Sixty Day "Guilt Free Me Time" Challenge Day 1

I dreamed for years of all the free time I would have once the kids had grown.


I had quite a reality check today when I couldn't recall the last time I had picked up a book to read for pleasure..not research.

It's been weeks since I've hiked in my woods...and visited with the wild.

I realized today that I used to spend more time dreaming of what to do with all my empty nester free time someday than I actually allow myself now that I'm here.

Enough is enough.

Today, I sat and read a book, for 30ish minutes while dinner roasted and my beloved napped. So far, I have not once guilted myself for doing so, and its been 90 min! I'm off to a fine start!

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I ran across this post earlier today by @aibell. She has just begun a #sixtydaychallenge on happiness. In her post, she offered this opportunity... I couldn't resist.

Comradery: join me! If you want to make a change in your life - any change, it doesn't have to involve the 10 areas above - join me! Post daily and add the tag #sixtydaychallenge. Share your wins and losses. Tips and tricks, or just ask for support. I think an entire community of happiness-drive people could truly change the world.

So...I am going to join her!

I will try to do a guilt-free activity just for me... every day... for 60 days!!

I will use a daily post to keep track of the challenge, successes, and shortcomings. I would like to use this opportunity to explore my relationship with self-guilt, and whatever else may turn up.

Anyone else ready for some self-love? Self-improvement? Change of any sort?

Come along!!!!!


~all text and images are my own

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I like it! Self care is so important and so neglected. My twins are 8 months old and I took my first mom-day-off when they were 5 months old, which felt like an eternity. Now, I give myself 1 baby-free outing a month. Just taking a little time away has made a huge improvement in my mental well-being. I love my kids and I think teaching them about self care is important so why not start with leading by example? Great post! What did you read? -Aimee

So happy to hear you are making time for yourself.

I survived raising and unschooling my three sons by running off alone to the woods to an off-grid cabin two to three times a year to recenter...foreshadowing of the future!

Now that I am living off the grid in the woods, I don't wish to runoff, instead, I am looking for new ways to get re-centered.

I made this leap about three weeks ago while chatting with @freedompoint and @freedomtowrite in my drive. I decided instead of running from the stresses I was just going to work on removing them and changing my behavior around them... Self-guilt is at the top of the list... I'm going to Love it away and celebrate here.

I dusted a book of my shelves called "Culture and Horticulture" by Wolf D Storl. A classic philosophical book about biodynamic and organic farming.

Still a Geek first!!!

Removing the stress and changing the behavior sounds like great advice! I don't know why we as a society hang on to stress like a life line when it's so draining emotionally and physically. When I was much younger, I used to live for drama. Even though I have removed so much drama from my life sometimes I find myself getting hung up on little things. Old habits die hard, I guess.

That book sounds fantastic! -Aimee

Isn't it crazy how people live on stress, almost like they feed on it? But you are right, sometimes I make mountains out of mole hills, and it doesn't make any sense!

People definitely feed off of stress. I think it makes some people feel important, like it's not all for nothing. Feeling like we are a small fish in a big sea is easy with the way the world has become and having a sense of purpose gives people drive. We just need a societal shift and I think a lot of that goes back to people putting their well being first and foremost. -Aimee

I have never thought about it that way before! I think you're right that it makes people feel like they're important. Whrn I was little, I would play "office" and pretty much I wpuld pretend to type, shuffle around stacks of paper and pretend I had people demanding things of me. I loved it because it made me feel essential.

Perhaps that's why certain people gravitate towards drama. It gives them a place inside of something that feels big.

This is so exciting! I want to know more, especially how you will love it away...I'd like to love things away as well!

I feel that Love is the most effective tool in my kit, followed by compassion...just time to use them on myself.

Stress itself is a good thing...its how we react to it that gives it a bad wrap.
Stress informs us something new needs to be implemented.

Yes, I see! I think you are right.

Ooo...tempting! I recently did the "whole30" diet, and it didn't do much for me. But it did make me take time to cook myself healthy food, which is something that I actually enjoy, but haven't taken the time to do in ages. So, I thought it would be good to try a whole 30 of self-care, kinda like what y'all are talking about. I need to seriously consider if I'm ready to start it right now. Thanks for your post! And good luck!

I like that this is getting you thinking!! You will act when the time is right! Enjoy your kitchen time!!

Haha, I haven't read a book in a while as well... I gotta pick it up and maintain this habit of reading like I used to! It's so weird that it's so easy to forget about a habit completely...

It's really amazing how easily we can just 'forget' and become absorbed in other things!

Good luck bringing reading back into your reality.


GOOD LUCK to you on your challenge! I wish you much success! Thank you for sharing this with us in #steemitbloggers 😊

It's a great idea! Most of the time, we don't stop to think about how we are living our lives, and it is so easy to take things for granted. Finding a little quality time to enjoy the simple things is a dying art.

I like that you call self-care a dying art!! I'm going to use that thought when it gets bumpy.

Much of my deep thought time is spent on wholes...and the holes in them. Balance as an art... Your comment is fitting. Thanks!!

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