Currently there is a bubble in the price of the SBD in HitBTC. The price is higher than $ 30. But it is because the page is in maintenance, and can not enter or exit SBD, but if internal exchange is allowed. A speculative madness.
Currently there is a bubble in the price of the SBD in HitBTC. The price is higher than $ 30. But it is because the page is in maintenance, and can not enter or exit SBD, but if internal exchange is allowed. A speculative madness.
some would (correctly) call it fraud.
think rilly, rilly hard before you trade on HitBTC.
Yes it is. I don't have SBD in HitBTC, just notice me while reviewing the market. It's a bubble sincerely stupid, because it is not based even on fiction, but in a momentary scarcity of a currency that is not very demanded. The price will collapse to the minutes of restored maintenance.