The State of Steem

in #steem7 years ago


it's been better


Isn't doing so good either
neither is


In fact the entire cryptosphere is too



At first a Hack was blamed
Cryptocurrencies tumble after S. Korea hack
but it appears that that was just the trigger
it was the Final Straw that Broke the Camel's back

there was something else

I recalled that a few months ago I read a post
(there were many more much like it)

The MASSIVE Tether Ticking Time BOMB
It would appear that bomb has gone off.

Other's seem to agree

More than half of last year's crypto rally was fake?!

Tether Manipulation Pushed Up Bitcoin's Price

Bitcoin’s 2017 Surge Was the Result of Manipulation


Don't despair
(despair is a sin)
there is (at least) one bright ray of sunshine

that last bit is GOOD NEWS. It tells me that the biggest whale in the pond is willing to put his money where his mouth is.
Ned, the CEO of Steemit is hiring DEVS (programmers). There are a whole bunchaton of world class Developers on the Steem BlockChain and their not taking this sitting down.

Blockchain Update 2: HF20 Progress & Bandwidth Changes

What needs to happen to reach $10 STEEM in 2018? (Discussion)

and finally
I leave you with another ray of sunshine.

Anti-FUD: Why Your Cryptocurrency Hodling Is Going To Explode!!!


Currently there is a bubble in the price of the SBD in HitBTC. The price is higher than $ 30. But it is because the page is in maintenance, and can not enter or exit SBD, but if internal exchange is allowed. A speculative madness.

some would (correctly) call it fraud.
think rilly, rilly hard before you trade on HitBTC.

Yes it is. I don't have SBD in HitBTC, just notice me while reviewing the market. It's a bubble sincerely stupid, because it is not based even on fiction, but in a momentary scarcity of a currency that is not very demanded. The price will collapse to the minutes of restored maintenance.

Like you said a lot of reading involved, my conclusion, Likely wrong:

Steem is going to drop to about $0.88, when it drops below a dollar, lots and lots of people are going to run around like chickens with their head cut off. meanwhile they will be wondering why and how is it possible that SBD is still worth $2.46.

This is going to going to cause a lot of head scratching and screams of scam, ponzi, scam, oh me oh my oh poor poor pitiful me why did I not sell when steem was still at least $2.62. And then we can have all the people rush to the emergency exits, selling the remaining miscule valued steem, and running as fast as they can with their tails tucked between their legs to EOS and ONO and even DOGE.

Meanwhile, back in the world of steem, I still comment, post on occasion, play games, look at pictures, and read stories. sometime voting, and sometimes powering up, and sometimes giving an SBD here or there for this or that cause.

Then Black Monday comes around again, for the first time in 2018, and I look at my steem feed and everyone is talking about the new really big investors coming in, the price of steem starts it regularly scheduled up rise before next years march madness sets in.

It was a lot of reading yep.

Steem is going to drop to about $0.88, when it drops below a dollar, lots and lots of people are going to run around like chickens with their head cut off. meanwhile they will be wondering why and how is it possible that SBD is still worth $2.46.

I consider it possible but unlikely that the price of Steem will drop to $0.88 but if it does the price of SBD CERTAINLY won't be at $2.46.

Like I have said many times on many comments I do not know a lot about crypto.
Edited part add after getting home:
I am learning every day with help from you and other people like you. There are a few people that do give straight answers.

Close to what it was this time last year. Only BTC was also lower.

Came here to pretty much say the same thing. It would be nice to see steem 1$ and sbd 1$ so i can exchange them 1 to 1 again.

More than half of last year's crypto rally was fake?!

Tether Manipulation Pushed Up Bitcoin's Price

Bitcoin’s 2017 Surge Was the Result of Manipulation

When the crypto ideologues and reality hit the tarmac.
If you can't buy crypto without fiat - and all fiat is manipulation....guess what...?

...until the collapse and reset, the entire system (crypto being in it, whether we like it or not) is the definition of manipulation...

This actual point in time is the wild swings of the manipulation. As it breaks down the manipulations have to get wilder, to try and keep control of it - which it can never do, they can just try to maintain it...(keep the system afloat).

145 days and counting....(well I'm not really, I forgot when I posted it. lol)

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.14
TRX 0.24
JST 0.033
BTC 86741.29
ETH 2162.27
USDT 1.00
SBD 0.64