Struggling to wake up early for a successful life?

For many of us, waking up early in the morning is a huge issue. No matter how many alarm clocks we set we just can't seem to get ourselves out of bed. We need motivation to be able to this. How about success, wealth and health?There are numerous health and life success benefits in waking up early. In order to be successful in any worthwhile venture, we need to form good habits that successful people posses. Having the ability to wake up early is one of them.

Benefits of waking up early

Better sleep

Funny enough, waking up earlier leads to better sleep. The reason for this is because when you wake up early you go to bed early. You wake up full of life and energy after adopting this habit. Having the ability to sleep better will also reset your internal clock to an optimal sleeping pattern which means more rest for your mind and body.

Getting your daily planning done

Most people are organised. They know exactly what they are going to do the second they get out of bed. They are goal driven and leave nothing to chance. One of the reasons why such people are so efficient in their lives is because they give themselves the time to plan ahead. Waking up earlier enables us to have the time to thoroughly plan out the day and maximum every minute. Image Source

Getting more work done

According to Entertainment Times "getting up early gives you a kick start for the day ahead. Besides allowing you more hours for your work, it also boosts your speed." I have personally experienced this benefit quite recently. Ever since I started my steemit journey I've been waking up an hour earlier than my usual time. I can personally vouch that my productivity has improved. Image Source

Psychological health

Since I have been waking up one hour earlier, I've noticed that my mood has improved. I have a tendency of being very sluggish in the morning and I move like a sloth. Because of this I'm almost always late for work. I have improved on this issue by waking up earlier. With an extra hour I can afford to be sluggish from time to time. I say from time to time because this sluggishness is declining and I believe being a morning person has something to do with it.

Another mental health benefit is less stress. Health Ambition website sites "Studies have shown “morning people” are often more positive, more optimistic and more likely to experience satisfaction in their lives." Satisfaction with life overall means less stress and more happiness. From personal experience I can attest that I have more time in the morning to sort through everything I need for work and I'm rarely forgetful of anything important. Image Source

Developing good habits

One of the most important habits that successful people share is the habit of developing good habits. Forcing yourself to wake up earlier then usual and keeping at it for prolonged period of time is a challenge that many fail. Because of this many other good habits cannot materialise.
Mastering the will to force yourself into doing uncomfortable things such as waking up earlier will allow you to master many more good habits that will eventually lead to your success. Image Source

Having a longer day

Besides all these benefits and many more online, waking up earlier gives you a longer day. A longer day gives you more time to do more things. The one thing most people wish they had at the end of their lives is more time. Time is more precious than all precious metals. Let's use it wisely.

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But you must also go sleep early too!

That's true. Good point. Sleeping late and waking up early will lead to a burnout and result in the opposite of success. Thank you for the support.

I have always envied "morning people" because of they're motivation and energy first thing. I myself am very sluggish in the morning, I get my energy more at night. I really enjoyed your post @solomonsel! Thanks for sharing!

People are different. If you get your boost at night and that works for you then you have nothing to be envious about. Thank you so much for reading.

Waking up early is something I really need to work on, as I’m such a night owl ha Great Post :)

I use to be a night owl also. To a point I still am but I always wake up early. You can imagine how sleepy I get during the day. When that happens I just take a 30 minute to 1 hour nap then I'm good. I hope this helps.

Yes! I do that too (the naps) . I’ve actually gone through some articles that say that not being able to sleep early is actually genetic and if you’re not sleep deprived it’s ok. I wish I was genetically an early bird though ahah

I understand genetics but I don't believe they are stronger than the human will. We have the capabilities, abilities and will power to overcome any shortcoming handed to us by our genetics. They started from somewhere. If they have a start then surely they have an end. You just have to do whatever it takes to get what you want. If you want to be an early bird then who's to say you can't? Genetics? I don't believe that.

Hmm that's a great point of view! We can do anything right :)

Exactly. We are only limited by our own minds.

I was actually reading the headline of the your post in a different context...eventually it brushed on my context as well...i believe it a good way to start the day.. Waking up early can go a long way to improve productivity in the morning and your activeness throughout the day... Thanks for this well articulated post 👍

Thank you for a thoughtful comment. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Is the headline a bit obscure or misrepresenting the article in any way?

I'm more a night owl. That is when I'm most productive. I 'm also a big believer in naps. When I'm tired I sleep. When I'm not I do stuff.

Different strokes for different folks. Being a nigh owl didn't work for me. I felt like I was not fully utilizing my day because I would wake up late and tired and wouldn't be able to do as much as I wanted. Being an early has been of great help.
What's important is to find the perfect time of the day that allows us to be more productive. Whether it's at night or in the morning it doesn't matter.

Actually i have no problem waking up, actually i'm even waking up way earlier than i set my alarms. I got used to it, but since i got some problems falling a sleep(like now, it is 5 am in germany) i feel a big lack of sleep, that's is why introduced a nap at 12-13 pm mostly with my girlfriend to power up again.
A very important thing in my opinion with planning is, to accept that more or less often, you wont get all your tasks done. If your good with that point, planing is getting more and more precise and fitting to your dailies

What time do you usually sleep at night?
Planning is only a guiding tool to give direction for the day. We can't expect to get everything done because of various factors but it's always good to have a map instead of wondering around aimlessly right?
I am a big power nap man too. Naps are crucial through the day and actually have some health benefits of their own.

I used to be a night owl, until five years ago when we moved to this house with a view over the sea. From one day to the next, I changed habits. It wasn't something I did on purpose.

But I was glad it happened. Now I wake up somewhere between 5am and 7am normally. If I sleep in, it's rarely past 9am.

It feels so good.

A view of the sea? That would change many people's habits. It is beautiful in the morning at the coast. Waking up early feels amazing. It's like an achievement of some sort and you just go through your day winning.

I have mixed feelings about the whole "get up early if you want to be successful" thing. For one thing, my body clock has always been the other way around. I am literally useless mentally until about 9am. I have sometimes wondered if the fact that I have never actually lived (beyond the age of 2!) in my time zone of birth has anything to do with it.

I think the first thing everyone has to consider is that the "get up at the crack of dawn" mentality came into being because of an agrarian system of living that has nearly passed out of existence for most people. Most of us now are not farmers, but we are still held hostage by a system that was mostly for their benefit.

I have a roommate who is always going on about how I should spring out of bed at zero-dark-thirty. Want to know why? Because her biology works that way. She wakes up at five in the morning, every morning, wide awake and with her brain fully online. Darn, if I could do that, I'd get up at 5am too!

Having said all this, I have to admit that if I had @Sindore's view, I'd probably get up way earlier. :)

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