watch videos of Indians born and raised in Hong Kong speaking fluent Cantonese, that was hilarious~!!
I thought the hakkas are quite chor loh too.
Here’s the link:
He can speak proper Cantonese~!!
Hahaha!... your Bahasa Malaysia is funny... a little broken but its fun to read... Salute for the effort in translating it into 4 languages... cool bro! Gudjob!
It has been almost 20 years since I wrote anything in Bahasa Malaysia. It took me almost 2 hours to translate to BM... and stupid Microsoft Words keep doing autocorrect.. hehehe... thanks again for the illustrations.