in #steemsilvergold3 years ago (edited)

4,000 U.S. Quarter Dollars....jpg

I took my 100, One Dollar "Bills" to the Bank yesterday to trade them for 10 Rolls of Quarter Dollars, but was told they had no Quarters...

What, no Rolls of Quarters, I asked...

Then I said I'll settle for a Box of Nickels...

She said she didn't have any Boxes of Nickels, than asked what I wanted them for...

What a nerve, to ask what I wanted them for...


I keep hearing that there's a NATIONAL COIN SHORTAGE...

I sometimes stop at places that want "Exact Change"...

I think we're being "Herded or Lead" towards a Path that Leads to Digital "Slave Units"...

There is talk about a Great Reset, which I hear is a Pure Digital Currency, controlled by the Central Bank Owners...

I went on line to check my Bank Account Balance, and after Signing In, I had to Agree or Decline to some New Digital System...

Naturally, I Declined, over and over and over again, but still could not see my Account Balance...

It was a Fairly Long Agreement, and I wanted no part of it...

We have to be very careful, what we Agree to these Days...

This is a Warning to all you people that doubted my Theory/Vision about a U.S. Monetary Reset...

Let's just come out and say, that "We the People" are now at War with a "Central Bank Owners" of our Country...

They have become our Enemy...

I do believe "We the People" have a Monetary Plan in Place and ready to go at the Drop of a Hat...

I've been writing about it since May of 2017, here on Steemit...

I was able to Fine Tune my Theory to a Point, where I figure, there is no other way to go...

The answer seems simple enough...

The "Spending Power" of the Fiat Dollar needs to be Transferred to our Sound Money Cents...

One Hundred Dollars will get you One Hundred Cents...

I wonder if this is the reason, I can no longer buy Ten Rolls of Quarter Dollars...

Let me know if you have a good reason for a National Coin Shortage, when most people are now using Debit Cards and Smart Phones...

Brought to you by @pocket-change...

June 22, 2021... 3.7 Hollywood Time...


What a nerve, to ask what I wanted them for...

"To load my shotgun with of course! This is the USA! Loose change == ammo."

There is talk about a Great Reset, which I hear is a Pure Digital Currency, controlled by the Central Bank Owners...

If this happens, it will centralize digital currency and spell the end.

I went to another one of my Banks and they said, even if they did have Rolls of Quarters, the most I could get would be Five Rolls... I told them, that one of the places I Play Pool, only used Quarters, and I can easily go through Ten Dollars in Quarters per Visit... They said I can come back tomorrow and get Five Rolls...
June 22, 2021... 9.8 Hollywood Time...

OT: How do you like Palladium?

I remember when Palladium was only $111 per ounce...
Peek into Past....jpg

June 22, 2021... 9.9 Hollywood Time...

I'm not entirely clear why you have decided to downvote me but you can have a few in return.

Ha ha! Looks like you get a fuckton of downvotes already, I guess I'm not the 1st person you've pissed off.

I got downvoted by this farmer/spammer and their clan. It's basically just one person with a lot of accounts. I noticed you delegated, so I thought you were part of the clan. My bad.

You have a lot of accounts. Which you used to spam and continue to use to farm. Then decided to downvote. You reap what you sow. Suck it up.

You have a lot of accounts.

Is it more than 30? Last I checked you had more than 30.

Which you used to spam and continue to use to farm.
Like this?
Screen Shot 2021-06-18 at 22.38.58.png

Screen Shot 2021-06-18 at 22.41.36.png

Then decided to downvote. You reap what you sow. Suck it up.

Funny. I never once got a notice or warning (not admitting I did anything). Just straight downvotes. This seeeeeeeems...predatory. Well, of course, it is. You say I decided to downvote, but remember that you downvoted without warning first. I'm actually the one retaliating. Not you. You constantly harass me for no reason. You're obviously farming and spamming, but with no consequences. You don't have to reap what you sow.

LOL. He shoots... he misses. Again.

Perspective indeed. One which differs greatly from yours.

I guess someone out there is not a fan of Palladium.

How much Profit do you think can still be made...??? Seems like most people would be better off Stacking Silver... And when it comes time to Sell it, where will you bring it...???
June 28, 2021... 16.2 Hollywood Time...

IMHO, for the time being, silver is the king. Things may shift around later.

Be very careful of people who Down-Vote... Even if it's only a 2% down-vote... They tend to Gang up on people with extra down-votes... Stay clear of them... I'm heading out to work on my New and Improved Garden Rooms...
June 29, 2021... 4.4 Hollywood Time...

Goodluck with your garden rooms. downvoters are the worst. I don't know if any strategy really works. They're supposed to be to allow people to collectively regulate content; however, people have found a loophole using delegations to allow people to centralize policing of the platform such that bullying can be proliferated.

I'm against centralization of any kind.

Persistence is the key. Downvotes work with persistence.

They don't work against plagiarism. People committing crimes get away with it. They just move on. They're not gone. They don't stop. They always come back. Downvoting guarantees you have to work at it perpetually. To keep up the downvoting, you do what you do now which is you become that which you are fighting against SPAM. I wouldn't call that a win.

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