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RE: Should I up vote this guy ranting? No I might face retaliation

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

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Except that slamming people for not knowing what to do is what every other platform does. If you post what you had for lunch today on some band's Facebook page, the post is obviously going to be deleted.

I was under the impression we were trying to be better than the other platforms.

That people didn't want the reddit style chats where moderators nuke anything they don't like or disagree with so many channels are 100% circle jerk with people only agreeing with everything.

So to be honest with you I don't give a damn what the other platforms do. We can learn from their mistakes, and I believe this is one of them.


Steemit is already completely different than that simply because it has no central moderation. Posts cannot be deleted, as they are and will be present until the entire blockchain is gone from every computer. Circlejerk is clearly not an issue. Tagging posts properly isn't hard to do and greatly improves the overall quality of the site. Nobody who thinks about what tags are appropriate for a post and what aren't should ever tag a post incorrectly.

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