
You have a lot of accounts.

Is it more than 30? Last I checked you had more than 30.

Which you used to spam and continue to use to farm.
Like this?
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Then decided to downvote. You reap what you sow. Suck it up.

Funny. I never once got a notice or warning (not admitting I did anything). Just straight downvotes. This seeeeeeeems...predatory. Well, of course, it is. You say I decided to downvote, but remember that you downvoted without warning first. I'm actually the one retaliating. Not you. You constantly harass me for no reason. You're obviously farming and spamming, but with no consequences. You don't have to reap what you sow.

LOL. He shoots... he misses. Again.

Perspective indeed. One which differs greatly from yours.

LOL. That's what I said. You're blinded. You can't see the truth in front of you. There's a meme about knowing the truth, seeing the truth, and believing lies. You're just lying to yourself if you think you're doing good. If you're hurting innocent people, how can you claim you are doing good?

ALOL. Different perspective. I'm not hurting innocent people. Plagiarists and spammers, yes. Those who decide to continue despite being asked to stop, yes. That's not innocent. You're just lying to yourself if you think you're doing good.

You're consolidating power. In the past, communities used to manage spam and plagiarism. Individual accounts would get together and contribute. They would curate posts. Now the power is just consolidated to you. This is the essence of centralization. You can say, "Ah but mah perspective" all you want. Whales and witnesses are centralization. You can google for all the people that agree.

Filter by "Mentions" and take a look at a few. Take a look at how many different users get together and contribute. endingplagiarism sacrifices her own time to administer it.

If you're so against centralization or whatever you think is happening here, I'm surprised by how determined you are to hang around.

ALOL. Different perspective. I'm not hurting innocent people. Plagiarists and spammers, yes. Those who decide to continue despite being asked to stop, yes. That's not innocent. You're just lying to yourself if you think you're doing good.

There's your "different perspective" fallacy again. You think that if you lie to yourself, you can convince yourself to do any evil and be justified.

Evil? LOL. It's a fallacy in your eyes. And your eyes only.

You're hurting the whole platform. You think it's just plagiarists and spammers, but you are the spammer. Your downvotes aren't going back to the reward pool like they should, so no one is benefiting. You're just replacing one evil with another.

So you admit that what you're doing is evil?

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