Sketchware - Make Android Apps on your Mobile Phone, no Codding Required
Make Android Apps on your Mobile Phone, no Codding Required

Hunter's comment
Have you ever considered to learn programming to make a simple mobile app by your own as a non-developer? Then, you must understand how the journey to learn is difficult and stressful. I've learned programming by myself over 6 months and still I'm not capable to make a simple game app.
So, I introduce this cool application that you can download in Google Playstore, called as "Sketchware."
Sketchware is an android app that enables you to create an android app without any coding attempts. This is not just a crapy app making solution. You can make from very simple app to kinda complicated one like Blackjack game by using this app. Check out this promo video by Sketchware.
The core mechanism of how this app magically grant you the ability to make an android app is called as "Block-based Programming." For example, you need to create a script to run some logic when you want to make an interface. In this app, all the necessary coding scripts and interfaces are BLOCKTISED, so you can just DRAG-AND-DROP them on the GUI panel to design your app. Please check this blog article about how the app works -
Also this app has a wide range of community built already, so you can find tutorials easily like this -
Hunter: @project7

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None that I can see here.
Pros: This application is really innovative, easy to use, and we only need our Smartphone to build an app.
Cons: Can we make the customization in logic or in design?.
Pros :
Cons :
"Moderator Comment
Great Hunt and will keep this in mind for building my own App next time :)
Keep up the hunting, Hunter!
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Wow, it looks cool.
Thanks for your hunt.
주최측이닷! ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 화이팅입니다!
안드로이드 어플이라 아쉽네요ㅜ
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아닛 개발자도! ㅎㅎ 스팀헌트 화이팅입니다 ㅎ
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아 네 죄송합니다 ㅎㅎ 스팀헌트를 줄여서 SH라고들 불러요 ㅋㅋ
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업보팅합니다. 수고하셨어요.