MMORPG on STEEM -- STEEMPUNK-NET -- weekly update 5 -- a briefcase full of news -- closed beta starts on 27.11

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Hi all,

and welcome to Weekly Update No. 5 from the STEEMPUNK-NET team.


That lovely beta feeling that wonderful beta feeling ...
I must say that we are really kind of extremely nervous and happy at the same time ..

The closed beta will start at NEXT Monday, on 27th of November 2017 and will run during the complete week!
Details will be given out to all closed beta participants in a short while. An extra channel in our discord server (see in the communication channels area) has been created, come and join us dear beta testers.

Please, all members of the beta join us in discord or come to the steemit chat to get instructions on how and what to install :)

The onboarding of our new graphics goddess pays off big time, her latest art can be seen under the Screenshot section. And since today she even has a Steemit Account.
So, please be gentle and give a warm welcome to @kunilunde.

Today we are going to have an update on the following topics:


Our Development team went to a great length to polish all the stuff that can be seen in the closed beta and we even managed to get the language selection done.
Additionally they managed to do the following tasks:

  • Finalization of legal texts( crappy german law...))
  • Finished the Website, go have a look at
    -- added the news section
    -- added FAQs and checked them all
    -- added the legal stuff (yay!)
  • Icons for armour and support items done
  • Language selection in the welcome window done (hooray!)

List of testers for closed beta --> closed now

These are all the testers that are going to take part in alpabetical order:

@aaronmcheong @ahorn @akashas @alanman @alcy @allstarrunner @asimshahzad @ats-david @chuazm @cmduncan94 @cobalus @coollegion @creativetruth @danile666 @danno528 @dksart @dragoonkite @druidcruize @eirik @felixxx @flamo @flurgx @free999enigma @gregory.latinier @happyme @havok777 @juicy-shark @kabeem @kekssideoflife @kodieamos @kranoras @lanmower @lennstar @maple-thunder @mrweirdowski @mys @paolobeneforti @pbock @pedrolamalice @plushzilla @quocvietle @rahvin84 @rayne122 @reggaemuffin @relationtrip @schlees @shaka @sighmanjestah @simonjay @stayoutoftherz @steesam @virusa @vladimir-simovic @zombebyte

Needless to say that @dehenne, @asperger-kids, @bronkong, myself and most of the developers will also be taking part!

Like announced within the comments of the last post, this list is closed now!
Iam far from being perfect, so if i have forgotten someone pls pm me in steemitchat or discord!

Artwork and Storyline

This week our artist corner is completely aiming at getting everything done until we start the closed beta, so there is not as much new artworks than in the last weeks.
But i promise, soon they will be back at full speed :)

Communication channels

You got multiple options to get into touch with the team behind STEEMPUNK-NET. Currently there are :

Getting in contact with you is really very important to us, we invite you all to join our discord !


Like promised in the entry to this post, here are some of the new artworks that @kunilunde provided us with.
Honestly spoken we are more than happy, even more if we take into account how fast this all has been produced!
Thanks alot!

Items! Items!

nanoleather Cylinder makeshiftleather glasses shield

Next Steps

  • Check complete algorithms
  • Write the installation manual for the beta
  • Write the beta blogpost including the new Roadmap
  • Implement the GUI for the Battles

Thats it for this week! Thanks alot for supporting us, it is really much appreciated!

We are so excited to get into the closed beta with you!

That lovely Beta feeling ...


Hi all,

und willkommen zu unserem fünften wöchentlichen STEEMPUNK-NET Update.


Dieses Beta feeling, dieses unbeschreibliche Beta feeling....
Es hat uns gepackt, wir sind extrem glücklich und zugleich extrem nervös!

Die Closed Beta startet am Cyber Monday, 27.11.2017, und wird die ganze Woche hindurch laufen!
Details werden an alle closed Beta Teilnehmer bis zum nächsten Sonntag verteilt! Ein Kanal in unserem Discord(siehe in den Kommunikationskanälen) ist speziell für die Teilnehmer der Closed Beta eingerichtet!

Bitte, liebe Teilnehmer der closed Beta, kommt entweder in unsern Discord Server, oder in den Steemit Chat, damit wir euch erklären können was ihr wie installieren müsst :)

Die Erweiterung unseres Teams durch die neue Grafikgöttin hat sich mehr als nur bezahlt gemacht, seht selbst in der Screenshot Sektion dieses Updates.
Ich kann auch offiziell vermelden das ihr Account angelegt wurde, bitte seid lieb und bereitet @kunilunde einen tollen Empfang.

Heute werden die folgende Punkte behandelt:

  • Entwicklung
  • Liste der Tester für die closed beta
  • Artwork und Story by @asperger-kids, @bronkong und @kunilunde
  • Kommunikationskanäle
  • Screenshots
  • Nächste Schritte


Unser Development Team hat diese Woche noch einmal eine Extraschicht eingelegt und alle Details poliert die in der Beta zu sehen sein werden.
Sogar die Sprachauswahl wurde endlich eingebaut, darüberhinaus wurden folgende Tasks erledigt:

  • Finalisierung der AGB ( baut niemals ein Spiel in Deutschland )
  • Website fertigestellt, geht nachschauen unter
    -- Neuigkeiten auf der Website hinzugefügt
    -- FAQs überarbeitet
    -- Rechtliche Texte hinzugefügt (wohoo!)
  • Icons für Rüstungen und sonstige Items eingebaut
  • Sprachauswahl im Willkommensfenster eingebaut

Liste der Tester für die Closed Beta --> geschlossen

Hier hab ich alle Tester aufgeschrieben, in alphabetischer Reihenfolge, die an der closed Beta teilnehmen:

aaronmcheong @ahorn @akashas @alanman @alcy @allstarrunner @asimshahzad @ats-david @chuazm @cmduncan94 @cobalus @coollegion @creativetruth @danile666 @danno528 @dksart @dragoonkite @druidcruize @eirik @felixxx @flamo @flurgx @free999enigma @gregory.latinier @happyme @havok777 @juicy-shark @kabeem @kekssideoflife @kodieamos @kranoras @lanmower @lennstar @maple-thunder @mrweirdowski @mys @paolobeneforti @pbock @pedrolamalice @plushzilla @quocvietle @rahvin84 @rayne122 @reggaemuffin @relationtrip @schlees @shaka @sighmanjestah @simonjay @stayoutoftherz @steesam @virusa @vladimir-simovic @zombebyte

Selbstverständlich nehmen auch @dehenne, @asperger-kids, @bronkong, @jedigeiss und die meisten anderen Entwickler an der Closed Beta teil!

Diese Liste ist jetzt geschlossen!
Leider bin ich nicht annähernd perfekt, wenn ich jemanden vergessen habe bitte ich mich im Steemitchat oder im Discord anzuschreiben!

Artwork and Storyline

Unsere Künstlerecke hat sich diese Woche hauptsächlich mit den noch fehlenden Grafiken für die closed Beta beschäftigt, daher sind hier nicht allzuviele neue Posts hinzugekommen.
Nach dem Start der Beta ist hier bestimmt wieder mehr zu sehen


Es gibt eine Menge Möglichkeiten direkt mit dem Team hinter STEEMPUNK-NET in Kontakt zu treten. Immoment sind das folgende :

Eins der wichtigsten Themen für uns ist mit EUCH in Kontakt zu kommen und auf eure Fragen und Ideen einzugehen, besucht uns einfach auf unserem Discord!


Wie bereits im Intro versprochen, hier ein paar der neuen wunderbaren Grafiken von @kunilunde.
Wir sind hellauf begeistert!

Items! Items!

nanoleather Cylinder makeshiftleather glasses shield

Nächste Schritte

  • Überprüfen des gesamten Ablaufs
  • Schreiben der Installationsanweisung für die Beta
  • Blogpost für die Beta schreiben
  • Implementierung der GUI für die Kämpfe

Das wars für diese Woche! Vielen Dank für eure Unterstützung, das bedeutet uns allen extrem viel!

Wir sind extrem gespannt mit euch in die Beta zu starten!

Dieses wundervolle Beta feeling ...



I am curious to see how this works out, but at the same time I am a little confused into how this will actually work (haven't got around to reading the whitepaper yet). I think my biggest question, pre-reading the white paper, is how exactly this generates steem? Like are you mining steem and then giving the players 50% or is it coming from other means? I apologize if you wrote this in a previous post, as I had missed many of them (I think this is the first I actually read) and had only really heard about this in passing. I mean gameplay holds curiosity too like how that will work but I can wait for that. Anyways, I look forward to see how this will work!

No Problem. We try to answer every question.

Once the payout will not be in the beta, not until the Live. But beta users will be also rewarded for help. With special items for the live version or other things. We still have to consider this in general.

For the live, the distribution is made from the following items

  • All posts (made by STEEMPUNK-NET) generate SBD (like this Post)
    (it's all gonna be on the separate account here. then everything is transparent)
  • There will be a shop system where you can buy items. (for Housing / Crafting Items)
  • There are many other ideas that we have planned for the future. For example, a own Wittnes node. (Blockchain Bridge is already running, a Wittnes Node would only be the next step)

Of all the revenue we want to return some of it back to the users.

But please understand that we can't pay out any big sums of money from the beginning. :-)
We built the game in 5 weeks to bring a little more fun into Steemit.

Yes I totally understand and I think that this is honestly a really cool idea. I am excited to see the end result!

My question is also in reference to my comment

You've described only how you will collect revenue but not how you will distribute it, either the method (up votes, direct transfers, etc.) or the scheme (on what basis are players rewarded?)

I'd be interested to know this, I think it would complete the understanding.

that's not really worked out yet. but we'd do it in percentages. means that we would allocate % to the individual distribution "areas".
for example:

  • the player with the most won fights gets 1% of the pool
  • the player who owns the private key a week gets 5% of the pool
  • the player with the most found items gets 1% of the pool

in this direction it will go :-)

Thanks for the answer, that answers your intention on the distribution scheme, but still not on on method. But I won't press further and I look forward to following your development. 😇

just asks. Thats ok. I saw this as clear :D

we would then transfer this directly to your account. You don't have to do anything. Every player in steemit has a wallet. We have the names of the players, your Steemit name is associated with the STEEMPUNK-NET name. They're the same ones. That's why we also have the Wallet address ;-)

Thanks, that wasn't clear, I know a lot of other services use up votes as "payment" instead of hard assets.

Vote & Resteem, auch wieder dabei in der wöchentlichen Linkliste.

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Bild Quelle: pixabay

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asmr-austria (Christian)


Thanks to all you hard working people that are making this possible behind the scenes.

thanks for your nice comment. I appreciate that very much

Can't wait :D Gogogo buddies :D

we do our best. we do our best. we do our best. :P

I bet you do :D

Dang. I missed the announcement that you were looking for beta testers. Give me a holler if you need an alternate!

well lets see how it turns out, we limited numbers to have a clear start. If everything is going as expected we could soon recall this limit and go directly into the open beta.
But lets see, i like to be a bit cautious ;)

Is this game run with a browser plugin? Was it custom coded or adapted from another project? I'm so interested in this!

Thanks for the Question.
The whole thing is solved via browser plugins. it uses iframes and display the gui, whichs comes from our servers.

All Code is written by us. Plugins, Game, Management System and so on. I hope I could answer your questions. :-)

Are the plugins going to be opensource?

The browser plugin definitively. So everybody can see the communication and integration into Steemit. The underlying system is called QUIQQER. This is also OpenSource.

I will include this in the FAQ and describe it in more detailed ;-)

(For some QUIQQER modules we have to decide if we want to publish them.)

Thank you very much for answering my questions!!

I forgot something else. if you have any more questions, we have summarized some FAQs

@jedigeiss Well bro informative post keep sharing :)

great job, can't wait for Monday!

Ich bin immer noch total begeistert von den neuen Icons, find die einfach nur klasse!

Ja, die sehen bombig aus. Ich kann immer noch nicht verarbeiten das kunilunde nur 20min für ein icon braucht :D

Umm, this sounds amazing. another amazing addition to the blockchain that I'm just hearing about, I joined the server and checked out the sight. that's amazing it's a browser extension, can't wait to try it out.

we are working hard to get it delivered as soon as possible :) stay tuned!

Oh I will be man, very exciting. I read the white paper and love the graphics too, really freaking exciting.

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