Fuck off with your SPAM! Wallet Spam Roaches at large!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)


We all know them the 00.001 steem messages that peddle bots and upvote services. We have gotten used to them and just ignore them . Well kids there is a new cockroach in town in form of people begging you to read their posts by harassing people over their wallets. Sure these messages are written in the fake plastic politeness often used by movie villains in hiding or politicians, but let us be clear these people basically did the equivalent of walking into your home and tagging your wall with spray paint. Like saccharine their sweetness gives you cancer ...

The two who contacted me @juanmolina (who was peddling a supposed friend post) and @crypto.piotr have fairly high ranking accounts so I thought they might have been hacked, but it does not seem to be the case as the links the spam lead to are legit steemit links. I did look into some other accounts linked to this spam such as @hatu and he and @crypto.piotr are powering down wich does often happen when accounts get hacked, but as we said the links in the spam do not lead to external sites so am not sure how the hack would work ... maybe through some other post or message i could no longer see in the string of spam messages these people have been sending out ...

As is, I am annoyed and will keep monitoring the situation. If it turns out to be hacked accounts I will let people know but if it isn't( as it looks like currently ) the spammers should be aware that I will start spamming their posts with very grumpy comments and memes from hell ! you want people to engage with your stuff then engage with theirs stop spamming! Steemit has turned into the sewage hangout of mutant rejects already, we don't need the next wave of pollution to deepen the death stench ...

I was just made aware that these people have been doing this for a while now. So this is what I have to say to that =
what you are doing is rude and unacceptable! it is an invasion of personal space!if you want to use memos for promotion at least have the decency to write an introductory memo! something like this " hello I am @ XYZ , i like to send people interesting posts over the memo system would you be interested ?" something like that. Have some bloody manners!


Image powered by @enginewitty

(Image credit Dave Renike and a portrait of the fair jubilee made by myself turned into this here universal truth meme) 1146410_626398614061443_1547687283_o.jpg


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Its just a legit form of promotion. They have been doing this a longtime to create engagement and introdice people to each other.
They both say that if you dont want to receive further memos then tell them and they will no longer send them ao I really dont see a need for all the dramatics. No biggie and they are both really nice people :-)

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it is annoying and the equivalent of advertising without consent! they could have sent an introductory memo saying "hello i am XYZ i like to send people interesting posts are you interested in this ?' but this is not what happened. You might see is as dramatics i see it as invasion of my personal space - sorry!

Dear @tygertyger

I will surely respect your wish and as I mentioned in my previous comment - I will not bother you again and I added your name to our group blacklist database. This should protect you from any sort of activity coming from me or anyone else from our little community.


you still do not get it! Ask people if they would like to be included/ Why is it so hard for you to grasp the basic etiquette of this! Is it so hard to send someone a note and ask them if they would like to be included in your post sharing circle ? but no we feel hurt because someone had the gaul to tell you ask and communicate first...

Indeed we are nice people @nathen007 :)

Cheers, Piotr

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Dear @tygertyger

Please accept my appology if I upseted you. I'm sending memos mostly to those people who engaged with me before and if anyone ever ask me to stop then I respect that decision.

I will obviously not bother you again with sending you any memo in the future.

We all know them the 00.001 steem messages that peddle bots and upvote services. We have gotten used to them and just ignore them

It always fascinated me to witness people, who get use to so called "wallet spam" coming from non-humans but at the same time so agressive and abusive towards ... humans. I'm really trying to understand this mindset but I'm clearly failing.

I will start spamming their posts with very grumpy comments and memes from hell !

I cannot lie. Somehow you put a huge smile on my face just now ... :) Seriously thanks. That was such a long day and you brought some light into it :)

I found your description very interesting. You wrote about yourself "Human rights, animal rights, freedom of expression". Quite ironic, isn't it? Freedom of expression but only in this expression follows some strict limitations, right?

Anyway all the best to you, As I promised - you won't hear from me again.


@crypto.piotr it is always funny how people mistake freedom of expression and freedom of speech with the right to do anything they want without without consequence. So you decide to spam me and then give me a passive aggressive apology pointing to my lack of allowing you to express your spam in my private wallet ? Really ? And i am not allowed to tell you how i feel about that, not going to happen!

do you not see where your behaviour is causing a problem? People are copying your methods and soon our memo sections, which is primarily there to track or transactions, will be so full of spam that it will become annoying to try to sift through th spam to find the information we need!

Also how would you feel if i came to your house screaming in a megaphone trying to sell you some unsolicited product ? It is bad behaviour! had you first contacted me and asked if i were ok with you sending me links the discussion here would have been entirely different. You did not ask and now you act like you have been wronged sit down for a minute and think about that!

Also what do you know about how i act to bot ect. If you take the time to go through my blog you will see that i have been arguing against bid bots and spam bots for over one and a half years now, but hey let's just make something up to make oneself look like the poor victim. Fact i have tried but since @ned and most of the people in power do not care it has become a lost cause. And most bot accounts never answer back or care , you however are a person so i can address you and tell you how i feel about your behaviour ! it is my right, you came to my space ! you did not ask me if i was ok with you posting an advertisement in my space! I did not gag you, lock you up nor do i have the power to do that.i do however have the right and the power to defend myself from an unsolicited breach of my personal space and give you consequence for your behaviour . It is how it works in the real world - action= consequence! learn from this and ask people if they want to be on a post sharing list before you decide to do this ...have manners!

Dear @tygertyger

hey let's just make something up to make oneself look like the poor victim

I know I should not say that, but somehow you managed to put another smile on my face tonight :)

i do however have the right and the power to defend myself from an unsolicited breach of my personal space and give you consequence for your behaviour

Naturally you have a right and the power to defend yourself. One sentence "I don't like receiving memos" would also do the job :)

Back to main topic: I think at this stage it's best if I will thank you politely for your reply and wish you again all the best in the future.

Clearly we see things differently and I may only say, that I respect your view and you will not receive memo from me again.


@crypto.piotr so you have nothing more to say. You find it to hard to ask people first ? How arrogant of you . You do not care that it opens the door to copycat spammers ? Truth is you fair well with it so you do not care and cannot be bothered. Smile all you like if invading a woman's space and refusing to see how any misgiving could have been avoided by asking for permission is the only joy you have in your life, as sad life you have indeed. Not such a nice person after all despite your self promotion duly noted ...

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