My talk about Steem and its Ecosystem, during meetup at Crypto@Cracow Poland, with over 200 attendees | [PL] Moja prelekcja o Steem i ekosystemie na Crypto@Cracow, ponad 200 uczestników

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

In one of my last posts, I wrote that I have bought 4300 stickers for Steemians.

W jednym z ostatnich wpisów, napisałem, że kupiłem 4300 naklejek dla Steemian.

Now its time to tell you a little bit more about a reason why I wanted to buy them.

The goal was simple: give those stickers to all people on Crypto@Cracpw which just learned about Steem, Steemit, DTube, DSount, Strimi, Utopian and many other projects build on top of Steem :)

Teraz można napisać więcej na temat tego, z jakiego powodu chciałem je kupić.

Cel był prosty: rozdać te neklejek każdej osobie na Crypto@Cracow, która miała okazję posłuchać na temat Steem, Steemit, DTube, DSount, Strimi, Utopian i wielu innych projektów zbudowanych na Steem :)

My talk about Steem and its Ecosystem

Moja prelekcja o Steem i Ekosystemie

This time my talk was in Polish, so please forgive me - but for now, there is not translation to English.

This event was also livestreamed, and so far it was watched by:

Całość była również streamowana na żywo, jak dotąd nagranie obejrzało:


If you would like to re-use my slides, feel free to do so! I would be happy if those materials will be used more than once :)

You can download slides from here or you can watch it online here.


Jeżeli chciałbyś użyć slajdów na swoje potrzeby - śmiało! Będę szczęśliwy, wiedząc, że materiały zostały użyte po raz kolejny :)

Możesz ściągnąć je stąd lub przejrzeć je online tutaj.

About Smart Media Tokens for FX MAG

O Smart Media Tokenach dla FX MAG

Because of many questions from the audience, I didn't have enough time to cover topic of Smart Media Tokens.

Fortunately, guys from FX MAG invited me to talk about them and record everything. We need to wait a little bit for post-production, but here you can see a glimpse from the backstage :)

Z powodu wielu pytań z publiczności, nie było czasu, to omówić także temat Smart Media Tokenów.

Na szczęście, chłopaki z FX MAG zaprosili mnie, bym z nimi o tym pomówił w studio, by to nagrać u nich. Musimy nieco poczekać na obróbkę materiału, ale już teraz mogę Wam pokazać w jakich warunkach odbywało się nagranie :)

New accounts to follow

Nowe konta do obserwowania

I am very happy to inform you, that organizers of the Crypto@Cracow Meetup decided to create an account on Steem, to share information about future events.

Please follow @crypto-cracow, especially if you are from Poland :) You should also know, that many of those events would have never be filmed if there was no guys from @fxmag. Please follow them as well, if you like their content.

Bardzo miło mi poinformować, że organizatorzy Crypto@Cracow Meetup zdecydowali się założyć konto w sieci Steem, by dzielić się informacjami na temat kolejnych spotkań.

Rozważ obserwowanie @crypto-cracow, zwłaszcza jeżeli jesteś z Polski :) Powinieneś również wiedzieć, że wiele z tych spotkań nigdy nie było by sfimowanych, gdyby nie chłopaki z @fxmag. Jeżeli ich twórczość Ci się podoba, również powinieneś zacząć ich śledzić.

Have you been on this meetup?

Please say hello to others in comments section:) Other participants will be able to recognize you more easily. Do you have any pictures from this meetup? Great! Upload them, to show how it was, to be there. If you are joined Steem thanks to this meetup, say few words about you, and feel free to link to your first post :)

If case of any problems, you should know that you can find help on our #polish channel, on (separate account is needed).

Byłeś na tym meetupie?

Przywitaj się w komentarzach :) Dzięki temu inne osoby, będą mogły łatwiej Cię znaleźć. Masz jakieś zdjęcia ze spotkania? Wrzuć je w komentarzu, by pokazać innym, jak to wyglądało od środka. Jeżeli dołączyłeś do Steem, dzięki temu spotkaniu, napisz coś o sobie i nie wahaj się zalinkować do swojego pierwszego wpisu :)

W przypadku jakichkolwiek problemów, powinieneś wiedzieć, że możesz znaleźć pomoc na polskim kanale #polish, na (osobna rejestracja).


Was it worth to go there from Gdańsk?
If I had to choose again, I'd start packing myself right away :)

Even though conference was only one point on my checklist, it was enourmously kind to be there. The best thing of the trip was to meet the people (including some good old friends), to give them a five and finally talk about Steem on the afterparty.

Despite the fact, that the talk treated about the basics, I've learnt quite a bunch of new things. Appreciate the the spirit to talk for more than 3.5 hours while still having willingness for more.
The only thing for the future - allowing to ask questions only on the end of the talk would take lesser amount of time.

PS: I forgot to mention, that have the most Steemish computer on the world :D

Max upvote for this comment, because it was a real challenge for you to come to Cracow from Gdańsk. That was huge!


Actually, the coach travel time was ~11 hours rather than 5... But nightly travel is a blessing here - without sleep during the ride it would be impossible to make it... But hope I'll post about it tommorrow.

I'd have to agree with you

Stainless steem

Hey @noisy, thank you for very good presentation and possibility to meet so many Steemians in one place in person ;-)


Do you remember who took pictures during after party?

AFAIR it was @olo2552 ;-)

Miejsca brakło ludzie siedzieli nawet na parapetach!

We run out of seats some attendants was sitting at window sills.

O dziwo było pełno nawet po darmowej PIZZY ;)

Many stayed even after free PIZZA!

2018-01-29 13.24.38.jpg

2018-01-29 13.24.23.jpg

Widać mnie na tych zdjęciach :) Ale czad!

To gdzie jest upvote? Po co się starać jak i tak nie doceniasz :P

great post on steemit promo.😊

Thanks for sharing. I'll follow the suggested accounts

Thanks for the stickers @noisy - I was there with @jestemkioskiem and @olo2552 :-)

I was also hanging around, mainly talking with great Steemian @piotr-galas :)

Respect for 3,5 hours talk! Detailed and professional ;)

there were breaks :P no one would be able to listen to me talking straight 3.5 hours :P

C'mon You talked to people even during breaks ;)

that was such a long talk though you really did great

Wow this is awesome, @noisy this is just excellent excellent. I'll have this kind of attendance some day

I took quite a lot of those stickers so the least I can do is to give you "pałkerson up" under this post

carrioner w pierwszym rzędzie i w czapce, ale po co, tam nie ma green screena ;)

fuckin thief
oh i forgot we're polish

Pałkersony dla zasięgów ;-)

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