
How is it FUD? The user was trying get heard and was being ignored. I was right there in chat with him for several hours there was no response.
Banning someone who is trying to redeem themselves is not a power that should rest within the hands of any single person. Nor should it be up to a "council" or tribunal.

His problem is he didn't edit a source article enough. But that's a couple of paragraphs without citation.
It's not enough to get a college paper rejected, let alone an account ban. His great sin was that he didn't respond to @pfunk in sufficient time.

A college student doing that would, at a minimum, have a failing grade on that paper. Most likely they would also be under consideration for further disciplinary action.

Yeah ok but an outright ban? Everything this guy says is being flagged now. You can't permanently expel a student for a single bad paper. His follow on work is uniquely his own, but EVERYTHING he does is being flagged.

The punishment does not fit the crime, then you're calling this article FUD but there is nothing he is saying which is spreading anything other than "help me, I'm being attacked and can't figure out how to get out from under it.".

That's an issue between them. If they are able to resolve their differences, they can move on. Posting negative claims about the platform is FUD.

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