in #spirituality6 years ago

I think it's time to return to His ways.

The statistics show that the vast majority of children raised in "Christian homes" depart from the faith. How is it that we do so terribly when we attempt to pass the torch of our faith on to the next generation?

Could it be that our modern church methods are way off course when compared to what God commands in scripture? In this video, I'll share what I believe God commands and contrast it with what I find commonly practiced in modern Christianity. Hopefully, it'll help some people choose God's way instead.


Also, if any of you enjoy these videos, please feel free to subscribe to my new channel Spiritual Food 4 Thought and share these videos wherever you think people may either enjoy them or need them. Thanks everyone!

Until next time…

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For every assignment given by God, He lays a roadmap to its achievement if we follow diligently. Again we can only transfer Faith if we have FAITH ourselves.

Deutronomy 6:4-9.

4 Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one. 5 Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. 6 These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates.

I think it really can't be underestimated how important it is to keep our children with us and be the example they need. They need to stay close for quite a long time. As soon as we start sending them away or placing their education in anyone else's hands, we start putting the formation of their understanding in jeopardy.

So often it seems like the root of the falling away comes from children just being too far from strong faithful parents - the behavior of a predator is always to separate the babies from the herd and kill them and Satan is called a roaring lion.

And another big problem is when parents are hypocritical in their belief, making their children become hard-hearted and cynical.

The two edged sword of faith destruction in our kids...

the behavior of a predator is always to separate the babies from the herd and kill them and Satan is called a roaring lion.

Wow, I've heard "divide and conquer," but you take that up another level!

It does sound pretty melodramatic: but honestly, it seems the whole focus of our society is to separate children from their parents for teaching purposes; and if you look at a family where the parents are really good and the kids are a mess, a common theme is that the parents sent their children somewhere for a good education.

The young are weak. Separate them from the strong and they are easier prey.

Same goes for our kids. They have mushy brains and mushy characters still. They are susceptible.

When my parents decided not to put me and my siblings in school, they did it because they felt that God had given us to them and they were responsible for teaching us and they couldn't be responsible if they were separated from us seven or eight hours a day. They couldn't be teaching us when they walked along the road or sat in their homes if we weren't actually with them and they knew God would want an accounting from them not from a teacher. If they allowed us to be separated from them and for us all to be separated from each other, then they could no longer conduct their responsibilities properly.

we must keep our faith in our hearts in some way we transmit to others with the actions

God works in our lives molding us constantly and ever present. He does not take a break only a Sunday brunch. We are supposed to duplicate Him. If He is number one in our lives and we love Him more than anything, He will have first priority and we will duplicate Him in our daily and hourly lives. If not we only duplicate the sin of our earthly father, Satan. It is our choice. Yes mom and dad at home and home schooling...it all makes sense. The Amish have done it for generations. Thanks @papa-pepper.

Thanks man. It has required a lot of sacrifice, but we are working it out.

They say you are what you eat. The same is true spiritually. If you put garbage in, you get garbage out.

I think it's admirable that you and your wife have made so many decisions very intentionally because that's what you felt God wanted you to do. At the end of the day, most kids won't care that they didn't have the coolest toys or whatever. They'll be glad they had time with their parents and that they were loved. That more than anything will keep them from getting swept up in whatever nonsense others their age might be into.

I feel so caught in this trap I built for myself sometimes. I know how I want to live, I want to walk with God, and teach my children myself.
I am trying to stay positive and trust in God, but, it is not always easy. Every time I think we are making headway, we get stomped on by the state.
I have been on Steemit almost every day all day lately because I got pulled over for my license plate lights and they said my license was suspended for a child support case that got dropped by the state over two years ago. I am lucky I didn't go to jail.
I just keep plugging as always, but, it is hard to keep a good spirit. I try to help everyone I can and well you know, I don't ask for help because I want to remain independent.
I am so grateful for the people in my life and I will be faithful until I die. I know that there is a Plan and that I can't see it, but, it would be nice to have a heads up once in a while.

In closing, I just want to thank you for these videos, because they have been very helpful in keeping my head up.
I know that with God, I can make this work, if that is what He wants.
Thanks again @papa-pepper!

Very good teaching. Never heard this in the modern church.

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