in #stach6 years ago

women_handcuffed_to_alcohol_drink.jpgIn our society today, alcohol is one of the most consumed psychoactive substances and a highly integral part of socialization and social gatherings. It is a substance that irrespective of its social and biological effects has remained on the good side of the judiciary system and even for the foreseeable future will continue to do so. It is regarded in some circles as a rite of passage into adult hood which in my opinion is a highly uninformed belief.
'Alcoholic' is a term used to describe a person who suffers from alcoholism.
Alcoholism is a chronic illness which falls under the purview of mental health. Alcoholism is a state of complete lack of control over ones use of alcohol. Alcoholics are obsessed with alcohol and lack control over it causing serious problems at home, work and financially. It can be said that these individuals are dependent on alcohol to even have some level of functionality.
Alcohol abuse on the other hand refers to people who do not display the characteristics of alcoholism but still consume large amounts of alcohol but have not lost all control over its use yet. This is a very slippery slope to alcoholism.
Moderate alcohol consumption refers to use of alcoholic drinks for social purposes. However, this can be a stepping stone to heavier drinking.
Characteristics of alcoholism include:
Lone drinking
Lack of control over volume of alcohol consumed
Pockets of memory loss (blacking out)
Reduced interest in previously enjoyed activities
Constant urge to drink
Having stashes of alcohol in funny places
Need for higher and higher quantities of alcohol to feel its effect
Having money problems caused by drinking
Nausea, sweating and tremors when not drinking
Alcohol dependence is a gradual process which takes over months to years to develop. Regular alcohol consumption can disrupt certain brain chemicals such as GABA (inhibitory effect is increased), dopamine (increases feeling of pleasure), and glutamate (excitatory effect is reduced). Alterations in the levels of these brain chemicals lead to cravings of alcohol to provide the adjusted levels of these chemicals in the brain over time. Risk factors for alcoholism include genetics, age of first use of alcohol, easy access, stress, peer drinking, low self-esteem, depression, media and advertising, body metabolic rate, family problems. Alcohols dopaminergic effect is however the greatest link between alcohol and addiction.
Alcoholism is often accompanied by other socially unacceptable traits such as domestic violence, promisquity, multiple sexual partners and womanizing, use of illicit drugs like marijuana, cocain and cigarette smoking. Alcohol consumption usually elevates ones mood but after a while, sedation kicks in. alcohol may undermine a person’s judgment, thoughts, emotions and general behavior. Alcohol also causes muscle weakness and fatigue. It is also a leading cause of road traffic accidents.
Conditions such as alcoholic liver disease (liver cirrhosis), gastritis, pancreatic damage could also be seen. Alcoholism has also been linked to hypertension, heart problems, diabetes type 2, menstrual problems, erectile dysfunction (but increases sexual urges), fetal alcohol syndrome, increased bone fragility, dementia, cancer, depression and suicide, mental illness and problems with the law.
Treatment of alcoholism is highly dependent on self-realization on the part of the alcoholic. After which, the next step is to get help. This help may be in form of counseling and residential programs which may be from a psychiatrist or a religious authority, CBT (cognitive behavioral therapy) is commonly used to treat alcoholism. An underlying cause such as depression, marital problems, low self-esteem, etc. should also be addressed in order to get a good treatment outcome. Also comorbidities such as hypertension, diabetes, liver disease, should also be addressed if present.
The use of drugs that provoke severe reaction to alcohol (disulfiram) has also been employed in treating alcoholism. Also, drugs which reduce cravings (naltrexone) can also be used. Detoxification for a period of 4-7 days can also be used as part of the treatment for patients with withdrawal symptoms.
Alcohol somehow has over the years escaped been banned from use in most countries and has remained an important part of social gatherings irrespective of its harmful effects and social burden. In all you do how ever, make sure to be moderate and responsible. Please feel free to drop your questions and I will most definitely get back to you.


@davidormormhila, you have a decent post but you have not structured your write up well. You could have spaced different paragraphs, added some sub-headings and used some more pictures. It makes your post more attractive and easy to read.

You should also provide references for your article. It gives your post credibility.

I agree with @temitayo-pelumi. To be considered for steemstem upvotes please refer to the guidelines. In its current state, your post does not meet the guidelines. Here are a few suggestions to improve your post: include sources (pictures and info), work on your style (use markdown editor, or just look for style guides on steemit), work on your text quality (style, language). If you have trouble finding scientific sources I have a post that deals with finding scientific sources for free - Link.
Good luck and cheers!


Thanks for the review. IL be sure to make corrections and upgrades in my next post. Cheers!

@davidormormhila, I hope you know you can edit your article up until the seventh day (before payout).

Thanks @temitayo-pelumi. Your review is highly welcome and noted. However, I hope you learnt something from this short read?

Treatment of alcoholism is highly dependent on self-realization on the part of the alcoholic.

Totally agree with this statement. People need to admit they have problems before they will be willing to seek help. Nice article. Only need some works with the article's structure.

Thanks. @conficker. I am glad you took out time to read through.

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