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RE: Stop Whining, Here Are Way To Improve Your Earnings On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Yeah . when i started to focus on finding good content on steem , sharing , and gving my opinion on topics that mattered to me , instead of trying to make the perfect post at the perfect time that could give me the most earning , thats when i actually started to get more earnings and people started to follow and share my posts


That is my strategy too. More commenting and less posting. And when I do post I'm posting into challenges or group ideas so I have a hope of being found. I did a couple of yunk posts that got some attention.

I was on tsu - another platform that wanted good content - and at some point they changed the monetization so the the "nice post" and "please like me" people disappeared. That platform still collapsed. I hope this one survives.

Crushing 90% the noobs did not work for tsu. Letting people create poor content and then buy bot votes to support it is not a good idea for steemit in my opinion.

I'm encouraged by things like curie and whalepower and discouraged by bots. I am not happy with the many times I have been asked to spend money to do well here. I see people who have done that and they never developed good content since they bought their way to the top.

But I'm still swimming here and I like the place a lot so far.

How do you judge "good content"? Is "good" the same for everyone? Can Steemit have growth while the masses get poo pooed because they are not "talented" enough or smart enough? If you want the platform to have only what you think is good then it cant grow. If you want it to grow then you will see more variety and diversity. The funny thing is no matter how elitist or grammatically correct a platform is, boob pics will always get the most votes.

I completely agree with you and that is definitely an issue here. When you say, "while the masses get poo pooed because they are not "talented" enough or smart enough" - this is the exact issue that killed tsu. You could not participate if you could not make good content.

So how do those people ever improve if they pay for votes? How does that make steemit look to the outside world? It's true that "good" is a judgement call, but crap is crap.

I've read comment threads here where people complain about not getting enough bang for the amount they paid for the bot - then other people answer, "It's because your content is bad so no one else votes for it." Other people just take the $2 and are happy and produce more bad posts. Either way - the popularity contest was rigged.

This is why fb has groups - so you can get content you need without the boobs (and butts). Those two win anywhere and so are not the issue. Using the nsfw setting works here for that. I have it turned on and I have not seen anything get through that bothered me.

What I'm talking about is trying to get new content creators who want to post here and be active. Apparently that is what steemit needs and what posts I have read ask for - more subject matter content away from crypto and memes etc.

It's hard to ask an established content creator to post here when there is so much effort required, and little chance to succeed against the meme-like stuff. They will stay where they are and steemit will stay its little tiny subculture and not grow.

Steemit needs those creators to keep growing. There is a finite number of people who do great cat memes and now its time to expand beyond that. By paying for traffic, those 4X a day meme people will never change. No one would vote for a large percentage of what is in the bots if it was not promoted by bots. How often do you see a "great" meme that you want to show your freinds?

Somehow - steemit - small as it is - has managed to succeed in the search engines, moz raking, alexa ranking etc. I think it is because of the amazing interaction here. The ranking draws people like me with content because we have it and we want to put it out there in a place that ranks.

Right now there is a huge learning curve and bots support people who pay regardless of quality. Anything can rank through payment - making some tags here pretty spammy.

Right now if I were to ask anyone to join steemit, I I would tell them to ignore the steemit crowd and just post their content for the search engines. But that's not going to work either, since the steemit rank goes into making the search engine rank. You have to have the steemit crowd on your side to do well here, even though they are small.

I'm posting in the yunk tag because I thought it was a cute idea and I have photos for it and I knew people were looking. It's meme-y and completely out of my norm. I'm only doing it for steemit cred and because I feel like I can do it.

I pat myself on the back to say my posts are good and they do get attention. That tag is not being promoted to by bots and it is pretty funny and garbage-free as a whole. I search through it and I like it. It will be interesting to see what happens if a lot of posts get promoted to yunk that are not so good. Hopefully not, but already people use it as a secondary tag with no yunk reference at all so we'll see.

You mentioned it here. Great content is the one that you are happy to tell your friends about. If you think you wouldn't talk about it to a person on a chill barbecue party, then don't write it.

I'm following you just because of your comment. Two thumbs up. :)

I like you comment and writing style, @fitinfun. I have the same feelings and made the argument in a recent post that the garbage of bad posts will weed themselves out and cream (good posts) will rise to the top. Just takes time because a lot of people want the quick fix instead of doing it right and putting in the time. I believe comments are sometimes more instructive than the actual original post, if they are substantial. I am now following you because of your comment, for example:-)

Thanks so much for the nice comments. I followed you back. Crazy that you found this old post and I was sure long-winded!

I have another old post (but not so old!) that might help you since you are new to steemit. Try these strategies to do better here in various ways. They all help me when I work them :)

Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

Thank you @fitnfun, I sure appreciate it:-) I know it is not going to be quick but I am determined to make it a success through working it... Thank you again for the information!

You're welcome - just do a few things each day to progress here and you will!

Wow @fitnfun! That was a very good post wish I could still upvote it;-) That would be a full time job to do all you said and do it well...but that is kind of the point. If I want it bad enough and it is my passion to succeed in this new world (for me) of social media making my living by my writing, then the work will become more like play. At least that is the plan!
Again, thank you for taking the time to put that great post together! I like your writing style and use of graphics to make the points of the posts memorable and accessible.
How does your Twitter coaching work? I would lke to learn how to use it effectively and leverage both myself and the Steemit platform with it. Have a great day:-)

I'm glad you like the post. I'm working to update certain parts as I learn, but it's all pretty good advice as far as I can tell :)

For Twitter - I look at your account, get your goals and suggest what holes can be filled. If you are over there, you should most definitely be tweeting your steemit posts. I have this list of steemers, and quite a lot of them do retweet and click links so it's helping in both places. I'll be glad to connect over there :)

Thank you for this. Will bear this in mind as I explore Steemit

Good point, I agree with you.

You are absolutely right , thanks for sharing your experience !!...

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