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RE: @Sweetsssj : Sixth Day Eleventh Hour Selfvoting via a 13-Account Content Farm ?

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Really struggling to believe all of this is targeted as @sweetsssj. You're targeting one of the best content creators on Steemit, who consistently creates some of the best posts I've seen on any platform, let alone Steemit.

She interacts heavily with the Steemit community as a whole, supporting content and other users. She has supported my #sixweekhealth challenge, unashamedly, to build the community and give back to the community, as she does with many.

I can't speak for all of the people mentioned in your post but I've met many of the account holders you post here. They are, categorically, not all the same person. They represent friends and family of @sweetsssj, who I've spent much time with personally. Just because transfers go to the same bittrex memo doesn't mean they are the same person. I've actually spoken to a couple of the people you name here and they admitted that they just wouldn't have the technical know how to deal with all of the digital currency transfers associated with working with Steemit.

These posts are trying to make @sweetsssj out to be some clandestine person who only uses Steemit only for personal profit. I've met her a few times and the very idea of this post to try and defame her seems so ridiculous because you could not meet a more humble and generous person.

These posts just kind of stink of jealousy and it's sad. I'd understand if @sweetsssj was just posting a few memes and music videos but she is posting the highest quality content you'll find here. You think you're serving the community by trying to police Steemit but in reality you're attacking the very content creators that make the site great.


I didn't get that at all from the post. I thought it was a question of whether or not she is selling votes.
The question raised for me is should she be held to the same transparency standards as the bots. If she is acting as one.
I also think it is a worthy thing for the other investors to see where the reward pool is going.

This doesn't have to be all about her. It can be a discussion on the community and viability of the way the experiment is going.

I have bought and sold some votes and also upvoted my family. Nobody said she killed puppies.

Just so you know, I used to upvote people when they sent memos out of courtesy, but even doing so, I would manually go through each which is a lot more care than people give on auto-bots. I have since stopped this altogether and stuck to complete manual and yet people still send memos day in day out.

I noticed it has got quite messy with people begging and some demanding you upvote their content. I find this behaviour quite rude. You shouldn't feel pressured to upvote anybody. Your upvotes are yours and yours alone, nobody has the right to tell you how to upvote.

I look forward to your next post. You are a Steemit champion.

I agree.

@sweetsssj has definitely been a exemplary Steemit user in my perception and I wish a lot more people would be like her and really putting effort in their content + interaction with the community.

On the other hand, I have to say that upvoting friends and family for those amounts on a continuous basis is a bit too much for my taste. Of course, if you like a person behind the account because of your interactions with them on the platform or in real life, you 'extra' like them. The question is whether that should be with thousands of dollars a week (since SBD price is far above 1 USD now). I don't think so.

Next to that, that should not be the way of supporting your friends and family. Because not only is this a strange way to do it, it practically means the community as a whole is rewarded less because of this. That is not pretty. Knowing @sweetsssj a little bit from her posts, she sure understands that the general perception is that this upvoting behaviour is a bit extreme.

Apart from that, I do think that she doesn't have to be called out like this in such an extreme way as well. It probably only causes more whale battles on the platform until it is ruined completely.

@sweetsssj I get where you are coming from, but you must understand how this comes across to the community. I do hope that it does not demotivate you to keep on being an example for great content! :-)

exactly! @walden is just a jealous troll who contributes 0 to the steem blockchain but trolling and spamming youtube videos

@sweetsssj has done NOTHING but good for steem, Walden does NOTHING but nasty trolling just ask @uradick (had to make that account I believe just to deal with Walden?

remember, walden feeds on this attention and unfortunately like a Remorah fish he has parasitically attached himself to a bigger shark.

See walden would actually get SOME respect from me IF he had actually steempower but fuck hes been here since aug 2016 and he doesnt even have $500 worth of steempower? ALL he does is powerdown and produce trash

While @sweetsssj actually produces CONTENt that DRIVES people to COME to steem, without her content Steem might NOT even be WHERE IT IS TODAY Walden OWES that fw hundred dollars he even HAS to her! we ALL owe a LOT to her for KEEPING STEEMIT ALIVE during its DEATH spiral down to 7 cents!

Whatever tho, Communities will be here soon to protect us Investors and Power users who have invested lives into this blockchain, who are counting on this system, the Admins wont let a few people ruin the whole party for us

@walden has done forensic research on the blockchain. @sweetsssj hasn't brought her stake in steem like most of us so it's normal that she get a higher level of scrutiny.

You are piling on ad-hominem attack all over way to much. I find you highly suspicious.

Steemit is all about helping each don't fight with each other.... Steem is all about community building and motivating each other if anyone likes the article then they can show their love with a motivating comment and a upvote and if anybody does not like they can just say that where they are going wrong it's not right to create a big issue because I have read botb @sweetsssj and @transisto both of your articles you both have talent and you both have a lot of respect so just fighting with each other would affect your reputation........ So please be friends for me @sweetsssj and @transisto...... Lots of love to both of you wish all the best to both of you :)

Walden is an unstable person who verbally raped many women on steemit in the early days of steemit. He also doxxed many people, threatened and stalked a lot of women. Walden was responsible for running off a huge amount of women from the Steemit platform early on, and everything he has done has been through violence, threat and abuse. Please educate yourself. Aligning with an unstable mind is not looking pretty right now.

verbally raped

? How is that a thing.

stalked a lot of women

Wow, how about taking the content for what it is?


Forensic research LOL This isnt CSI Miami bro, foreskin research maybe bro no No haha he went and took some screenshots of her wallet history and made accusations, the end

@transisto you're the suspicious one, I show my face, where is your face?
im the public one who actually meets people in real life. I do nothing suspicious and you're just trolling whatever man

your the suspicious one @whatsup already exposed you so did sweetsssj with plenty of screenshots but I honestly think you have a right to upvote your comments, its your stake, and its also sweetsssj's stake


@sweetsssj hasn't brought her stake in steem like most of us so it's normal that she get a higher level of scrutiny.

NO she does not deserve scrutiny and she HAS bought steempower and what do you mean "Like the rest of us" that is such a logical fallacy riught there... what the hell... and I EARNED my stake man i earned it with a LOt of upvotes from WAY more peopel than MOST get my upvotes are SPREAD out from MANy accounts MANy REAL people and so are sweetsssj's dont be jelous of her great content, the stemians have spoken and they are the judge not you, they decide that they like her content and that it is GOOD and so she gets her steempower , youre just hating on the entire steem system it seems

thats 100% jealousy you reveal your true colors when you say that... she has bought steempower by the way... and just because she has EARNED her steempower doesnt mean she gets any different scrutiny... you also get paid plenty in steempower and SBD JUST like everyone else, she gets the same treatment as any other steemian. YOU deserve more scrutiny from what i have heard. but why do you want to start puttng your nose in strangers business? Its not your life, leave other peopel alone, you are not an authority here, you just hold steempower, its not your business to go around accusing people of vague quasi crimes and demanding they prove their innocence, youd be hurting steem if you do that.

Are you reallu that jelous of my followers?

I have about 6000 and you still have 5000, and youve been here a year longer than me almost, so you get suspicious because I am more successful than you?

lol jk whatever i honestly get sick dealing with drama like this its a huge distraction from important business we could all be doing, makes us all look petty , letting a non contributing troll user known abuser and harasser to just target random whales like this and bring the down like a witchhut

You guys get so triggered when we call you out, you act like youre just following some sort of rational logical plan and play dumb... just shameful

maybe if you keep making memes like this you can actually get some upvotes too. Ill help you get started with an upvote from myself

this is one of the secrets t o steemit, Memes ar actually vital and the comment upvotes for them are very well deserved

Daaaaam that one worked really good

Counted as a spherical kiss on the whale ass

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