Do or do not, there is no try.
This is a famous quote from today a mythical character from Star Wars.
Today is believed to be. Jedi master, and knows how to kick some butts. Yet he hardly try’s at all. Sometime defeating his enemies without even fighting.
The truth is you never really have enemies just people who are not your friends yet.
The creator of star wars was a student of the world famous Maharishi mahesh yogi.
In fact he liked Maharishi so much he made the character in his honor.
Today we live our life’s in such a way that is not promoting natural intelligence or integrity.
People think today that intellect can be sharpened with intellectual study. Unfortunately all this does it promote old observations from past intellectuals.
If we want to live in a world where peace is promoted and thriving we must follow some very simple guidelines.
First we must understand that just because an observation or an observed truth was relative 500 years ago, it does not mean it’s going to be true for an eternity.
Next we must consider that by examining a thing (anything)it can only be observed in a state which is fragmented from its full potential. Our devices tools and knowledge of our observations cause us to lose sight of the eternal holy presence we find all around us.
In order for us to experience the world around us we must dull our perception otherwise we would only see a contradiction. Infinity is and is not. Its a two sided of the same coin. You can’t have a up without a down. They two are one in the same.
Our limited tools such as our eyes, ears, noses, etc allow us to see within a small range of possibilities.
By sharpening the intellect it’s very much like sharpening a tool. Without the full power of perseption to back it up this tool often causes more harm than good.
So Yoda or Maharishi tells us, you need not try to sharpen your intellect all this does is bring into perspective the greater field of the unknown inside all living things.
We must consider and practice various techniques such as Transcendental meditation.
These tools allow us to quiet the mind and slowly cultures the nervous system and a part of the brain know as the third eye.
This technique is effortless and very simple to pick up. It sharpens the extrasensory portion of our godly bodies allowing us to obtain true wisdom, powers, and insight.
If you sharpen only the intellect this is like giving the keys of your 500 horsepower Megan car or maybe your tanks or aircraft carriers to a smarty pants child.
Nature does not promote this activity for very long due to it being life destroying and impermanent.
So we mustn’t try to do anything. Or think about anything. Life is action. A vibration of energy and exchange of power. Ultimately going through cycles of creation and destruction to get to our limitless unbounded experience of self and surroundings.
Once you understand and practice this, you will be ready to sharpen the intellect. But by then you may find it may not even be relevant.
TM should be taught in every schools around the world. Your life does not require a user manual. Such as a bible, intellectual study, or even self discipline.
Everything you need to thrive in this world is already within you. You come with a heart, legs, stomach, brain eyes, etc... you do not need the help of a 2,000 year old book or professor who has his head up his ass teaching something we all know to be true within ourselves. We can all make our own observations in unique ways. If you let someone else tell you what is you will never find what will be. You will only know what was.
The secret is practice.
Allow the energy of the light to flow within you. Don’t examine nature and tear it into pieces while try to understand how it works. You make your body work effortlessly. No need to cloud your mind with words definitions and ultimately death.
You just need make a regular practice to promote your natural life force energy and unlock your true potential. The fastest way this is possible is the sit without doing anything or falling asleep.
At first the mind will wonder and analyze, but once it is quite you will find true peace within. There is no need to try and silence your mind. It will naturally work itself out.
We don’t try to eat we just do it.
You don’t try to see it just happens.
We can’t try to manipulate nature it’s gods creation and not for us to butcher.
We must respect the integrity of nature and promote life. Free from ignorance.
I watched 2 movie from star wars movie series. It is an amazing series. I like the actress
It also took like Toby character in harry potter series.
Lol thanks for this
Since I believe in Allah, so i will say that nothing is happening naturally. Nothing happen without the will of Allah.
If you put your fate in the hands of god. You might find yourself doing things you don’t need to. Your will is as important as any will. Your will is the same as Allah find yourself and you will know him.
Very well written. It was good to read.Nature will run at its own pace, that is the reality. God will run it.
Star wars one of my favourites
There is a saying that we never learn anything new in school; the teachers only bring such information to our awareness.
I meditate sometimes- on my actions. I think deeply about what i did, what i could have done better, and the way forward. It helps me become efficient.
That’s nice. Try not to judge yourself while you meditate. Try to just let the thoughts flow until they subside. You don’t need to be aware of your problems to solve them.
By letting go we do this effortlessly. You don’t need to think about how to digest faster. It’s apart of you already.
I have read your post a few times but I do not understand what to write. But sometimes I meditate with my husband to understand something.
Thanks for sharing. You don’t need to understand you already know it.
Thank you sir
I like those star war movies. I've seen them all but I like to see them in chronological order. but not in order of production. I know that the most purist fans see it in production order but it is a bit more complicated to understand. regards