What You Need to Know About the Momo Challenge and Who Really Holds the Power

in #steemiteducation6 years ago (edited)

Parents are freaking out, Kim Kardashian is begging You Tube for help, and kids are suffering nightmares over the suddenly viral Momo Challenge.

The Momo Challenge is a social media, phone and WhatsApp chain letter, coercing kids to share with their contacts and commit strange and potentially deadly tasks while keeping everything secret from their parents. It's also being spliced into innocent Peppa Pig and Fortnite videos.

When a child comes into contact with "Momo" they are instructed to contact a WhatsApp number and bullied to complete a series of tasks which include self harm and even suicide backed by graphic threats.

The image used for "Momo" is actually a statue called Mother Bird created by Japanese FX company Link Factory and totally unrelated to the Momo Challenge, yet extremely creepy nonetheless.

Many online sources say there have been suicides directly related to the Momo Challenge, however those are not confirmed as of this posting.

Now, sure, that image is creepy as all hell, and it would definitely make me do things- such as not visit a site it's on! But seriously, we hold the power people! Not some asshole cyberbully!

Granted we can't always watch what our kids are looking at in this day and age of technology come easy, but we can talk with our kids!

Explain to them what Momo really is- a cyberbully or phishing attempt to harvest information.

Talk with your kids! The are pretty insightful, and besides- knowledge is power!

Educating isn't just about learning: it's about learning to live.

Let's put an end to the sharing of this disgusting challenge! Take the power back and share only that which is worth sharing!

Besides, I'm sick of looking at the horrific thing already...

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I have not heard about this before but this picture truly put me off. Kids are so easily manipulated and they are fragile so it's not difficult for a bully to get what he/she wants. I don't understand this challenge very much.. they should do something whatever this momo tells them and then what? If they survive, should they put a report on a social media or are they going to get somehow rewarded? It does sound sick to me...

Thank you for sharing! If I'll hear someone talking about it I'll try to make a point :)

Have a good day!

Momo tell them to complete a task or "she" will enact a consequence: there are verified reports she's threatened to kill the child's family. So the frightened and impressionable child commits the act and sends back a selfie of them in the act for proof. Then "Momo" orders another act, then another, etc. It's somewhat similar to Blue Whale if you're familiar with that.

Do you think it is a 'bot' or a real person sending all those messages? I wonder what kind of a sick person you must be to create something like this..

Yeah, you're right!! that photo was horrifying! I saw that photo anywhere in social media. Kids nowadays are addicted to gadgets.Kids are easy to manipulate parents should always look for their kids.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's extremely frightening how easily the "social media generation" is manipulated.

So true... little ones are now more on social media than seeing the real world.. Technology is taking over the world now! sad reality.

Posted using Partiko Android

A couple more generations and humans will be born naturally looking down!

That's the sad thing.

Posted using Partiko Android

My children have already notified me of this as well. Both of them were partly correct according to this article. You should check out and support @informationwar

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome, following :)

So sick the type of people that does this to kids

First time I hear about this challenge. I don't know what the hell is going on with the world we need to stop situations like these and protect our children from such things.

They are getting scarier- the last challenge similar to this was "Blue Whale"- where children were instructed to carve a whale on their skin with a sharp object then upload a selfie for proof. But this Momo Challenge goes further than that- including more self harm and even suicide.

Ahhh thanks for letting us know...quite informative. I am not yet heard of this game...but seems it is exactly same like blue whale game..which took many lifes

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes, very similar to Blue Whale.

Knowledge is power and the more we spread awareness of these challenges, the weaker these vile people become.

That's true words....because nowadays the kids are more into the gadgets and internet..and not sure when these momo get hold of them.

Posted using Partiko Android

That is super creepy @arbitrarykitten! But also good content for a podcast we recorded this week. We planned to talk about the dangers of social media to youth - especially young children

Although it's rather sad that it has to be a thing, leaning how to talk with youth, and danger signs to watch for, is an important and necessary skills set we must hone.

Geez I'm going to have nightmares after seeing that. This also comes back to good parenting. U should know what is going on in ur child's life and I feel like most parents give kids to much freedom when they are younger. They need ur guidance no matter how much they fight about it.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's getting more and more difficult for parents to know what their children are into- even if you have no internet and your child does not own a phone, their friends in school share phone's and there's computers in libraries and school... That's why communication is so very important.

The things that you make me think about....lol . Nice to see you again!


That's not the first time I've heard that 😂

You're Killin me, Smalls!

Thank you for raising awareness about this.

Thank you for reading this! Knowledge is power and the more of us aware, the more we take the power away from those disgusting wastes of oxygen who prey on the innocent.

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