in #steemchurch5 years ago (edited)

A very special greeting for all the friends and brothers of this community, I have had some very blessed days in a special environment to meditate, reflect, closely following all the activities of the church and its parishes, and also reading your expectations, your wishes, I had not had time to devote to writing fragments of what I have stored in my heart, my last messages have been a bit theological and strategic, which is not wrong, I have no opposition about it, but for me there is no nothing better than what God pours into our spirit, so I have several points to share:

I think that each of us is special, God sees us in that way and with each one has a different treatment, according to the need, we are like this with our children we want to be the best parents, teaching values, educating to be men and women. women of good and reach the fullness in this land.

God has entrusted me with a very special task, and that is to adopt spiritual children, people that I will bless with what he has deposited in me, rather than doing a sermon, a general description of a verse, my desire and that of God. it is also to conquer hearts for the Kingdom, and that these hearts can be the Watchtowers, the tompretas of the highest God here on this earth, those men and women capable of raising a shout of joy to reach the greatest harvests of souls in the world. For me it would be easy to take the Bible, to preach a message, but my testimony of life is what God will use for the conquest, you can not show the God who heals when you do not know him, nor the God who prospers when his life has been an eternal scarcity, can not say that Jehovah is his banner when he lives hidden by circumstances.

Today I have the responsibility to guide many people to the truth, what truth?

Jesus, and this crucified one, the death of my lord was not in vain, he came to seek what was lost, you and I were lost until his grace reached us.

Many of you may perceive Darlenys as a woman who struggles, who works, who likes excellence in everything she does, but has also fought the greatest battles, and has had to let the logos of the bible become spirit. and penetrate to the depths of your soul, spirit, become life and bear fruit.

The first thing that God will demand from us is character, that character that characterizes a Christian, I remember that one of my weaknesses was in the character, the lack of authority in my beginnings, the sentimentality, that made me enter many processes, In all areas, I've always had that dreamy heart, I spent whole days trying to imagine a project and I fought to make it come true, it happened to me that it reached many things but immediately the looters arrived, they took everything away and I was frustrated, and it was a I repeat that in my life, God had to deal strongly with me in this area and separate the mercy, the love with the fact of giving with lightness what he gave me.
How many tears and pain I had to go through to forge that warrior's character, I do not wish on any living being. Many nights I told God that I do not want to continue, because I felt that all my bones were broken, and there was affliction in my soul, also many times I heard him say: Darlenys, Psalm 34 is for you: divine protection, what I read and took new strength to continue.

I have learned that the little that God gives us we must see with a pearl of great value, take care of it because we do not know what comes when we are faithful in the little, I am not the one who likes to make charity to people, we have to teach our similar to using its potential, otherwise we make it dependent on a system, Jesus came to give us freedom.

I have also met the enemy face to face, for years I was afraid, until I recognized that the perfect love was not in me, because the perfceto love of Jesus casts out all fear.

God has made me look inside myself, to get what he does not like, it has not been easy, his spirit is what makes me win the battles. Only one thing that I never forget that the Lord has told me constantly: Darlenys never let your good heart be stolen, there is the secret for you to see my glory.Today I am a woman respected in the spiritual world, because I do not bring wounds, but scars that show that none of the circumstances have been able to end the divine design that God established for me before the foundation of the world.

I am a survivor by the grace of God, and if I still breathe it is because I have a purpose to fulfill, a task to do, and I am committed to be a channel of blessing and multiplication of all that passes through my life.

My membership is that today I belong to the church of Christ that is one body, that I want to translate in @steemchurch all the designs of the kingdom, that God spills his wisdom in us to help us expand his glory in the world, that enables us to that divine grace, and that every place that our feet step on we possess it.


I have been talking with many brothers about their projects, their desires, and I have seen myself reflected in many of them, when we have a dream we want to run and make it come true as soon as possible, in my experience the dreams of God are aligned to their will, and we must do what belongs to us, sure God will take care of others, we have to train, learn every day of that dream, as we already had, my mentor and spiritual father always told me: daughter never give up your dreams , write them, study, in the least expected day someone will ask you: how much does that dream cost?
Then you will know what to answer, that advice has never been forgotten, when I want something, I investigate it, I analyze it, I look for it until I see the glory of God in that perseverance.

God has given me things only because I have been diligent, obedient, persevering, I have never taken any task for less, I have worked on the faith and he has worked, that is why today I call you from my heart that everything you want to do begin With what they have, God will not assign us a task that we can not accomplish, advance in faith and in works.

Do not despise any position no matter how small, just God is preparing us to go to the palace, I know that this journey is beginning, that there are moments that the forces are missing, but I know that God is in our midst and he will do his work at through us.

I can see in my spirit, many people with great talents and hearts that God wants to use at this time and they are here, just let them mold, let them use, give the best they can and see how the glory and blessing of the father is poured out on you .

They have been days of reflection, of victories, now we will focus on the action, build ponds and begin to open the ditches, because we will not see water, we will not see rain, but these will be full, and will be like that river of living water that will enjoy the spring that flows from the river of God.

I invite everyone to place their hands on the plow, let us work as God desires as one body in Christ, a united house will never be moved, organized work, discipline, perseverance, faith, hope and above all Love.


A recognition to my brothers who are placing all their effort in their parishes and in their work @uyobong, @mhm-philippines, @biggsam, @Adedoyinwealth, @ricci01, @charleswealth, @maxdevalue, @oppongk, @fatherfaith, @abiye, @tomlee, I know there are many more, I thank all of you in the name of God for your valuable collaboration to bring steemchurch to the place where God wants it.

Not to mention our beloved @sirknight who has been our greatest example and guide and the least we can do is deliver the most valuable we have our time, to do the best.

The hope that is delayed is torment of the heart;
But the tree of life is the wish fulfilled.
Proverbs 13:12 | RVR60


The dreams of God deposited in someone's heart are unprecedented to enforce them. I bless you in the name of Jesus Christ @darlenys01 and may the Holy Spirit guide you more to realize the purpose of God for your life.

I invite everyone to place their hands on the plow, let us work as God desires as one body in Christ, a united house will never be moved, organized work, discipline, perseverance, faith, hope and above all Love.

Thank you mother of the crowds for this heartful message. It's now time to rise to responsibility.

You have been a great development catalyst. I pray that not only in you, may God grow in us all the character of Christ Jesus, that we may be able to run this race to a successful finish.

Posted using Partiko Android

Dear Mother @Darlenys01, Steemchurch Nigeria salute you for this deep reflections and heartful message to us. We are dedicated to run with you on this vision towards making Steemchurch a household name and spreading the love of Christ all over the world.

Happy New Month.


This is wonderful Darlenys:

My membership is that today I belong to the church of Christ that is one body, that I want to translate in @steemchurch all the designs of the kingdom, that God spills his wisdom in us to help us expand his glory in the world, that enables us to that divine grace, and that every place that our feet step on we possess it.

Thank you darlenys for your edifying words for our lives.

Great message for the Darlenys church, we want to collaborate so that Steemchurch fulfills its purpose.

God in his Magnificence has given us the Value, the power, the availability to give Values within the Framework of Respect, Solidarity, Empathy, Love, Above all Love that is the Love that God Greatly gives us on a daily basis. THAT love WHAT DAILY TO WAKE UP we realize by the simple fact of opening our eyes to the world to observe this marvelous land that he has ruled us to build an Empire of Love Respect. God bless you greatly. @ darlenys01

We are proud of you @darlenys01 ,. mother of crowds.

...I am not the one who likes to make charity to people, we have to teach our similar to using its potential, otherwise we make it dependent on a system, Jesus came to give us freedom.

God will not assign us a task that we can not accomplish, advance in faith and in works.

Wonderful lines, full is spiritual wisdom!

I read with tears 😭 on my eye balls, tears of joy because I could see life which has been pruned for a harvest because some are just a prayer answered, and that prayer is taught by Christ which says “father send forth laborers into your vineyard”. For we are the epistles that men read and I’m glad to read this! The spirit bears witness, and His witnesses are true but I pray that same spirit of grace shall be poured in all of us so that we all may comprehend this eternal mandate which God has given you for Steemchurch.

I rejoice greatly seeing how grace has molded you for the places which you should cover for Christ’s sake. The zeal of the spirit of God in you shall accomplish this till that day that you shall through the same spirit say “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing”.

Thanks for this Darlenys.

If we are focused on what we do and what God wants for us, we will succeed because we will do the father's will. Always forward my brothers.

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