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RE: Should I up vote this guy ranting? No I might face retaliation

in #steemit8 years ago

How long ago were you new? I am about 4 weeks in. I do remember the first few times I posted not quite having a hang of the tags. I believe my first post was possibly in steemit. Why? Because, I looked at another post and emulated it.

You have VERY flawed thinking if you believe everyone approaches the problem the same way as you and I. They don't.

Have you ever written any code? If you have then you'll know what I mean. You write code designed to use a specific way, and you drop it in a big user pool and they end up using it in ways you did not predict. This may require making more error correction, or other things to help.

The point is you can't create a platform designed for the public and slam them when they are NEW for not knowing this issue.

I will say I do think most topics I put in #steemit likely were valid for that, but I can't say 100%.

It is also not something I would be sitting there thinking "Should I be doing this?" I make up my own tags, or I look at the list of current tags and I pick 4 (yes I only use 4) that I believe fit my topic.

Yet that is MY procedure. No one taught it to me. I can't guarantee most of the public will do the same thing as me. To expect that they would is ludicrous.


Except that slamming people for not knowing what to do is what every other platform does. If you post what you had for lunch today on some band's Facebook page, the post is obviously going to be deleted. If you were to post something about a new game coming out on /r/askreddit it would be deleted because that is obviously not the right place for it. You have to assume that there is a baseline level of knowledge for anyone using any website or else you will get stuck explaining every single thing which is not an good use of time. Nobody should have to be told that "You only should add tags that relate to your post". That should be assumed knowledge. Every other site has knowledge that is assumed, and steemit's will have to be that you should never tag posts with tags that don't relate to it's content.

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