Stop Whining, Here Are Way To Improve Your Earnings On Steemit

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Most people especially new minnows are whining and in extreme case weeping their ass off because they are not making money as expected on Steemit. This is understandable if we consider the time and opportunity costs involve : cost of being online especially in the developing economies where the cost of electricity and internet is too high and in some cases, unavailable.  Conversely, in light of this burning issue, those affected should not give up the ghost rather change their blogging strategies by following these constructive advice laid out in this article. 


Stop Whining, Here Are Way To Improve Your Earnings On Steemit

 1) Invest in Steem Power:  the most important thing for someone to do in order to be relevant in any society or organization is to have power. In steemit , Steem power will give you the power to reward good contents, punish bad contents and reward yourself ( by up voting your blog posts).  However , it is not advisable to constantly up vote your comments and down vote people just to punish the person. In addition, steem power locks in your investment in the organization  plus you can cash in big if the price of steem rises – and note that the fundamentals of steem is very good-so buy steem and power up. 

2) Focus On The Fun and learning Experience Not Money:  most people focus on earnings that are visible in the trending pages and hot pages without even thinking about the hard work , time  and monetary investments those people have invested on steem and steemit. Importantly, however, steemit is no get rich quick scheme or HYIP scheme rather a social media platform that rewards people for their hardwork , good contents and yes investment in steem power. So focus on having fun on the network and learning new things from other steemians . For example , if your interests lies in adventures (wild or sporst)  and exploring the world ,  @b0y2k , @surfermarly , @papa-pepper  and  @twinner never disappoint  in furnishing us with interesting posts .  With regard to travelling @sweetsssj , , @rea  and @kafkanarchy84 always perform- and when it comes to work of art/photography then check out   @opheliafu , @saramiller and  @inber  (plus others not mentioned here). 

3) Engaging in the Platform : If you are not a very good content creator , ( Pls do not post for posting sake or  copy and paste photos, YouTube videos or quotes / short poems and expect a lot of up votes) then concentrate on commenting on other  people posts -good well thought comments not meaningless comments or spams as indicated by @joseph here : Meaningless Comments/Spam , pls stop  Follow for Follow or Upvote For Upvote comments.  Moreover ,  up voting good contents and posting contents relating to your core competences and or followers interests for example ,when it comes to yummies / mouthwatering foods and drinks   @amy-goodrich , @allasyummyfood , @gringalicious, @wthomas , @karenmckersie and  @elfkitchen  does magic via their posts  and thus always win me over via their excellent posts.  Moroever , @thecryptofiend , @xaero1,  @infovore , @pharesim  and @stellabelle contents regarding crypto currencies and constructive advices are  always welcomed .

 4) Relationship building : In life, those that are good in relationship building always succeed in the long run. Therefore , try build relationships in steemit by being respectful to your fellow bloggers especially when you respond to their posts (Say no to spam and abusive words as here is not Face book) , joining contests or steemit  color or  Meme challenges  and joining some steemit online clubs via steemit chat or Discord channel . In addition, getting involved in steemit local events, get together  hangouts and attending steemit festival will be very helpful with regard to relationship building and subsequently, lead to financial success.   

Now is your turn, what do you think will add value to members earnings? Send in your comments , resteem  in order for others to join the debate  and pls up vote  

Steemit can have more success if it takes on new challenge! click here and read this blog post:  Why Steemit should kick the Ass of Major exchanges / Trading Platform like Poloniex and Start its Own 


Yeah . when i started to focus on finding good content on steem , sharing , and gving my opinion on topics that mattered to me , instead of trying to make the perfect post at the perfect time that could give me the most earning , thats when i actually started to get more earnings and people started to follow and share my posts

That is my strategy too. More commenting and less posting. And when I do post I'm posting into challenges or group ideas so I have a hope of being found. I did a couple of yunk posts that got some attention.

I was on tsu - another platform that wanted good content - and at some point they changed the monetization so the the "nice post" and "please like me" people disappeared. That platform still collapsed. I hope this one survives.

Crushing 90% the noobs did not work for tsu. Letting people create poor content and then buy bot votes to support it is not a good idea for steemit in my opinion.

I'm encouraged by things like curie and whalepower and discouraged by bots. I am not happy with the many times I have been asked to spend money to do well here. I see people who have done that and they never developed good content since they bought their way to the top.

But I'm still swimming here and I like the place a lot so far.

How do you judge "good content"? Is "good" the same for everyone? Can Steemit have growth while the masses get poo pooed because they are not "talented" enough or smart enough? If you want the platform to have only what you think is good then it cant grow. If you want it to grow then you will see more variety and diversity. The funny thing is no matter how elitist or grammatically correct a platform is, boob pics will always get the most votes.

I completely agree with you and that is definitely an issue here. When you say, "while the masses get poo pooed because they are not "talented" enough or smart enough" - this is the exact issue that killed tsu. You could not participate if you could not make good content.

So how do those people ever improve if they pay for votes? How does that make steemit look to the outside world? It's true that "good" is a judgement call, but crap is crap.

I've read comment threads here where people complain about not getting enough bang for the amount they paid for the bot - then other people answer, "It's because your content is bad so no one else votes for it." Other people just take the $2 and are happy and produce more bad posts. Either way - the popularity contest was rigged.

This is why fb has groups - so you can get content you need without the boobs (and butts). Those two win anywhere and so are not the issue. Using the nsfw setting works here for that. I have it turned on and I have not seen anything get through that bothered me.

What I'm talking about is trying to get new content creators who want to post here and be active. Apparently that is what steemit needs and what posts I have read ask for - more subject matter content away from crypto and memes etc.

It's hard to ask an established content creator to post here when there is so much effort required, and little chance to succeed against the meme-like stuff. They will stay where they are and steemit will stay its little tiny subculture and not grow.

Steemit needs those creators to keep growing. There is a finite number of people who do great cat memes and now its time to expand beyond that. By paying for traffic, those 4X a day meme people will never change. No one would vote for a large percentage of what is in the bots if it was not promoted by bots. How often do you see a "great" meme that you want to show your freinds?

Somehow - steemit - small as it is - has managed to succeed in the search engines, moz raking, alexa ranking etc. I think it is because of the amazing interaction here. The ranking draws people like me with content because we have it and we want to put it out there in a place that ranks.

Right now there is a huge learning curve and bots support people who pay regardless of quality. Anything can rank through payment - making some tags here pretty spammy.

Right now if I were to ask anyone to join steemit, I I would tell them to ignore the steemit crowd and just post their content for the search engines. But that's not going to work either, since the steemit rank goes into making the search engine rank. You have to have the steemit crowd on your side to do well here, even though they are small.

I'm posting in the yunk tag because I thought it was a cute idea and I have photos for it and I knew people were looking. It's meme-y and completely out of my norm. I'm only doing it for steemit cred and because I feel like I can do it.

I pat myself on the back to say my posts are good and they do get attention. That tag is not being promoted to by bots and it is pretty funny and garbage-free as a whole. I search through it and I like it. It will be interesting to see what happens if a lot of posts get promoted to yunk that are not so good. Hopefully not, but already people use it as a secondary tag with no yunk reference at all so we'll see.

You mentioned it here. Great content is the one that you are happy to tell your friends about. If you think you wouldn't talk about it to a person on a chill barbecue party, then don't write it.

I'm following you just because of your comment. Two thumbs up. :)

I like you comment and writing style, @fitinfun. I have the same feelings and made the argument in a recent post that the garbage of bad posts will weed themselves out and cream (good posts) will rise to the top. Just takes time because a lot of people want the quick fix instead of doing it right and putting in the time. I believe comments are sometimes more instructive than the actual original post, if they are substantial. I am now following you because of your comment, for example:-)

Thanks so much for the nice comments. I followed you back. Crazy that you found this old post and I was sure long-winded!

I have another old post (but not so old!) that might help you since you are new to steemit. Try these strategies to do better here in various ways. They all help me when I work them :)

Make Money Blogging on Steemit Top Tips and Checklist for Better Results!!

Thank you @fitnfun, I sure appreciate it:-) I know it is not going to be quick but I am determined to make it a success through working it... Thank you again for the information!

You're welcome - just do a few things each day to progress here and you will!

Wow @fitnfun! That was a very good post wish I could still upvote it;-) That would be a full time job to do all you said and do it well...but that is kind of the point. If I want it bad enough and it is my passion to succeed in this new world (for me) of social media making my living by my writing, then the work will become more like play. At least that is the plan!
Again, thank you for taking the time to put that great post together! I like your writing style and use of graphics to make the points of the posts memorable and accessible.
How does your Twitter coaching work? I would lke to learn how to use it effectively and leverage both myself and the Steemit platform with it. Have a great day:-)

I'm glad you like the post. I'm working to update certain parts as I learn, but it's all pretty good advice as far as I can tell :)

For Twitter - I look at your account, get your goals and suggest what holes can be filled. If you are over there, you should most definitely be tweeting your steemit posts. I have this list of steemers, and quite a lot of them do retweet and click links so it's helping in both places. I'll be glad to connect over there :)

Thank you for this. Will bear this in mind as I explore Steemit

Good point, I agree with you.

You are absolutely right , thanks for sharing your experience !!...

Thanks for the advice! :) As a new member still trying to find her way on the platform it's good to find articles like this one.

Welcome @elvya . You will surely be a success here. I started last month and have seen success. Just follow the advise laid out here and in my former blog posts...wish you a blessed week.

I couldn't agree more. I basically have been advocating exactly the things that you have so thoroughly mentioned in your posts. One of the most fundamental learnings I have concluded by now is that you need to have a stake in the Steem blockchain to be relevant and powerful here. There is only one way to have that stake and that is Steem Power. And there are only two ways to get Steem Power.

  1. Invest money (buy Steem and then power up).
  2. Produce good content and engage with community (write posts, give good comments, win competitions).

There's no surprise that your great post has already covered this in detail. That's why I agree. Same is the case with all four points. I have personally tested and tried these guidelines and have earned a lot of money in the process.

Thanks for writing this. I will surely resteem it because it is one wonderful post for all the minnows compaining about having no rewards. They will get rewards if they follow what you outlined.

You said it all buddy, what a wonderful comment. Thanks.

You're welcome. I do add a lot of value because I believe in adding value. Such posts deserve good feedback. My comments are generally quite detailed and discuss things in great detail.

Can I whine about getting less rewards? Lol. Just kidding. I get good rewards. More than my experience deserves. But most of my posts do deserve a lot better than they get. It's okay because I build a lot of trust, relationships and following through my posts. It's one big reward in itself. Money will come. It has to.

I agree. Both of us started last month and focused on adding value to steemit via good comments and posts. Financial reward will come soon however as I mentioned, we just have to focus on having fun and adding reward will follow with time...more success to you.

Thanks a lot @charles1 for bringing my belief back. That's so true. It's a huge progress that we have made already and there's so much coming our way because we are striving to become better community members. More and more success to you. Nice to have you connected.

Can you have a look at my lastest blog post and resteem it if it's worth it? Thanks a lot.

I was one of the 1st upvotes on the post..will read and comment

Thank you for posting this article @charles1 I am now following and just upvoted this post! My question for you is how did you get your amount of followers? Did you just post a lot of great content? Did you have a mentor or someone help you initially? How much have you invested in total into steemit? This would be very helpful! @joeparys

Ok, first follow me and you will constantly see my tips. I do not have any help or guidiance rather took a week to study what work and what dont work on the platform. Posting with very little followers is a waste of time hence why I concentrated on building my following via great comments commenting on great contents and following up on replies hence building trusts .

Well thought out points you are making here. Keep working hard and as usual, the results will follow close behind.

Thanks @evoman1 for your comment. I agree . Keep steeming to more success

Good point, I agree

Thanks for sharing!


awesome post my friend ! If someone is constantly spamming me they are off my followers list or worse muted ! Especially putting links on my post in the comments that have nothing to even do with my post !!!! Not to mention asking for "upvote for upvote " when its a newbie !!! My up vote is worth a lot more even at 2% / they should at least upvote 2 posts to their one plus resteem ! Just stop asking all the time OMG !!! Some says I want to just wipe my whole followers list clean like @mind hunter did and start all over !! LOL! Steem on my friend ! Upped and resteemed !!!👍💙👍💙👍💙

👍💙👍💙👍💙 what an excellent comment from one of my best steemian...Good one indeed and I agree. Thanks for showing me love, however I still havent forgotten my yummies that will arrive via cargo ship..hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
sleep well and have a blessed weekend.

Despite being a total newbie minnow, I couldn't agree more. As in real life, your rep is your everything on Steemit and I will certainly never be one of those. I'm going to build my earnings and following the old-fashioned way, with quality content. Thanks for this.

exactly !! You may want to check out my latest post on spamming ! Im dropping you the link here , even though I seldom do this , but it has to do with this post as well and the garbage that's starting to plague steemit ! If you get a chance , check it out thanks !

I'm new here, but I would never ask anyone to upvote me - just never.

But do you actually look to see who upvotes you in deciding your course? I've been only upvoting 8-12 times a day - every day. I keep my power at 70-90% - as was recommended to me (have no idea if this is really a good plan). I comment a lot but don't usually upvote there unless there is something extraordinary.

So If I comment on your posts and possibly resteem without upvoting - are you seeing that as a negative? I was thinking no one cared since we are talking about one penny per vote. but I have been wrong about many things on steemit.

up votes on posts are always more welcome , even if its just a penny , because it helps keep the post active , and possibly Hot or Trending so it doesn't get buried so fast !! I definitely prefer a up vote to a resteem !! 👍👍👍

If I am actively commenting I don't have the ability to keep upvoting all the posts. Do you see it as a negative if people do not upvote yet do comment? Upvoted your comment :)

I will admit that I was skeptical when my brother talked me into this. I am focused on increasing steem power but also just trying to develop my content and build relationships which I have found to be more rewarding in and of itself. Thank you for sharing.

Welcome and more success

nice update as always
il follow your lead...good to earn my upvote
thanks for sharing

Thanks, keep steeming


This is a great post @charles1, I try to stay engaged with my followers by responding and replying to their comments. I've also been known to send tips for those who are engaging with my post and are big supporters. I appreciate the mention as well sir.

You are welcome @wthomas and thanks for your great posts-you kept it real and yummy. Thanks a lot for the SBD you sent to my wallet-I will use it to buy your yummies (if possible haha).
Keep steeming to more success.

hahaha, I'll always leave you a complimentary sampling of my treats. Thank again for your support.

You are welcome, always. More success to you.

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