Can a Few Bad Seeds and Some Drama Spoil a Good Thing?

Here's my 2 Cents (which is about what my average post is worth)! 😄
I've been warned that being on Steemit is like a rollercoaster ride, "better buckle your seat belts and hold on to your hats!
I've learned a lot in the month and a half I've been here, but I have a LOT yet to learn (THANKFULLY @stellabelle's bitcoin school is helping with that). So, if you've been living under a rock, or on fb more than Steemit, you might have missed a few recent... "issues, kerfuffles, problems, questions, quandaries, slander, threats, awful language, and flagging bot wars." I have no other words way to describe what I've read. It saddens me. It leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth.
BUT, I’m not going anywhere.
This post is NOT meant to re-hash anything, but to share a bit of perspective from the eyes of a newbie. By the way, I'm totally on Steemit WAY more than fb now! 😄
So, back to the original question, CAN a few bad seeds and some drama spoil a good thing?
Steemit is unlike any social media I have ever heard of or encountered. I've just barely seen or understood the tip of the iceberg of intricacies about how it works, why it works, how it "should" work, etc.
But, what I think I know is this: it is more inherently GOOD than bad (funny, I believe the same thing about humans).
So, while some folks may be "abusing whale power,” “circle-jerking,” “setting up a ton of sock-puppet accounts,” “trolling,” misusing bots, or just being downright awful, it doesn't scare off this newbie who just wants to share some pieces of herself with the world, listen to an old friend from back home pour her heart out with her guitar, connect with others with similar interests and appreciation for our natural surroundings, learn more about cryptocurrency, give appreciation in the form up upvotes or SBD for something interesting, or watch a community rally together to help someone in need (even though they've never met in person and are miles away from each other). It is AWEsome to watch. It is exciting to be a part of (even if my own writings barely get read). Haha!
So, the creators/founders/first folks here have more weight in the system, that is a "normal" part if most groups/organizations. But, I am of the opinion that those who have the most weight in a system should not do things which may be, or seem, harmful to others (at least not without a thoroughly-stated, well-reasoned explanation). Now, if a member of a group is being just downright awful (trolling, threatening, lying, etc.) then I do think it is acceptable for the group to use the powers available (flagging, investigation, etc.) to "weed-out" the problem person and deal with the issue sternly—but compassionately. We have no way of knowing why some people do or say awful things. It can drive us crazy trying to figure out other people's crazy. 😵
I think what we have here is a rather delicate balance of freedom/control. This platform is amazing in that those who engage in it can help change it, help it evolve, help it become more of what the group envisions. I am impressed by the amount of intelligent, creative people here (both technical and not). But, even with that amazing openness and flexibility there is still a hierarchy--wanted or not—and those that may “abuse” their status. I agree that those who put a lot of time, effort, and even $$ into Steemit should have gains from it. But, can we temper all things with reason, can we try to not be greedy, can we try to communicate better, and can we try to be nice, folks? ❤
For some unknown reason I spent hours last night delving into two totally different, totally separate rabbit holes of Steemit issues. I think, when you get down to it, the core issue with both comes down to communication: either a total lack of communication, or downright hateful and inappropriate communication.
I came away from it saddened that this platform has drama, just like all the rest. But, we are all human, we all make mistakes, we are all figuring out our way in the world. I am pretty sure that it will ALL be okay. My heart goes out to those bullied. Thank you for those who stand up to bullies. Thank you to the technical folks who built this place. Thank you to the technical folks who continue to help it evolve and get better. Thank you for those who joined early on and put their heart and soul into building Steemit up. Thank you to those who joined a week ago and added an awesome photo, poem, or blog to the blockchain. Thank you to those who came together in a chat room and came up with #Yunk. I think I get it, and I think it’s great! 😄
I know it’s probably been said a LOT of times before, but (barring some technical catastrophe I won’t understand), it’s up to US ALL what this space is and what it becomes. So no, I do NOT think a few "bad seeds"(even if they are powerful) will spoil a good thing, as long as the community is active in standing up for those who have been bullied or wronged in some way. Which, I'm happy to say, I have seen happen. ❀
keep at it
I just upvoted youm, so there must be a ray of sunshine.
Follow me if you'd care to at @joe.nobel, I have my writings posted there, science fiction, fantasy, erotica
Following you now and will check out your writings! I like those genres. My stuff is....well...I'm not sure what category it really falls into...hmmmm....Will have to think on that.
i couldn't agree more and have been saying the same thing in chat...
I get there is drama as their always will be within any social media "group", but that doesn't effect those of us whose goal is to be here and connect.
Yes the money is a great addition, but I don't need this money it wasn't my intention to get rich being here so could give two shits about whale drama.
I do think there are issues that need to be addressed and taken care of, (flag abuse, bots, etc...) but this platform is still technically in beta stage and I believe these kinks will eventually be worked out.
We are a social experiment... and there is always room to build, but it has only been about a year and that leaves much time for improvement.
Keep doing you! 😉
😊 Yes, for sure! Will do. And YOU keep doing YOU too!! I really like your point about this being the beta stage of Steemit. I hadn't thought on that. I wonder if the creators/developers will do a large "survey" of users to see how the group is leaning on some of the issues. If everyone's votes within the survey had the same "weight" that would really mean something, I think. It could be used to help move Steemit in the direction that the larger group as a whole saw most fitting for the future of Steemit. I wonder if someone has, or could build, a way to do a free survey that a large group of people could take????
And that is the issue. Some of the bigger fish are doing something and little fish want to follow and make their "get rich quick dreams" come true. STEEMit can't keep saying it isn't a "get rich quick" thing, when there are big fish making posts that promote the feeling that it is exactly that kind of thing.
Things will work their way out, but hopefully the end results isn't a worse system and everyone who came in late feeling like they wasted a bunch of time.
I understand what you are saying. I certainly don't want to feel like I've wasted time. I have no "get rich quick" expectations. I think it's usually when people hold tight to expectations that they get the most disappointed. But, some expectations are hard to compromise....Like the expectation that most people will act in a kind, compassionate, decent manner....
Things got particularly nasty after the hard fork, and I actually stepped away for about a week during the height of the self-voting squabble. There are a lot of things that I really like about Steemit, and I'm here for the long haul, but when my feed is full of drama and flag wars, sometimes it seems best to just avoid the toxicity.
Yeah, I hear you. I intentionally avoid things (like the news) that can quickly become too overwhelming for me. News usually comes to me via fb (which I'm not on that much anymore) or through friends and family members who ask, "Did you hear about _____?!" I have a few trusted people whose opinion I really respect, so I'll occasionally ask them what's new in the news. So yeah, I get intentionally checking out....But, when it's time to vote I check back in, get informed, and go get it done. :)
Hey @sylviategan I, too, am a newbie. Joined three weeks ago and I have experienced the 'drive-by' comments, the 'follow/upvote me, I'll follow/upvote you" and seen some, for lack of a better word, bashing that goes on. You get a large number of people together with different opinions and views and it commences (ie. Twitter is full of political hate and accusations and FB is like high school drama ALL over again). I scroll past or if I happen to read the post and comments, I leave. I am not one to add drama, heighten tension or become part of a clique (except for The Homestead Life #thl- community I belong to.
I am on steemit to focus and restart my writing career, as I took about two years off. I am treating steemit as if it were my business and trying to brand myself here. It's a long road to accomplish but with determination and persistence, I believe in myself.
I leave the drama to others and cruise right on past.
Great to meet you and enjoyed your post.
Hey there @goldendawne! I started following you pretty shortly after you joined (just a little while after me I think). In high school I tried to avoid drama, and I was friends with many different people from many different cliques. I really want to add value to this platform and be seen as a writer/creator here as well. I like the idea of you "branding" yourself. I'm glad you are getting back into writing. I was never much IN it before...So I'm enjoying getting started. Also, I TOO really enjoy The Homestead Life #thl!!! I follow a ton of homesteaders. I grew up in a homesteading environment, and much of what I've written about so far is memories from my childhood (the last few posts at least). And, I'm working on something called "Growing Up Ozark." I heard there was going to be a contest for the topic, and it inspired me to get some memories out on to paper (or the screen). :) I hope this platform meets your wishes, needs, and then some. ✨ I believe in you too. ✨
I felt like you were reading my brain! I, too, have only been here a short time. I think you hit it right on when you said that the majority of the platform is good, and there's so much good content out there to find. I try hard not to get sucked into any of the disagreements...just trying to learn as much as I can about the various facets of the community and hopefully put out some quality content myself. Nicely said!
Here here! It feels nice to share similar sentiments with others. Following you now!! :)
I followed you earlier too ;-). Looking forward to reading more of your work!
As a newbie, thank you for the post.
Oh gosh, you are very welcome!!!