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RE: Dstors Needs To Return Haejins Money

in #steemit6 years ago

Until this is cleared up dstors are not looking good... ( I don't really know enough, to be honest)

Right is right, like you say - irrelevant of the character of the guy who has been ''cheated' (if he has)...

If they 'pulled a fast one', they will be doomed...


Based on statements made in this post here by kaliju

which I grabbed some of my screenshots from, as well as looking at their transactions (which doesn't verify all of it because of Binance transfers partially) and the fact Haejin is so adamant seems to make this pretty cut and dried. He spells out in the one screen shot I shared the conditions he "might" return the Steem. Nothing to return if you didn't take it.

I am shocked this hasn't doomed them already, but they are effectively running a bot service now for those who delegated to them as shows in their comments which I also shared a screenshot of.

HEY! LISTEN. What are you talking about really!? Bot service? ! I SPECIFICALLY said that this is to tie you guys over until we release. Customer service, maybe? Are you delegating? You're starting to piss me off man, I'm nice to a point. This is not cool. like I said, it is NONE of your business how I handle Haejin or what business I have with him. You think just because I'm nice you can ride on my weak spots? I'm also a human being and right now I'm feeling pretty fucking paranoid about who is who, as far as I know, you could be in cahoots with him plotting. How do I know you're not chatting behind my back for whatever reason? Be men all of you and handle it directly, privately, by writing me an email or contacting directly. Fishing for upvotes by stirring drama in public and look it worked! I'm out of here.

Wow, you take the cake. I addressed you two days ago about my primary concern, which was it kills your trust level if you are stealing others money. I don't know Haejin, and if you knew shit about me you would know better than to say something like that. Unlike many here I donate a good portion of my earnings, just check my transactions. You will also notice I have never interacted with Haejin.

Your imagining I am in "cahoots" as you say reminds me of the story of the Tell Tale Heart.

It was just a week ago I was going to bat for you based on credibility I had awarded you based on some who have been vouching for you. I tried very hard to help you salvage whatever could be. I am lost at how you think this is ok. But you won't have to worry about me. After this post, I will be shaking your venture from my feet. As I said in my post, if you can do this with his money out of anger, I know how you could treat mine if you held it from any potential buyers.

I went to bat for you man.

Hey thanks for the post, I didn't even know this all was still boiling. Good to know.

It seems, will boil for a long time

I was in support of him too, a week ago...

Thanks for pointing this post out to me.

I don't know Haejin, and if you knew shit about me you would know better than to say something like that.

This applies to me also if I was to say the exact same sentence to YOU.

Let's not worry about buyers as it's all going to be p2p and with no middle man, thankfully. As for the batting, I will be fine on my own and deal with things as I always have. I NEVER run and take things that are not mine. But I also can't sit quite in the face of all the allegations and lecturing - it is personally stressful to read (it just comes up when someone mentions dstors) and this is not helping Haejin either as all stems from his impatience and running it publically. He's going to try to smear me here AND take legal action? When I fight back I'm like wild fire - nothing survives and he will earn that to his surprise pretty soon. Keep it up.

Non of that is answering the allegations leveled by @haejin though, is it?

...they seem pretty simple questions, from what I see...

When I fight back I'm like wild fire - nothing survives and he will earn that to his surprise pretty soon. Keep it up.

I thought you were supposed to be structuring a business model?
This sounds unhinged.
You are doing yourself no favors matey ( i was on your side a week ago)

Allegations can be left at that. Here's his chance to turn me into a bad guy and undo himself. He needs this drama as can be seen from his desperation. Cheap tactics If you ask me, but can be effective when manipulating crowd's opinion. And manipulation is what he's good at, trust me I would know first.

If you have taken / withheld his money without him committing any fraud , then you become the bad guy.

Not the kind of thing you can get a business of the ground, not with that hanging around your neck.

Transparency is the key.

seems that none of them handle questions well.

No he isn't good at that at all. He's been on the blockchain for a long time and almost no one likes him.

We grudgingly accept he can do what he wants with his stake.

His very presence has kept others from investing.

You keep blaming everyone else for your behavior and emotions. I don't think you are cut out to run a business yet. Once you get your emotions under control you might have skills, it's unclear at this point.

You do realize you are talking to @practicalthought?

You do realize the standing he has standing on steemit, in terms of integrity?
Obviously not.
You do realize what you are doing by replying to him like this....?

You do realize that I'm also person with my own story, right? This is the first ever conflict I had on steem but I'm not about to be used and say "oh I'm sorry lords of steemit, who am I compared to you, please forgive me". I am the one being poked here and I don't appreciate it.

The thief cries "I'm a human too". Who didn't realize you're a person too, with your own story? Clealy, you think someone is to blame for dehumanizing you otherwise why make it a point repeatedly you fucking thief? You stole, return the fucking money and die in obscurity, nobody that I see is queening up for your patronizing appologies.

Posted using Partiko Android

just asking for clarification on the claims made by @hejin - it's not an emotive argument, just facts..

Dear @dstors

I don't know you very well guys and I really don't like @H.

But I must admit that your comments and the way you talk to @practicalthought is going to damage @dstors heavily. Your PR is going to be crushed if you won't change your attitude.

it is NONE of your business how I handle Haejin or what business I have with him

You're 100% wrong here. What you said is your Xmas wish. We can all wish that other people would not get involved and ruin our businesses. But that's what is happening now and you better address the problem in right manners or your reputation will be crashed.

Be men all of you and handle it directly, privately, by writing me an email or contacting directly.

That would be only good for you. That's the thing about blockchain. Privacy is less. Transparency is more. And people will use it to their advantage.


But I must admit that your comments and the way you talk to @practicalthought is going to damage @dstors heavily. Your PR is going to be crushed if you won't change your attitude.

When I saw this, I just

I've had nothing to do with either of them until this, but he has more than shot himself in the foot with this kind of attitude.

Very true @lucylin

One doesn't need to know other person well to be able to recognize wrong attitude and trouble coming.


sorry- this was in reply to something else matey! oops! lolol

Wrong attitude?

To discuss logic and critical thinking?

Trouble coming?

Dissecting arguments is something that you perceive as 'trouble coming'? Wow.

The aversion to doing this very things will be the number one downfall of this platform (imo).

The age of postmodernism is dying and those that cling onto it - and also any platforms that support such 'logic'.

'Leftist' platforms (I use the term 'leftist' to embrace any authoritarian condoning position, irrelevant of where on the political spectrum someone lies) .... have a very big chance of being ignored in the future - in favor of platforms where logical conversation is embraced and not seen 'as trouble' but as an opportunity to learn and expand ones mind.....which is best done through philosophical discourse (imo).

you're welcome!

ohm @lucylin

Dissecting arguments is something that you perceive as 'trouble coming'? Wow.

I believe there is some misunderstanding happening. If you feel like Im challenging you then please accept my apology., no , no it was completely my mistake, matey.
My apology to you.

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