Steemit ‘GROW FOR FREEDOM’ Cannabis Alliance

in #steemit7 years ago


We aim to spread the love and understanding of the sacred cannabis plant. Cannabis is a fundamental part of our human nature and has been welcomed by man ever since the dawn of time. Please join us in sharing the positive word about this wonderful flower.


If you are a Steemian cannabis grower or just a lover of herbs, we welcome you to our family. The Steemit “Grow For Freedom - Cannabis Alliance” has one simple goal: Show the world our appreciation for this sacred plant. In sharing our life and our gardens we will show the the world we are more than just a stoner. We hold jobs and run business, we are no different from anyone else, enjoying the finer things in life. We will bring positive growing vibes to the negative connotations of cannabis.


Cannabis is a huge part of my life and has helped me through many hard times in my past. I have been a pot grower and connoisseur for over 10 years and appreciate everything it has taught me. It has formed me into the man I am today and am super grateful. Thank you cannabis for everything you have done for us all!


If you would like to join our Alliance all you need to do is put this small quote at the base of your cannabis related posts: 'Grow For Freedom - Cannabis Alliance '


That’s it, that’s all you have to do. This is not a contest or a paid program. We are not here to collect donations or upvotes. We are a family of cannabis connoisseurs who want to spread the love for our favorite flower. We welcome you to our family and thanks for reading.

‘Grow For Freedom - Cannabis Alliance ’


Great idea of that alliance!!
You have my upvote and good vibes for it though I only smoke the unhealthy thing, the cigarettes LOL. I buy my DKs at the Native Reserve store, they have fewer chemicals. So you see, I am trying to go more natural ;-)

As to the plants, I've never questioned that cannabises are super special. Is just I grew up in Poland and no one was smoking them there. We smoked cigarettes and drunk beer and this is what I am still doing :-)

Thanks for the support! I quit the cigs about 5 years ago, so I can understand you love for the tobacco. lol. and a good beer is also something special. Cannabis has been around me since a very young man so I have grown very fond of it. lol

But... ones I grew some plants until my hubby destroyed them for me. With our law in Canada changing, I think I will grow few again. There are not many plants that grow faster and it is a challenge to be able to recognize the male and female when they are small and to tend them to get the highest quality flowers. I think there isn't a true gardener that do not think that marijuana plants are ones of the most gratifying weed to have in our gardens.

PS. I tried few times a hash joint and wasn't as bad as marijuana one ;-) oh and I eat hemp seeds :-)

lol, thats the spirit! a cannabis garden is a very special thing. probably one of the most looked after plants on the planet. we take care of our babies . lol :)

Hopefully I will have more to say this summer :-)

Hi guys, finally I have added that post related with 'Grow For Freedom - Cannabis Alliance ' I have also added the Grow For Freedom to my post, hope you will read it:

this coin sounds interesting, i will dig in a bit and let you know what i think. thanks for the link!i have not invested yet in the cannabis related coins or stocks.very cool! way to share the alliance!!! :)

Thank you for honoring this Goddess and God of the plant teachers.
Im all in....wouldn't miss it for a thing...except maybe for a a trip to find the elusive and prized Rainbow Og...oh the to go massage my Endo-Cannabniod system...;)


'Grow For Freedom - Cannabis Alliance '

Thanks Lynn! You are a true organic soul, and now a member of the family. We welcome you and thanks for the support. Together this alliance will show the world we are more than pot heads, we have so much to offer and this plant helps so many

Brilliant idea,
I know goodness will bloom from your endeavor, I am honored to be a member of the family, lets educate wisely,
About the true value of this Green, Golden wonder!

Poetically exasperated;)

Natural plant illegal while toxic ingredients suggested for children?

That is exactly what I am talking about. A misunderstanding of the helpful side of cannabis. It is a natural sacred plant that is not ok for children to use for recreation. There are many medical applications that can benefit all ages but recreational use I believe should be strictly for adults. But thanks for your opinion and thats the goal of this alliance. to change the worlds view on this wonderful flower!

I have to admit, I was absolutely mesmerized the first time I saw a marijuana plant in person. Marijuana is truly an incredible work of art from mother nature herself.

I agree, just walking around in the grow rooms feels super surreal

Great idea, the cannabis community on Steem it needs a good organization.

cool, I glad you like it. Welcome to the family

i like this, cannabis plants fragrance is too good... my grand father have farm of cannabis.

I agree, the smell is lovely! Thanks for the support, best wishes for your grandfathers farm in 2018!

Great post . Will be sure to add that to my posts . Rock on 🤙

Right on brotha man! show the love!

and welcome to the family!!

Oh yes the Mother Herb is great. More alliances please

I agree my friend, Mother Herb is very special!

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