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RE: an open letter to @ned
I’m not here to apologize—I’m here to rally Steem against undermining forces. Read my original comment and understand why it happened. It’s time to compete openly.
I’m not here to apologize—I’m here to rally Steem against undermining forces. Read my original comment and understand why it happened. It’s time to compete openly.
Your self aggrandizing upvote had the opposite effect Ned. I can see there's no use seeking an apology nor would it do much good at this point. If you really wanted the community to stand with you and compete then you should have stood with them when they requested that you reverse the mistake of the last hardfork.
People have no faith in a platform where the 40-51% stakeholder is the only one we can really depend on to develop the blockchain as they have the greatest incentive to move us in the right direction but stubbornly turn their backs on us when somebody says this direction was recommended by "Dan Larimer". Just say the name and you're suddenly unapproachable.
I had hoped the reaction from the community would teach you something but you're still trying to beat down the competitor or any comments in their favour instead of listening to the community and moving this ship in the direction for growth.
I trust that you and the team have been working hard. That I'm sure of. Don't let bitterness get in the way. It's you that's drinking the poison to defeat your enemy. You're drinking it.
THIS ^^^
Gave some advice. If business is in fact more important than preserving a friendship, or at least mutual respect, then I have no reply to your reply. But, since I always like to have the last word, I am replying. I am old and it is one of my quirks.
OK, thanks ;)
You were not listening young sir, I like to have the last word.

I would fair to say, @clayboyn, @drpuffnstuff, @beanz, @stephanus,, are not attacking you; but trying to advise you in the error of your actions, and give advice. We all have a dog in this race. Please quit trying to justify your errors and just fess up to being wrong. People will respect you more. Even Jerry Banfield has admitted at one time the errors of his ways and made public apology. Be a man. Take it from a guy that has walked this earth for over half a century. We should all be our own biggest critics.
These aren’t errors.
It's no use sargento. Most people have to learn the hard way, and that's even harder when things have been made so easy. You can't save people from their own mistakes however hard it is to watch.
Too many read into the noise of all of this, and very few see the signal (the true message). Your a strange mix of both randomness and conventional sapience. This is the true @ned that v.few get to see ... until now! Keep it up! ... "Full Steem ahead!!" :-)
Dang, had to look that word up:
Sapience is the quality of being wise, or wisdom. When voters are choosing a candidate, they usually hope for one with at least a degree of sapience. ... Sapience is an Old French word that comes from the Latin sapientia, "good taste, good sense, intelligence, or wisdom."
Thank you sir, for improving my vocabulary. I will probably use this word in the future, hopefully I use it in context and remember what it means.
When all this started I also had to look up the word: aggrandizement:
Aggrandizement is the noun form of the verb aggrandize, "to increase the power or reputation of something," and it usually implies that there's some exaggeration going on.

An Incredible Hulk/sapient @ned makes me happy. No aggrandizement required. 110% real. Steem on @sgt-dan!
Thank you. As I said, I must always have the last word. A quirk of mine.