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RE: an open letter to @ned

in #steemit7 years ago

Ok Ned but the other day you defended Cardano which is an EOS competitor. So if Steem is also an EOS competitor then you defended other competition over EOS.. Why pick and choose which platforms arent allowed to advertise on decentralized social media? I have seen SmartCash on here advertising. Do you not want peer plays and bitshares to post here? Couldnt someone make an SMT that directily competes with them? So should you kick them both off the platform? It just seems like a slippery slope you are trying to pick and choose from who to censor on censorship resistant social media. I hope you learn from the backfire. Even many witnesses were disgusted by your actions.

You act like competition is horrible. This is a free market. and I believe most users of this platform encourage free markets and healthy competition. I WANT A STEEM COMPETITOR, and so should you unless you want this place to be Myspace next year. Its never the case that THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE social media site. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE BOOK STORE. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE GAS STATION! Do you see how dumb this argument is? So why are you trying to kill competition? It makes you look weak and scared.

This is a social Media site. Dan has a right to use a social media site like any other person. If he talks about his work and what hes doing and people are interested, that shit has NOTHING to do with you Ned. Mute him if you want. Don't fling shit at eachother in front of the whole community.

Its of my personal opinion that you poked the bear.. and 2 weeks ago Steemit didnt have much to worry about. Now Steem has a company with a billion dollars, and a genius developer with a vendetta to worry about. There will definitely be a social media competitor on EOS, you made that a certainty with your comment the other day.

Do better, ask the community before you do things like that. We are the thing that will make or break Steemit.. Not you, you will only affect the communities decisions..

Competition is healthy and this is a social media site that any people are allowed to post whatever they want, even Dan Larimer is allowed to have a social media site on a decentralized media platform.

I fully support Steem, but its not like I dont want competition to keep Steem working hard on progress and becoming better.


Its of my personal opinion that you poked the bear.. and 2 weeks ago Steemit didnt have much to worry about. Now Steem has a company with a billion dollars, and a genius developer with a vendetta to worry about. There will definitely be a social media competitor on EOS, you made that a certainty with your comment the other day

Understand that any plans seeming “reactionary” out of Dan have actually been planned and plotted for a long time. The only reason his competitor doesn’t exist today is the infrastructure needed to be built first—this is timing. Timing in PR as much as development.

Competition is a good thing and it was always coming. Embrace it. Compete on your terms. Build better product.

There was always going to be competition. Find our strengths. Build strengths.
Now we are in open competition. Embrace it. Flaunt it. Savor it.
We have SMTs. They never can.

We have SMTs. They never can.

Are you "high" or something?

Details matter on these platforms. Here are the important ones on this issue (copy pasted from @dana-edwards recent post

It's actually much more safe, valuable, effective to build these on Steem than any general platform, eos or anything else. I wouldn't dare code these on a general platform and purport they would work very well nor that they could have the same economic benefits to the core token. Ultimately, the idea of general purpose blockchains will also mean meta Proof of Brain tokens are limited by bad bandwidth or transaction pricing and other economic pitfalls, and in the end, application-specific blockchains will over-win opportunities like layered Proof of Brain tokens, such as SMTs.

Check out these sections of the SMT whitepaper. It mentions Ethereum, and the drawbacks of eos will apply just the same:

What Makes SMTs Better Suited to Application-Specific Blockchains, such
as Steem, than Application-General Blockchains, such as Ethereum? 53
SMTs are Safer and More Cost Effective in Application-Specific Blockchain Environments
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
SMTs on Steem have Aligned Proof-of-Brain Incentives with the Core Token . 54
SMTs on Steem Have Transaction Pricing that Contributes to a Quality User
Experience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
SMTs Benefit from a Blockchain that has Scaling Processes Programmed to a
Specialized Set of Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
SMTs Benefit from a Blockchain with Content Management System (CMS)
Primitives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56

How will you prevent a DAPP like "eosteem" that lives on EOS to adapt SMTs-like approach (not EOS itself BUT a DAPP on EOS)?

no one is trying to prevent it in the slightest. an SMT model on a general platform will always be hamstrung by its inability to cooperate with pricing agents (witnesses) by getting parts of its contracts specially priced (like SMTs on Steem are proposed to do). just check out the intersection of Market Maker Pools and bandwidth allocations in the Whitepaper. Steps simply must be taken to make tokens first class - that’s what Steem can go out of its way to do where general purpose cannot.

@ned I certainly hope your theories work out in real life application. I see the benefits you aspire it too, I feel as though there may be an element that’s missing but that’s how things grow down the road, for me steem is to decentralized social media as bitcoin was to Blockchain. It’s the legacy that will give your system the spine it needs to have SMT’s launch fairly successfully. I pray the best for the community, but this thread really calmed my nerves about this debaucle and the SMT rumours that have been floating.

Yes, embrace, flaunt, savor it! Visionaries aren’t afraid of a little heat, in fact they enjoy it. Turn it up I say.

Thanks for the red herring.

Thanks sneak. I feel like I have seen this before. It is worth noting I guess though I need to go back and find complete context. I personally am fine with a person changing their minds. I have friends that quit Facebook weekly, Ron Paul changed his mind about the death penalty, Snowden changed his mind about working for the NSA. Though I am interested to know how long he didn't post for after that, and what he started posting about when he came back.

The community basically begged him to keep blogging. He has a mass of appreciation just for his ideas, nevermind his innovations.

what ideas specifically—legitimate original ideas are practically impossible to come by—even Steem(new token emissions like points in social media) had been dreamed up many times before we got to it

Another red herring. I never said anything about originality.

I'm about to change my mind about my previous decision to not downvote apologists.

I excused Ned for saying stupid shit. I excused dan for saying he wasnt going to post here anymore. I guess I am a through and through apologist. It probably comes from me understanding I'm not perfect. If I'm ever wrong and change my mind. I would like people to understand. So maybe my empathy causes me to be an apologist. I apologize? but downvote what you must. Being able to forgive people their MINOR faults/mistakes is a bad trait I have I guess.

Judging by this post he was only gone for 1 month, and according to the responses the majority of people that are on Steemit appeared to be glad to have him back.

I am also glad you are here too sneak. Someone needs to fight Haejin and I'm not powerful enough. So even if you downvote and hate me for whatever that your mad about, you are appreciated.

An "apologist" is somebody who offers a defense for something controversial. Controversy is anything that causes heated arguments and disagreements - in other words, fucking important shit.

Thank you so much for playing the devils advocate, for being understanding, and for being an "apologist". Thanks for not being a sheep. And thanks for not being an asshole.

I would have given this comment a higher vote, but I am saving my VP for curation of the Venezuelan folks since I was delegated SP by same. This reply deserves a 500% upvote!
proud of my crowd.png

graphic above by @hoschitrooper
Also I lost track of time. The post payout is over. Damn I need to get a better quality of weed.

We won't change our minds about poor hiring decisions and childish, power corrupted assholes on the steemit payroll acting like children, much like this ridiculous comment of yours here proves so well, and ned's little play at idiocy and backpedaling the day after here, when obvious feud is months old and so obviously fear based, so what's your point, little man @sneak?

Here here! The competition can't come soon enough!

HOLY SHIT don't get me started man...

@sneak We can't avoid reasoning; we can only avoid doing it well.

I can't imagine working directly for any of the US govt intel agencies. The whole concept of intel goes hand and hand with corruption, but lately it has gotten so bad lately that major players arent even tryin to hide it anymore. Imagine actually having a conscience while having to report to someone such as Jaames Comey, or Eric Holder. Imagine actually knowing the truth behind all of the bullshit conspiracies that are relevant atm


Quintessential common business sense, you are right on the mark. Not a CEO, Anarchocapitalist (still trying to get a good grasp of what the label truly means) or business man myself, but have worked in the business sector as a marketing director for a short time, so I agree with the statement:

You act like competition is horrible. This is a free market. and I believe most users of this platform encourage free markets and healthy competition. I WANT A STEEM COMPETITOR, and so should you unless you want this place to be Myspace next year. Its never the case that THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE social media site. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE BOOK STORE. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE GAS STATION! Do you see how dumb this argument is? So why are you trying to kill competition? It makes you look weak and scared.

Read me right: Competition is a good thing. Embrace it. Flaunt it. Savor it. Build better product.

When you have competitors—make them known to you—find them—analyze them—pick them apart—find good things—see weaknesses—take ideas—beat them. Enjoy it.

Just dont turn this competition into another petty flag war. Rather show us the "product".

Yes if you saw a petty flag war—look deeper or just read my original comment

So it has been 2 months and no product. What's the hold-up? EOS will be launching very soon. Not much time left. There are already functioning platforms that work very much like steemit does. ONO which will launch soon after EOS is launched, for one.

Jesus fucking christ dude. Calm down, the project is damn near as transparent as you can possibly get. If you want to know whats going on just check the github.

Just have a bit of patience, Steem has gotten to this point by having cutting edge tech that other projects cant even hope to compete with rather than hype. Id much rather SMTs be a little late rather than have them come out less than 1000% ready.

Thank your for the clarification of your statement young sir. Maybe if you would have explained the reason for downvoting Mr. Larimer's article on EOS instead of just using the term aggrandizement, folks would not be so angry right now. The action was perceived to be a personal attack upon Mr. Larimer by many. As he is respected by a great deal of people on this platform, it would be expected that folks would come to his defense.

It is my perception, through my observations, the observation of others and following the projects and point papers, that Mr. Larimer is a visionary and genius. Like many folks of that personality persuasion they begin projects and leave the oversight/management to others. Not necessarily a case of ADHD, as young Nate described Mr. Larimer some months ago in my hearing, but the way of idea people. Even if Mr. Larimer does in fact have what some term ADHD is that a bad thing? I would fair to say that DaVinci, Bell, Edison would all be described the same way if they lived in our present world.

Sir, you have made a mistake. That is fine. We are all human. Instead of excuses, you would do better to ask forgiveness and move on. Their is nothing wrong with admitting our errors and seeking reconciliation with those we have offended. One of the parties must make the first step in mending the fence. I have a great deal of personal experience in this area. Be sure though that you do not end your apology with a phrase beginning with but. That negates the mea culpa and also no one cares about your butt (except maybe a girlfriend/boyfriend).

Some of us have beat you up enough, now it is time for us to dust you off and tell you why we were angry. Let us move on to the next controversy. Is that not the way of woman and man kind?

I’m not here to apologize—I’m here to rally Steem against undermining forces. Read my original comment and understand why it happened. It’s time to compete openly.

Your self aggrandizing upvote had the opposite effect Ned. I can see there's no use seeking an apology nor would it do much good at this point. If you really wanted the community to stand with you and compete then you should have stood with them when they requested that you reverse the mistake of the last hardfork.

People have no faith in a platform where the 40-51% stakeholder is the only one we can really depend on to develop the blockchain as they have the greatest incentive to move us in the right direction but stubbornly turn their backs on us when somebody says this direction was recommended by "Dan Larimer". Just say the name and you're suddenly unapproachable.

I had hoped the reaction from the community would teach you something but you're still trying to beat down the competitor or any comments in their favour instead of listening to the community and moving this ship in the direction for growth.

I trust that you and the team have been working hard. That I'm sure of. Don't let bitterness get in the way. It's you that's drinking the poison to defeat your enemy. You're drinking it.

Your self aggrandizing upvote had the opposite effect Ned.

THIS ^^^

Gave some advice. If business is in fact more important than preserving a friendship, or at least mutual respect, then I have no reply to your reply. But, since I always like to have the last word, I am replying. I am old and it is one of my quirks.

OK, thanks ;)

You were not listening young sir, I like to have the last word.

I would fair to say, @clayboyn, @drpuffnstuff, @beanz, @stephanus,, are not attacking you; but trying to advise you in the error of your actions, and give advice. We all have a dog in this race. Please quit trying to justify your errors and just fess up to being wrong. People will respect you more. Even Jerry Banfield has admitted at one time the errors of his ways and made public apology. Be a man. Take it from a guy that has walked this earth for over half a century. We should all be our own biggest critics.

These aren’t errors.

It's no use sargento. Most people have to learn the hard way, and that's even harder when things have been made so easy. You can't save people from their own mistakes however hard it is to watch.

Too many read into the noise of all of this, and very few see the signal (the true message). Your a strange mix of both randomness and conventional sapience. This is the true @ned that v.few get to see ... until now! Keep it up! ... "Full Steem ahead!!" :-)

Dang, had to look that word up:

Sapience is the quality of being wise, or wisdom. When voters are choosing a candidate, they usually hope for one with at least a degree of sapience. ... Sapience is an Old French word that comes from the Latin sapientia, "good taste, good sense, intelligence, or wisdom."

Thank you sir, for improving my vocabulary. I will probably use this word in the future, hopefully I use it in context and remember what it means.

When all this started I also had to look up the word: aggrandizement:

Aggrandizement is the noun form of the verb aggrandize, "to increase the power or reputation of something," and it usually implies that there's some exaggeration going on.

An Incredible Hulk/sapient @ned makes me happy. No aggrandizement required. 110% real. Steem on @sgt-dan!

Thank you. As I said, I must always have the last word. A quirk of mine.

All that glitters is not gold...
Some "ghost" miners creating coins "out of thin air" to reward themselves boggles my mind. Some "good trustworthy" miners running computer softwares that give you your personal and public Keys through their computer programs means they already have both your public AND private keys and capable to hack your account ANYTIME they want. How can I believe these " do-no-evil" miners telling me that the bitcoins decrease with time when they can create them out of thin air ANYTIME to reward themselves?? Crypto-currency is one big MATRIX system and those without common sense will fall for it. Crypto-technology is what "cooks" the book, or rather its better to say it is what "cooks" the block-chain and keeps the matrix alive.

There is no longer any such thing as a steem miner, and has't been since pre-public-launch in 2016... So this is all sort of ???

Miners did exist after launch. They lasted for several hardforks actually. They were voted out.

Ah that is correct, and I stand corrected, your Pirate Queen-ness of Lore! :)

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