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RE: Steemit Homepage Redesign: A Proposal For Maximizing Sign Ups

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Great layout! I really like the suggestions and the design.

I do know that the front end dev team is planning a GUI redesign, but I think they are focusing more on features than looks for the time being. With that said, maybe your post might provide some inspiration to put Steemit's facelift higher on the priority list. It should at least provide lots of good ideas for when they eventually do.

There are several things in here too that could be done independently, instead of waiting until it can all be done at once.

Out of curiosity, do you have any interest in coding any of these out? The Steemit GitHub repository accepts pull requests.


Yeah, part of the reason I did this mockup was because the changes I see them working on were mainly functionalities. While improving the GUI and the design is good and important, the ROI on the changes I am suggesting are likely significantly higher. I mean, all the design and feature changes in the world don't matter if no one gets past the first part of the first page and signs up.

Unfortunately what coding skills I once had have long since atrophied and died :(

Hehe, I know what you mean. I made the switch from developer to project manager a few years ago, and already a lot of my development skills have started to rust :)

Haha, get some WD40 on those dev skillz! ;)