Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - 100 Days of Poetry Challenge Day #68

in #steemitschoolpoetry6 years ago (edited)

Keep Doing You



Twinkle twinkle little star,
Show the way, lead me home
Out of this darkness, light the path
Illuminate the signs
That point me
In the direction
Of where I belong.

I think I’m lost
I’m not quite sure
The signs are there, the road is winding
Everything is familiar
I know this place
But it feels different
It lacks the pull
That urges people to stay
It doesn’t feel like

Twinkle twinkle, little star
I don’t know where home is
I know this place, I’ve been here
But my soul refuses to settle
Home is where
The heart is
What’s a heart, little star?
The little piece of flesh
That can’t quite
Mind its own business?
It’s in this place called

Little star, my heart’s right here
But home is not
Light the path
Show me the way
To the place
Where my restless soul
Shall rest
Little star, twinkle twinkle
Lead me home
Keep me safe
Light the signs that show the way
To the place called



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this is really beautiful @theverve, you really have captured that feeling of not belonging, at being at a loss. Even in the places that we are familiar with. I love

Home is where
The heart is
What’s a heart, little star?
The little piece of flesh
That can’t quite
Mind its own business?

the vulnerability you show in your words is so touching. Home is really inside of us, it is being happy with who we are, because once we feel like that we are at home everywhere. This is what I got from your poem. A calling to your inner self to love your self. This is such a treasure. Your flow of words, the rhyming of them all, all fit so well, in my opinion. Really well written and full of heart. I am glad your heart does not mind it's business if this is what comes from it.

Thank you for your honest opinion. I appreciate it. I've always thought home is not a specific place. Home is created wherever one wants it.

I really loved how you weaved the repetition throughout this poem. 😎

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