The Allies of Old; Book Two Renewal: Chapter Fifty Two "Fear and Loathing"

in #story7 years ago

Book Cover created in acrylic by the extremely talented @therealpaul

If you have not read the first book of the series, "Reborn", it is advisable you do so before reading "Renewal" or you will be lost. This link will provide you with a series summary as well as all sixty-eight chapters of Reborn

Chapter Fifty-Two

Jess paced across the enormous and expensively furnished bedroom suite she had chosen and sat down in an Ottoman by the tall window overlooking the back patio. She had only been out there once, during the tour, but she’d sat in this spot for hours over the past few days, watching the people partying below.

It was decked out in a tropical style with authentic looking palm trees and statues of half-naked women and men wearing grass skirts and holding various tropical fruits with tiny stone straws protruding from them. Some had been draped with colorful leis, others with Mardi Gras beads, and all were engaged in some kind of frozen dance that emphasized swiveling hips. There was a Tiki bar to the left of an Olympic sized pool and a cobblestone walkway that led from the back entrance to a giant hot tub in the right hand corner. Music thrummed in the background and groups of people were seated at tables sheltered by colorful umbrellas, eating, drinking and laughing in the late afternoon sunshine. It was a scene straight out of a tourist magazine advertising an exorbitant vacation.

She closed her eyes blocking out the view and rubbed her temples. She was no closer to understanding what had happened between after the evil vampiress had slit her throat then when she’d first arrived, which was really her own fault for not asking more questions. Something she was going to have to remedy soon.

The last several days had been a whirlwind of bewildering proportions. They’d given her the grand tour as promised and the inside had been even larger than it had appeared from the front. She could easily get lost if she wandered around. If it weren’t for a set of winding stairs conveniently located near her rooms she doubted she would be able to find her way to the front or back entrances without shouting for help. As it was, the stairs took her directly to the hall that led straight through the middle of the ground floor, ending at the massive front porch on one end and the back patio on the other.

She’d avoided the latter because she was afraid of doing something that would give away what she was. The warnings she’d received regarding this from all three, though gently given, had also been firm. She had no freaking clue what would happen if she slipped up and didn't really want to find out, so for the most part she stayed in her suite. Burning with frustration. Who the hell were they, and how did they end up with her?

They hadn’t done anything even remotely threatening and the only thing they did do that could be cause for suspicion was to constantly guard her. Every time she went to the first floor one of them would instantly appear to ask if she needed anything, and though they would seem to disappear again once she indicated she was just looking around, she had a strong sense she was being watched and suspected there were hidden security cameras. The second day she'd gathered the courage to test the theory by walking out the front door ten minutes after Chris had left her. Sure enough he had materialized to ask if she was certain she didn't need anything, and when she responded "just fresh air," he'd asked if she would mind if he joined her. That particular phrasing left her with the choice of saying no or being rude so of course she went with the former.

It had at least given her the opportunity to ask a couple of questions, such as if they had many friends who were like them and if other vampires lived in the area.

"No," he'd responded gravely, "Remember when we told you there are evil vampires like the ones portrayed in movies?" She nodded and he continued quietly and a bit hesitantly. "We didn't want to scare you, but the truth is they are the majority. Though as far as we know there aren't all that many of us left in the world overall which is why they don't pose a bigger threat. That and they can't go out in the sun which makes traveling here from other places like Europe difficult for them. And it would be a lot harder for them to get away with the things they do in the US. As much as humans complain about 'Big Brother', it works in their favor as far as this is concerned.

As for those who are like us- they don't settle in one place for long, especially in America. Not aging has its disadvantages. They do pass through though. And the truth is, even those who don't kill people are a potential threat to you."

He'd gone on to tell her things she already knew such as all of the females left had turned, emphasizing how important it was that she not be discovered.

Based on the way they had treated her and the things they said she knew it was likely they were guarding her so closely for her own safety. If only she could contact her people before telling the brothers the truth...but she hadn’t seen a single phone during any of her exploration, other than the ones they carried with them.

She looked out the window again and watched as Jay picked up a giggling girl and tossed her into the heated pool. The girl came up spluttering and he threw his head back and hooted, then jumped in beside her. She saw Chris smack a beach ball into the center of the water, just missing Jay’s head, laughter apparent from the shake of his shoulders. Aerik moved into her line of sight and sunlight glinted off his vibrant purple locks. He turned his large frame slightly giving her a view of his bare muscular chest. Tattoos covered it, distorting what might have otherwise been a very attractive body.

The “watched” feeling came over her and she glanced up from her inspection to find him staring at her. He raised a hand and she jolted back from the window, her heart pounding.

Get a freaking grip Jess, he was just waving at you, she thought irritably. She leaned towards the window once more and saw that he’d joined his brothers in the pool.
A pretty redhead splashed water in Chris’s face and he leapt forward catching her foot as she tried to flee. Feminine squeals emitted from her flailing form as he pulled her towards him and proceeded to dunk her. She came up laughing and spluttering, then jumped up into his arms and kissed him hard on the mouth.

Watching Chris from behind made her thoughts drift to Tyros and she made a face. Maybe it was just the changes she’d been through, but she was no longer remotely infatuated with him.

Yeah that’s right, blame it on the changes, not on your fickle nature, Jenna’s voice loudly proclaimed and mocked inside her head.

She had attempted to envision him rescuing her but for some reason it was Michael’s face she kept seeing. Michael, who was probably with Anna by now, should be with Anna. Why the heck she was even thinking about him she didn’t know since she’d barely noticed him while she’d been in the same house.

Well that wasn’t entirely true. She’d noticed him, but he was always so formal and polite and obviously smitten with her friend she’d pushed that notice away.

Once again Jenna’s face loomed in her head, sneering and scowling. Anger welled up at the image which she hastily and guiltily pushed away. Her poor sister was probably grieving right now, or at least sick with worry. What if the vampiress had…no, they had needed Jenna, and Anna wouldn’t have let something happen to her. But what about Anna? She really needed to find out if they were okay.

She had thought about waiting until the males were sleeping and sneaking one of their phones, but dismissed the idea as ridiculous. They would hear her coming a mile away. She did have another option, one that was far less risky.

There was a computer in their library which was located near the bottom of her private staircase, just a few steps down to the left with a pair of massive wooden doors marking its entrance. In the past Jenna had been fairly diligent about checking her facebook page and if she’d been on it recently then Jess would know she was okay and could send her a message.

She looked out the window once more. The trio was still in the pool. She stood up nervously and glanced towards her door. Now or never. With a shot of adrenaline she exited the room and slipped quietly down the stairs. She stretched out her hearing and it appeared no one was inside so she had at least a few minutes…and even if they caught her she could just pretend to be innocently playing around on the internet. Nathan had taught her how to erase history on a computer so unless they were suspicious and good at hacking they would never know.

She opened one of the doors a few inches and slipped inside dropping down on a seat in front of the computer feeling a mixture of anxiety and hope.

She typed in the web address and three minutes later she was grinning from ear to ear, relief coursing through her body. Both Anna and Jenna had been on their accounts several times in the last week. There was a comment that said they were headed to New York…she scanned down Jenna’s page and her smile faded a little as she pondered that. They left Europe without knowing what happened to her?
She clicked on Macey’s page and saw that Anna had left a comment.

Maybe we can get together and hang out when we’re there! You can take us to a college party :)

She frowned then clicked on Marina’s page and found a comment from Jenna.

Sorry we didn’t get to see you. Austin, Anna and I are heading out to meet up with Will and Josh, we’ll make it to Buffalo next time, hope you guys are having a blast in college!

Jess stared at the words numbly. She swallowed hard, suddenly finding it difficult to breathe as hurt washed over her in a tidal wave. They had completely let her go. Jenna had witnessed her brutal, almost murder, and…..she shook her head in denial of the evidence before her eyes, but it glared back at her in bold type.

They had let her go. It had only been two weeks, and they were- college parties, what the fucking hell?

She signed off without writing anything and numbly erased the history then sat there staring at the front screen drowning in her emotions.

She tried to reason it out. Maybe Michael and the others had decided it was too dangerous for them to stay, after all her new friends had made it clear America was much safer. So maybe they’d insisted they leave while assuring them they’d continue to search for Jess themselves. That made sense.

But…college parties? She stood up from the chair, a sick feeling forming in the pit of her stomach. Tears burned behind her eyelids and she forced herself to move, heading back to her rooms.

When she reached them she shut the door behind her and sat down on her bed, her lip trembling along with her heart. There was no excuse she could come up with that would explain their comments as anything but callous. They’d left her behind and moved on.

She looked around the big room feeling lost and empty…and all alone. Her shaky breaths transformed into sobs of pain and she curled up in a ball, shaking with grief and loss.

A long time later the sounds coming from outdoors invaded her thoughts and she looked towards the window. There was a party of epic proportions taking place just outside her walls. I bet it beats any college party they could find, she thought bitterly. Suddenly her sorrow took a turn into the territory of anger. She sat up on the king sized mattress and pulled the music from outside into the room with her. A pop song she loved swelled up around her and she let go of the pillow she’d been clutching. College parties, huh? Anger blazed through her. Well, if they can party then so can I, at least I know they’re alive and well! She clenched her fists and stood, then crossed the room to her wardrobe. She had purchased a pink bikini which she’d yet to use and she pulled it out along with a pair of daisy duke white shorts.

She dressed and did a thorough inspection in front of the full length mirror in her personal bathroom, smiling the first Jess like smile since her ordeal began. Liz Jayne, you are one sexy bitch, she thought and grinned.

She left her room and went down the stairs thinking a daiquiri or five was sounding mighty fine.

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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I'm still sorting through the massive amount of photos and videos taken this weekend at the Supernatural Convention in Pittsburgh- There will be posts to come



Hello @dreemit, I wanted to let you know that I have developed a TOC for the Renewal Story. I will of course remove it if you like but it is there for you to use as you see fit. It just makes it easier for me to read your story with out the daily scroll back hope I don't miss a chapter method. I could not find a Table of Contents for "Renewal. I really enjoyed meeting Anna and her friends in "Reborn" and finished it. It was a very good read.

Looking forward to see if things with Anna and Jared work out, wondering whats going on with Jenna, jes and their Aunt. Will the fight move to America, or stay in Europe? Will Anna's Dad play a bigger role, or still be off "taking photo's, (for some reason I don't think that's the real cse with him) So many question left unanswered, unsaid. Thank you

Oh you don't have to remove it, it's great, thanks! I was thinking that I needed to do it myself, you just saved me the trouble. I resteemed it and I'll put a link back to it in future chapters.

Awesome, so glad you enjoyed it :) Once I finish putting Renewal through steemit I will be doing some rewriting/rearranging-- and once you catch up I have some questions I'd love to ask in regards to that.

Thank you, after getting that posted I started right away on "Renewal", got to Chapter 15 I think, not sure just got up a little while ago, and have not returned to book yet. Any way, Austin has the pendant, Anna'a at the Cabin, and Jared just showed up. I am really enjoying these stories. You write as well if not better than Jenna Black, (I loved her work also). I will let ya know when I am done. Thank you again for sharing the story with us.

I haven't read the first chapter but this vampire story is looking really great. And i really will love to know what went down at the party. Look forward to it Great job!

Viva Las Vegas! Haha I see what you did there with the title. This chapter does set the scene well, though I think it should've been written along with plot-forwarding events. It's cool though, that's just my take on it. I'm coming from a place that's seeing introspection stretch on a bit longer than expected. I fully trust your process with this. Since this is already chapter 52, then it's safe to say this is much more longer than Reborn, right?

Now that I think about it, bringing her to Las Vegas might not be the best thing, considering the shitstorm they might get into when she goes in heat. It's great as a plot device, but it's a pretty iffy decision on their part. Makes me think if they really thought things through haha

Actually it's about the same length, but there are definitely more chapters. When I'm finished putting it through I am going to try out some rearranging based on your feelings about it. The only reason I did it this way in the first place is when I tried going back and forth initially, it felt like too much jumping around. But I'll see what I can do.

And these three- well remember that they were put in hyberstasis as children and on their own. They grew up in a world without any unturned females, so they don't really know what happens during heat. They're pretty clueless about the vampire world actually, they've been on their own- hence they drink from humans even though they don't hurt anyone etc.

The brothers seem like really laid back down to earth guys. They would definitely get alone with Will and Josh and I can’t wait until all things get settled and they join forces with the Allies of Old. Things are starting to pick up so we can prepare for war with the assures and build strong bonds beforehand. Jess needs to harness her skills once she is done mopping around and relieving her depression and sadness through partying. Great human aspects in this chapter

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