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RE: Weight Loss: Is Detox a Thing?

in #steemiteducation6 years ago

The fallacies you believe in are many and you are not alone. This conversation stated by me finding your post stating that detox is not true. I have experienced it and see it happen for others.

I am not trying to prove scientific points to you. I am trying to help the 80% of Americans who are obese of overweight. I do not have any need to go though and talk about XXX vs XXX additive. People in that frame of mind are not ready to try to change. I am talking to the person who has tried "everything" but healthy living. Getting rid of the toxins in their food is only one of the suggestions I give - although it is one of the most important.

As I previously stated, there is no way to remove one of these products from the Standard American Diet. You can eat most of them or try to avoid most of them. There are 900 of them and untold numbers of combinations on regular food.

I challenge you to look into your own diet and especially that of your growing children to see how frequently you are ingesting these substances. Then remove them and see what happens. I'm my case, I stopped after researching a handful of the items. I assume you will need to see the warnings for them all, (because - science) but you never know.

I think if you spent as much effort to research a few of these substances as you are spending avoiding it, you might be ready to change - for your own health and for your kids. This information is not hidden. The risks are plainly stated.

You will only be able to find the GRAS substances easily with labels. GMO's and pesticides take a separate effort.

Unlike you, I do not find this topic funny at all. My 25 year old has severe ptsd due to my obesity issues and health scares during his young life. Several of his second mothers from the small town we lived are already dead from it. I'm upset by this topic every minute of every day.

I watch, follow, and help people people who are detoxing when they remove these substances from their diet almost every day. I try to persuade people to try this even though it is not easy in the beginning.

I used to run into a lot of people who believe these toxins are not so bad and that their hippy friend's experience was a joke. But those people are not as prevalent today as the truth is becoming easier to find.

If you believe that food and drug researchers have a free hand to study and report the truth against the wishes of the funders of their studies, you are very misinformed. No one else has the money to fund this work and therefore I ignore it.


I wouldn't spend this much time with you on this if I thought it was just a joke, but I do use humor to diffuse tension, especially when it's apparent that both speakers are having trouble getting across what they intend.

I think all you respond to is examples of personal experience, so here's mine. I was obese when I moved to L.A. I wanted to get healthier, so I began tracking nutrition and exercise. I lost 40 pounds over the course of half a year and kept it off. The secret is not "toxins" the secret is healthy eating. Hiding the simple, free truth behind products and routines that reject the notion of science will ultimately let us be swayed by marketing instead of verifiable truth.

Posted using Partiko Android

In my experience, removing the toxins from people's diets with no other changes, causes almost immediate detox symptoms and and soon after that an increase in health. This is based on the places I have worked for people and cooked for them, my own experience, long distance coaching, and that of people in various groups I am in.

If you remove the garbage from the food people eat, the detox happens. Often the people I work with are too sick to do much else at the beginning of their journey to health. If they are 50-60+ BMI, they might be bed-ridden.

It is not a change to the diet other than removing toxins, and they do not exercise or do anything else differently. One of the ladies I helped was in hospice care. She lost weight and had numerous health improvements over the months I was her care-giver. By the time the brain tumor killed her, she was pretty much otherwise healthy to the shock of all the medical pros I was working with.

The only change in her care was eating the food I made for her. Previously, he diet was a nightmare. Within days, we are saw huge changes in her bathroom habits and other good results.

"Science" is funded by the "bad guys" and does not interest me. Once I researched a few additives, it was enough and I do not plan to waste effort revisiting it. Is XXX chemical worse than YYY chemical? I do not care.

Healthy eating removes toxins and I would highly suggest organic potatoes and fats at the rates you eat them. The info about potatoes is in my post. Non-organic dairy is full of toxins. I'm not sure how you use cereal in your potato dish, but you will be better off with organics in that case as well.

That's much closer to useful information! Can you tell me specifically what her diet was before and after you began care-giving? Note that if you changed the nutritional content of her food, I will probably believe that that's why her health improved, rather than an elimination of unnamed toxins. Another way to test your theory would be to continue feeding people low-nutrition food, but without the "toxins". This should also result in improved health if your theory is correct.

Perhaps the most obvious to prove case would be, since you list fluoride, comparing two groups, between which the only difference is fluoridated or non-fluoridated water. I know you don't trust science because of who funds it, but this is something you could do yourself, then you can trust the data, right?

Posted using Partiko Android

She only ate processed food before I started cooking for her and was drinking sodas etc. Any garbage food you can think of was in her diet.

The toxins are named - all are listed in the GRAS file at the cdc. As I have already mentioned, they tell you the risks there - although nothing about the risks when combining the substances. Have you even looked at the GRAS list? Why are you so sure these products are not a problem when the cdc (scientists paid by the evil-doers) clearly state that they are?

It is almost impossible to find people who are not ingesting fluoride in the us. It is in every food and drink in the us that includes the ingredient "water." So therefore, only people who drink distilled/RO water and never eat processed food or drinks have a possibility of avoiding it.

I'm not sure these products aren't a problem. I am sure your antipathy towards science is a problem.

As I've stated before, I (and SCIENCE insofar as there is a voice called SCIENCE) agree that diets can be improved by substituting high-nutrition foods for low-nutrition foods.

Furthermore, I agree that corporations will do anything to protect their profits, including things that are detrimental to human health.

What I have a problem with is your rejection of science. We can't have a conversation about cause and effect, about evidence, about what is harmful, beneficial, or simply benign if we can't agree on how we gather reliable information.

Science has nothing to do with my work with individuals helping them to lose weight and get healthy. It is completely off the topic and irrelevant to the work I do.

Check into the effects of potato pesticides if you want to spend the time. A lot of it is in my post already. Then if you think you are your family should still be eating regular potatoes, I would love to know how you come to that conclusion. I do not bother looking anymore - I just don't eat that product.

I gather information from the 1000's of people I see in groups who are much more reliable then paid lackeys who are scared for their jobs and their lives. They cannot buck the company and govt lies or they will not have a job at the very least.

You say, "Furthermore, I agree that corporations will do anything to protect their profits, including things that are detrimental to human health." But I don't think you get the ramifications of this yet.

And I don't think you understand the ramifications of rejecting the scientific method. We're talking in circles. Science is entirely relevant to the work you do. I don't want to sound rude, but I feel like you don't understand what science is and you're rejecting it instead of capitalism, when capitalism is the villain here and science is a tool anyone can wield.

Posted using Partiko Android

All current science is funded by the people poisoning the food supply. No scientist is free to study anything but what they are paid to do. I avoid all of the toxic products and suggests others do too.

The vast majority of healthy food is free of all the toxins created by science. They only problem is finding it if you are in the us.

My only interest is to find out when more toxin is being applied. For example - a 2012 law forces warehouses to spray fungicide on all food stored in them every 36 hours. This is a whole new level of poison and can be avoided - though not easily.

"science is a tool anyone can wield" <<< No it is not. You need money. No one has money but the big guys. They also crush, fire, jail, kill, or find a way to remove funding for, anyone who tries to do any studies they do not like.

This is why few studies have been done about the cancer-causing effects of gmos and all of them occurred outside of the us. And the same goes for round-up - the toxin used on gmo fields.

No studies are done. The American people are the lab rats and most other countries in the world do not let this stuff over their borders.

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