The Saturn/Moon Matrix Idea.
'Yup, The Truth Is Still Out There'...
It's David Icke's, idea, isn't it? It appears Icke is from peerage--see this...
My world got really strange starting in 1990 which was when the neoliberal fascists started putting their machine into worldwide hyperdrive. And, yes, a big part of that was/is what I call 'the neoliberal spiritual propaganda machine'...In other words, non-stop endless bullshit from those who know the truth about existence but have complete contempt for it. Oh, I could name the names, Integral Inc., IDW or The Intellectual Dishonest Web, The Power of Wow, and on and on and on...
I first came across Icke in about '93 which coincided with my life getting really strange (and shattered), and later, when in a group of people led by, (Blum), who shan't be named, who very much promoted his work. Tribal allegiances. It's funny looking back. *911 proved to me that the military, police, fire, and ambulance are all embedded within what I call the 'Nephilim Archon (Spook) Machine'...That last bit I've ripped from Miles (thanks buddy)...But the point was, looking back, the ambulance that hit my '66 Rambler in '89 was no accident. I mean, I knew at the time there was no way a professional driver could have hit me in the way he, they were simply giving me a little tap and preparing me for things to come--and boy did they enter my life. The accident happened at 3303 Main St...LMAO! An aside, I just saw the Economist front page: Wall St. against Main St.! Who writes this nonsense? The truth is Israel against the 'Christian Commons.' Well, what Christians are left unmanipulated by the usual suspects in modernity. And there ain't many...
The Common Cold Virus is now the code for Common Christianity. And that mask...Better not be talking about the overlords! We can add healthcare workers to the list of Nephilim Archon Spooks! BTW., the World Health Organization is strait outta Switzerland--one of the primary hiding places of the money masters!
Okay, I've digressed. Look at Icke's metaphysics. It's entirely Luciferian as well as the usual non-dual Advaita Vedanta. We are God...blah, blah, blah...and all this is just a dream! I've said elsewhere that this particular school of Vedic thought was cherry-picked by the CIA's propaganda department and promoted by pretty well everyone who is anyone in the New Age scam. Infinite consciousness, eh? What does that mean on the real earth? Not much as far as I can tell? No one claiming this philosophy is any different than anyone else from my view; or, in other words, there is absolutely nothing that can distinguish them and this infinite consciousness from even the lowliest street urchin. So, from the pragmatist point of view, it's useless. It does seem to be good at writing books, though...but the books tend to be full of bullshit so it's a strange kind of infinite consciousness.
The Saturn/Moon Matrix idea is an interesting philosophy but it's not science. I'll link a paper here which deconstructs this. I always liked David Bohm and enjoyed his back and forth with Krishnamurti and I appreciate Holographic Theory. But these are simply basic ideas that don't warrant the projection into grand cosmological theories--at least as far as I can tell. So not only is Icke's spirituality a cherry-picked version of one of millions of possibilities; the science behind his cosmology isn't even close to being verified in any peer-reviewed manner. Not that I hold much stock in a corrupted scientific community under 'worldwide economic fascism'...Nevertheless, his assertions can't be tested or falsified. It's pure philosophy and imagination. I do concede that in some ways the ideas are cool and compelling and I wrote about them on my gnostic themed Four Songs About God In E-Flat Minor...
So, this isn't me being hateful, but rather thinking critically. Albeit premised upon a spiritual worldview...
Some more musing here. I've mentioned before how it seems that a hormone disruption I suffer from started in and around the time I picked up my first cell phone in '98. So my serotonin and melatonin cycle gets flipped in combination with the arrival of low-pressure systems (weather manipulation?)...I end up awake all night and sleepy during the day and the state of consciousness is very unproductive. But this phenomenon also timed with the globalist takeover of mom and pop paint companies. By '98 the paints I use in the trade (made by huge corporations) were loaded with ammonia and anytime I used such products I would lay awake all night. That's the primary reason I had to become self-employed so that I had a say in which products I worked with. But the point is, I call all these shenanigans by the 'economic fascists' system disruptions. So we have targeted system disruption on the individual scale and collective disruption with things like this 'common cold virus'...I should note that at times during my life when I was nocturnal, usually associated with gigging, I didn't suffer this. I was awake all night and felt good and slept 'normally' throughout the day. So, although I was nocturnal my consciousness was productive and I wasn't suffering. This is NOT what it's like now when I go through these episodes.
I've also mentioned in other blogs how I was consistently 'targeted' by *police, fire, and ambulance sirens whenever I started talking about these spiritual conspiratorial religious things. At first, it wasn't obvious but eventually, it became too frequent for it to be random. Got SPOOKS? You bet we do!