
It's already just a summary. Should take only 2 minutes to read it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Not interested.

I did not look at your study but:

  • This is basically a trade organization funded by the manufacturers of devises in the field. They fund what they want to see.
  • The first article of the first page says the fda is not allowing certain devices to be called hearing aides. This is a lobbying success for this group who wants to get the most bang for their patent buck.
  • Any "scientist" associated with this group who wants to study cheap remedies for the problems they care about will not get funded.

So you show me the exact reason I do not waste my time in places like this. If I had a family member with any of these problems, I would go to fb groups first to get an understanding of what works and doesn't work from others long before I would be coming to this site - even if I ever did.

This is an article about an 8th grader who at home, unfunded, discovered a way to make his hearing aid batteries last longer. You can find the story in a bunch of different places.

Hmm... Interesting that the trade group was unable to figure that out themselves with all of the money they've got at their disposal.

Uh-huh. We agree, as I've stated before, that corporations don't have the best interests of humanity in mind.
The whole point of this thread is to convince you that science isn't the villain, corporations are.
This human used science to discover something useful. I keep saying anyone can wield science and you keep saying, "no they can't" I am trying to demonstrate that "yes, anyone can use science."

Exactly as I said - you are wasting your time here for no reason. This kid is going to get no funding to spread the the word and the battery companies are already working on studies of all the reasons this is a bad idea.

This has absolutely nothing do do with helping obese people got healthy or anything about my post. But try to think of what you are feeding your family each time they eat the non-organic potatoes. If you decide to save them in that one area, I will have done my job. If you even glance at the GRAS list, see the warnings, and stop eating the toxins - more the better.

So... You acknowledge that anyone can do science?

Posted using Partiko Android

Science is a broad term and I don't pay attention to it as I have said a good ten times now. It is completely irrelevant to my life and work.

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