Dear Prophets of Doom

in #steem7 years ago (edited)
You know, it's not that I put my fingers in my ears and scream like a child, nothing like that. But, I can't seem to understand the logical mechanisms employed here, I seriously can't. And here is the deal, someone looking from the outside, someone who would stumble on this blog by mere chance, would probably think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not.

As we know SMTs just got announced, and these news should have given people some hope, not the opposite. I even saw some steemians I deeply respect seeing the announcement as a negative thing, which to me is also troubling. We might have entered a time were we are dominated by emotions, negative emotions at that, and have forsaken the positivity we once embraced with open arms.

But anyways, I digress. My question is really simple:

What crypto Project is currently kicking ass?

And I'm asking sincerely, because I don't see anyone mooning at the moment. I mean, I see progress on the technical aspect of things, with BTC launching nodes of lightning network daily, Vitalikoin(ETH) also makes some moves forward as well with sharding being heavily discussed and researched, but I don't see anyone "winning" per say. Not in the way we used to define winning.

We could be talking about who is sucking less, maybe that is actually a good conversation to be having. The way I see it all the crazy gains we thought were merited, were just a bunch of lambo banshees thinking they were about to quit their day jobs and insult their boss. Mass adoption was not there, it's still not here and more importantly 99% of the blockchain projects are immature ideas at best.

So it seems to me that the prophets of doom were probably just not ready for some truth, that's all. And yes, that does sound like I'm being a jerk, but honesty is something that I strive for.

I know what you might be thinking, you are thinking I'm exageratting... I know you are, I would think the same thing if I was in your place, but worry not my friend, I will show you a lovely comment made by a high rep account, with a good STAKE on its wallet too.

So there you have it ladies and gentlemen, a user that could be sitting on 50k, 60k USD on the wallet calling for STEEM to go to zero. BRAVO!!! BRAVOO!!

What is this? What am I seeing right here? Is this some form of masochism? Self Boycott? Of course it is, you know what this reminds me of, this reminds of how small children deal with conflicting outcomes. When they face adversity and still lack the tools to cope, instead of adjusting, they automatically negate the initial desire.

Let me explain, Story time again... I apologize:

My older brother Jose and I were sitting the backseat as usual as my father was driving home one night, when he decided to stop at a store to buy us some treats. If I remember correctly, we were still a bit far from home and he wanted to make sure his boys were not going to make his night a nightmare.

My father got out the car, asked us what we wanted, I said I wanted chocolate cookies and I think my brother said he wanted something spicy, I don't remember. The idea was that his treat was smaller, faster to consume. Some minutes went by, he finished his treat, and he turned around and asked me if he could have a cookie - My reaction.... INDIGNATION.

It can't be fair that he gets to eat all his treat and also ask me for a portion of mine. I tell my mother who was sitting on the passenger seat that my "evil" brother is asking me for a cookie and he already ate his whole treat. My mother, being the pragmatic mother she has always been says to me - "So what? Give him one.. what have I taught about sharing?"

You know what I did? I opened the car window and I threw ALL MY COOKIES OUT THE WINDOW - In the name of justice of course. I "fixed" it.

Deconstructing @MiniMenO

Why would I think the right answer was throwing away the cookies? Does that make sense? Of course not, you can't understand it, but that is only because you are thinking with an adult mind. The problem is too simple, you can be logical about it, but try to put yourself in the shoes of @minimeno who at this moment had very little understand of the world. (I still know nothing, but I've learnt a thing or two)

The way it works on the mind of a child is that by destroying the one thing that created the unfairness, he could remove his emotional investment, simply because he would have no choice but to convince himself that he never wanted it in the first place. It's a self mind ninja trick.

In other words, after the cookies splashed on the dirty road (it was raining) and became undesirable, the next step was to convince myself I never wanted cookies in the first place. Once I had taken that important step, I could built my argument and disguise it as justice.

Mom... it's his fault, he could have ordered cookies too...

All the logical contortionisms would come out and play, and thus @meno would being to show signs of a future negotiator (i think so at least).

Now, do not worry about my maternal parental figure, she is sharp always has been sharp and is no doubt the biggest mind ninja that has ever walked this earth, she took a logical Katana to my knees that night and showed me how silly I was to throw away my cookies and how it affected no one but myself.

Why all this cookie talk?

Aside from the fact that I love cookies, and that I think everyone should. I like this story because it really helps me illustrate how silly the Prophets of DOOM are acting. They are just like @minimeno throwing cookies out the window saying they never wanted cookies in the first place.

And just like @minimeno if I was to tell a prophet - "Hey little prophet... you spent a whole year in this place, you worked your ass off, Why would you want it to fail?"- The Prophet of DOOM would retort with some aggression tinged with sarcasm.

But... Little Prophet...

I'm not buying it, you are not buying it either. You want STEEM to succeed too, and everyone sees right through the iron mask. Why do I know? Because you are human too, you also put hundreds of hours into this place, wrote until your walmart brand keyboard said enough and bought the logitech with the little lights, I know, I've seen it through your webcam.

So why don't we just cut the crap? Why don't we celebrate a little more, feel a little more grateful for what we have, work on building the community a little more, Why not? If you tell me that's because everything is loss, then show me... leave... - Don't just talk a big game, freaking show me.

But listen, don't get me wrong, I don't want you to leave, I want you to be happy too... I just want you to be more honest with yourself, because from where I see it... You don't fool anyone...

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Look at the bright side. The SBD market is working again! When the price dipped below $0.9 a bunch of buyers swooped in and pumped it right back up to $1.0.

In some ways, it is more important to me that the system functions correctly. The price of STEEM will take care of itself if the system is useful. The "system" has a lot of moving parts, though, and none of them can be neglected. Maintaining the SBD peg, fast page loads, reliable transactions, all that technical stuff needs to be dialed in.

The social network is also part of the "system" though. We often worry about people dropping out because they don't earn enough, which is silly. There might be people who do that, but they were not going to make very good friends anyway.

I'll bet the number one reason why people drop out is because of disappointing social interactions. Every post that scrolls off the page with no comments is like a birthday party where nobody showed up.

I wish the payout was only displayed after 7 days so that people would focus more on voting and commenting. It would also help if the payouts were reported in vests so that it was more abstract. All the focus on dollar values of posts is an effort to convince the outside world that Steemit is worth something. Rather than doing that, we should work on creating something that Steemit users value for its own sake.

Everything else will take care of itself.

Oh, those who only focus on the money are the poorest of them all...

Ah... The old all or nothing rule. I weep at the current state of cookies being thrown out the window. But thankfully I have a bit of dexterity and am catching them and then turning them into cookie crust cheesecakes. But hey. We can always go to golos or whaleshares, am I right? Who's with me!!!!!

No joke EON, communities can be transplanted, like a lung... I don't think STEEM is going to fail, but you mean to tell me everything we built in helpie would go to shit because of one blockchain? Screw that...

I would never accept such thing.


You talking about cookies made me miss Helpie. I haven't been there for quite some time as I am still taking it easy and just wandering in from time to time in Steemit.

This hiatus of mine is taking longer than I expected and it kinda sucks but still can;t find my energy level back up to what it was before.

My serious lack of talent is showing and so I don't think I can offer anything to Steem but I don't want Steem to fail.

I was reading the news in Steemitblog and reading through the comments and although Steem is not the largest and fastest blockchain around it still has a lot of great things to offer.

I agree we just need a couople of SMT success stories when it happens and it would be a way for people to get into an already working platform that can handle the traffic.

I'd rather they push the SMT out that timeframe rather than have a half assed product that will just turn people off.

Maybe when Hivemind goes live I can check in again and be the Mave I was before.

You've written some great stories so far for the Steem Monsters contests. That shows talent.

Wow I am so happy to hear you say that

Don't sell yourself short Mav... we all miss you

I bet you miss the Avocados hahahha



Wow. Immature maybe, but also a warrior.

Willing to take a bullet for your principals, the kind of kid who could press the button in the nuclear suitcase, if the day for mutually assured destruction actually arrived.

Unlike minimeno, I don't think the person you quoted above would actually throw Steem out of the window. They are just understandably fed up and impatient. They've forgotten how early in the game we are, the earliest adopters.

The bear market will end, the crypto market will recover, and while vaporware must evaporate, Steem should survive, because it isn't vaporware, it's a real community, a genius concept, the wave of the future.

In a way, we need the prophets of doom. Bear markets only end when all hope is lost, and the prophets are one signal that the end may be in sight. We just need more of them. :)

Interesting outlook Rodney... never thought of it like that... maybe they are a sign we are at the end of the bear market... maybe..

Your balance is below $0.028. @dustsweeper is now disabled for your account until you transfer new funds. Check out the Dustsweeper FAQ here:

LOL @minimeno.
The time to buy the @minimeno account is now. Buy it and post exclusively about cookies.

Seeing you have hope gives me hope, Meno. I'll be here for the long haul.

No reason to think it is going to zero at this point. Markets go up and down all the time. Crypto is high risk.

I have no doubt this will turn around, no doubt. Rodney here brings a good point, they might a sign of the market getting ready to change.

love your perspective, thanks!! i agree. it's good to get a fresh wind of hope from you.


You know what I did? I opened the car window and I threw ALL MY COOKIES OUT THE WINDOW - In the name of justice of course. I "fixed" it.

I am LITERALLY laughing with tears in my eyes...

I ...know jack squat about crypto currency, but I am well learned in understanding human behavior. Crypto currency isn't going away, Steem isn't going to drop to zero, and all the hand wringing is by people who neither understand Steemit, crypto currency, nor human behavior.
1-we are several year into crypto and steemit, not several weeks, there is too much smart money involved already, and smart money knows what is going to grow and how to grow it.
2- Steem is connected to steemit, which is a social media platform, which provides a service. It could exist and grow as nothing more than a cryptohybrid of patreon. People spending their time bitching and panicing would be better served by resteeming good content so that new people see interesting things on the feed...instead of people whining in crypto jargon. AND sharing the steemit content on other platforms. As fast as FB overtook Myspace, that's how fast Steemit can overtake FB. and as that begins to happen up goes the price of steem.
but frankly...all the people who are yaking about leaving...good..get out, you're a hindrance instead of a help. For the growth of Steemit, ten of you aren't worth ONE new person who is enthusiastic and posting quality content. Take your cookies, throw them out, eat them all at once...I could care less. other people are coming to make more cookies.

well said friend... well said!!

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