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RE: Dear Steemit, Thank you for everything

Hello dear @steemcurator01, we are really surprised by all this, we did not expect that Nadia will leave Steemit and even less that she will not communicate with any of us. Until today he has not told us anything and has not responded to our messages on the discord channel. Something that makes it very suspicious for all of us.

We want to give a reasonable amount of time to see if he shows up and decides to deliver the community account keys. If not, José and I will be creating a new community to continue with the project and we hope for the support of all of you.

A community in the health area is more than necessary and we have realized that users like it, so we consider it necessary to continue and we will do so as always, giving our best.

And I hope the support of our entire team for this new project in case we have to carry it out.

@steemdoctor1 @dexsyluz


Hi! Sorry for interfering in a discussion that really doesn't concern me: I don't really know @nadiaturrina, although I've read quite a few of her posts. So I don't like to defend her or condemn her. But...: what did she actually do that was bad? The demand for unquestionable disclosure and verification of one's identity is a typical sovereign right, as held by the police or a court. In my opinion, it has no place on a decentralised and free platform. There is no law and no regulation that you have to appear and reveal yourself here exclusively with your real name. That is also a good thing! Unfortunately, this seems to have been forgotten a little. More and more Communities insist on such a procedure. Does this effectively prevent abuse? I don't know. The fact is that it creates a general mood of mistrust which I find very off-putting. So do many, many other Steemians who don't post in communities because of this. Is it worth it...?

What @nadiaturrina does with her own account and stake, whether she justifies it or not, is her sole decision. The community account she manages is a different story: here she has acted in a quasi-fiduciary capacity and would do well to hand over control of the account. Personally, I have no reason to doubt that she will do so. At the moment, there is a lot of dirty laundry being washed and beaten up on her from all sides - I would also crawl into a hole and wait until all this is over...

As you wrote yourself: wait a few days and see if she reacts rationally and honestly hands over her responsibilities to you. I am optimistic.


Congratulations, your comment has been successfully curated by @o1eh at 12%.

By the way, I agree with you.

La salud es importante en Steemit, los concursos han logrado que los usuarios conozcan cuando están mal de salud y que hacer al respecto.

Asistir a los centros de salud es importante, conocer cuando nuestro cuerpo nos da "alarmas" también es importante. Siempre estaré dispuesta a ayudar a quien necesite de mi conocimiento

De eso se trata ser agente de cambio social. Ayudar a la sociedad que desconoce de las enfermedades básicas o mortales

Si Nadia decide no entregar las claves, estoy de acuerdo en la decisión de crear una nueva comunidad para la salud de los steemians.

Hola amiga, lamento lo sucedido, eso debe dejarnos un gran aprendizaje a todos, cada quien debe asumir las consecuencias de sus actos.
Una comunidad de Salud liderizada por ti y por josevas217 será bueno para todos, ustedes han demostrado su compromiso con la plataforma, cuentan con mi apoyo y estoy segura que con el apoyo de todos los usuarios.
Saluods amiga, te deseo mucho éxito en este nuevo proyecto.

Let's wait for answers, and if there are no answers from Nadia, we will take actions so that the experience remains, but that the HEALTH topic in the platform does not remain unattended, in total, we can open a community, the knowledge is ours, we are the team that really kept the community active, contributing ideas, and more. Anyway, we will wait, and if there is no response, we assume a new responsibility.

You are right friend, the health related dynamics and contests are very much important for all Steemians around the world so it would be the requirement of time that we will open a new community on the same theme, health.

Let's wait some time for the response of the person behind nadiaturrina's account and then make the decision accordingly. Although, it would be difficult to start the community from scratch but we hope that Steemit Team will support us in this regard.

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