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RE: Should I up vote this guy ranting? No I might face retaliation

in #steemit8 years ago

I fully agree with this.

I posted my thoughts on this topic here:
Flagging Etiquette and Practice


Also if you haven't weighed in here New Content Flagging System with Feedback there is a really good discussion about adding reasons for flagging content.


I like the reasons... though I think you've likely covered every LEGIT reason without needing an OTHER. Since that basically means it could be for any other reason "It sux" "He's an idiot" "I.D.10.T. Error"


But the point being that if the "other" button was selected and someone wrote "it sux" there should be a way to reverse that type of flag as in my mind that is not a valid reason to flag it. Sometimes people could also leave a different reason without need ing to comment of they don't wish to.

Possibly having flagging and downvoting be separate features is something I've pondered. Maybe having the option to say you downvoted because you disagreed but didn't find it malicious or found that the same content had been covered elsewhere often (like @berniesanders did with @dollarvigilante) but @dollarvigilante's content I don't believe should tarnish his reputation the way a downvote/flag does.

Hopefully that idea makes sense.

Possibly allowing users to optionally say why they upvoted content (humorous, engaging, etc) would be an interesting feature to explore. You could then see a metric that said. "you have 90% of your votes from humor" So maybe you could then focus you energy more often on that aspect instead of just knowing that people appreciate their content.

Really just throwing out ideas, because the more discussion that can be had, the better the experience will be for newer users.

I've been wondering about a separate down vote that is not the flag that does not take money. If they want to have it have an effect perhaps factor it into the trending algorithm so that it is not weighted by money. Then you could have a top worth tab if you wanted to see actual money, that'd even inspire a CONTROVERSIAL type tab if they wanted to do that, but the effect it has now is that of an attack on people.

Your ideas are good.

I read your post and it is extremely well thought out and is exactly in line with my own thoughts.

Yet as I stated when people were mentioning esoteric reasons for flagging a post. "I asked how are new people supposed to know these rules?"

So I guess our challenge is finding a way to make sure everyone is aware of your etiquette. It'd be nice if the first time someone used the flag it popped up something similar to a EULA that explained this etiquette. I do not know how easy this would be to accomplish as I have not looked at the codebase. This is beta though and all I can do is help with my ideas.

Thank you for writing that. It is important and I'll likely point other people to it.

Yes some sort of general community consensus should be proposed and the reasons for flagging should be outlined generally, because some see flagging as simple downvoting and some as more than that. A whale posting this for discussion would be extremely valuable, because minds like yours @dwinblood are very valuable and I think we have both expanded on one another's ideas and can take criticism and implement if efficiently.

I care about this place. This flagging hasn't happened to me so much that it impacted me. I do have old posts that people flagged weeks after I wrote them but it didn't really impact me because they were not very powerful, and I'd already received payout.

So when I write this it is because I like this community a lot, and I can see it's huge potential, and I see this as being a big problem that could scare off people. Yes, some will stick and persevere, and we could be l33t and say "too bad", but this is also an investment so more people able to use this platform without barriers is a good thing IMO.

Most definitely! Always glad to have people focused on heading toward the same objective, while bringing others alongside.

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