I can still remember children in my school that had polio.
This was a terrible illness and mostly it was children who had been struck.
Some ended up in iron longs.
Then this wonderful vaccine came to light from a man who did trials on himself and his own children.
He did not agree with the rest of the doctors that the vaccine they were making would work.
He had decided to kill the virus he used as a vaccine and thank heavens for this man.
Today if you ask children about polio they will not even know what it is.
Through this wonderful work of this man polio was cleared from the earth, and fortunately children today do not even know the illness I truly hope you watch this video and realise what wonderful work was done here by being persistent.
Have a wonderful day from me.
You must be nearly as old as me.
NZ had a polio scare in the mid to late 40's, schools were closed, it was the best summer ever, as long as you kept away from everybody else.
Just as well the anti vaxers weren't around then
I still remember the injection lol I was very scared. Everyone got one at school.
It was so long ago, I probably didn't know to be scared, we all got done, and lived to tell the story.