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in #sharkschool6 years ago

I commend you for your well-written post. It might have a weird title, but it's certainly entertaining and I personally think it adds value to STEEM. Also, the guidelines for Sharkschool are on point.

I will, however, call bullshit on your "J E W I S H P R O P A G A N D A" argument. Biological races do not exist among humans. Anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and psychologists all agree on this objective truth. Be proud of your heritage and culture, that's cool. But just understand that there is really no difference between Jews and gentiles. Successful people come in all colors and sizes. Same goes for the lazy. There is only one evolutionary lineage of humanity. Subspecies or "races" are a myth, mostly propagated by governments and dark occultists.

To be "בהצלחה" or successful is to accomplish goals that give you the most satisfaction and happiness (while respecting the life, liberty, and property of others).

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I will, however, call bullshit on your "J E W I S H P R O P A G A N D A" argument. Biological races do not exist among humans. Anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists, and psychologists all agree on this objective truth. Be proud of your heritage and culture, that's cool. But just understand that there is really no difference between Jews and gentiles.

Can't comment on that as I'm not a scientist and haven't done any research other than a few Google searches. Admittedly I meant it more in terms of a cultural thing than anything else. You have Jews from all over the world so it's hard to say that we're genetically unique, despite the fact that over the past 2k years most Jews have not married outside their religion (the ones who did generally don't raise Jewish families (and end the bloodline).

Successful people come in all colors and sizes. Same goes for the lazy. There is only one evolutionary lineage of humanity. Subspecies or "races" are a myth, mostly propagated by governments and dark occultists.

Don't disagree there either. Like I said, I think it comes from the mentality of being raised a certain way. Jewish values are fairly straightforward and most of us tend to live in communities surrounded by each other which reinforce these values. If anything I think this is what leads to our success as a relatively small population. Thought that was clear from my post, maybe I should have clarified it better.

To be "בהצלחה" or successful is to accomplish goals that give you the most satisfaction and happiness (while respecting the life, liberty, and property of others).

בהצלחה = "good luck"

הצלחה = "success"

Thanks for the response @yallapapi.
Your arguments were clear and concise. It was my intention to remind and inform readers with a strong statement that we are all just people. It is my belief that once we stop focusing on race and nationalism we can solve some of humanities biggest issues and build a more free world.
Thanks for the Hebrew correction. Google let me down. lol

@slickwilly @yallapapi You guys may be shocked to discover that we recently finished translating (in 2014) a series of cuneiform tablets found in Sumeria which are now setting the record for the oldest known human writings on earth.

They predate all world religion and are the literal source texts for the Christian Bible, Islamic Quran, Babylonian Enûma Eliš, Hindu Bhagavad Gita, Egyptian Book of the Dead, the Buddhist Dhammapada and more.
Example of Cuneiform Writings - Cuneiform was not a language itself, but a system of writing which could be used to transcribe multiple languages such as Babylonian, Akkadian and Sumerian.

But what these tablets say doesn't just turn all the major religions upside down, it is literally revolutionary. The texts change everything we thought we knew about ancient civilization.

However, since the tablets were only recently translated in 2014 and are still largely being shrouded in mystery thanks to the conspiracy theory crowd misrepresenting what they actually say, most people have not yet discovered them or realize their significance.

Even if you are completely non-religious, these cuneiform tablets prove that our ancient ancestors not only had the ability to use geometric calculations to predict the motion of Jupiter almost 2000 years PRIOR to what we previously thought was only possible in the 1400s A.D. by English and French mathematicians, but they also accurately describe the asteroid belt which was not discovered by modern man until the 1800s and even then not clearly observed until the invention of more powerful telescopes.

The texts also describe DNA, artificial insemination, navigation systems (with glowing screens), and many other things that should be impossible by our current understanding of ancient history. I have personally read the first Sumerian to English translation of one set of these tablets (there are hundreds, I have read about 30) so I am speaking from direct experience. They described what Earth looks like from space, they describe how anything that enters our atmosphere from space heats up and catches on fire, and they go into far more controversial topics as well which become hard to prove due to their anecdotal nature.

But no one can argue with the cold hard fact that this civilization should NOT have been able to describe the things I mentioned above. Truly, these tablets show us that ancient man had far more advanced technology than we ever dreamed, and somehow this knowledge was lost prior to the Babylonian and Akkadian civilization only to be unearthed thousands of years later and remain in storage for many years still before being translated in 2014.

The reason no one knows is because what these tablets say forces us to completely reexamine what we thought we knew about the past, it practically destroys every major religion (if I told you who the "Gods" were according to the ancient Sumerian civilization, you would shit your pants) and it makes Egyptologists look like they don't know what they're talking about.

If you would like to know more, I am willing to write a more in-depth article or make a video. In fact, I am open to collaboration if you are willing to put time into researching this and making a video with me.

After all I have 13 years of professional experience in Electronic Music Production (my career) and I am an amateur video producer as well. So please let me know if you would like to combine your talents with mine to get this knowledge out and discuss it. These are some very important discoveries and so far no one is talking about it on steemit.

Since I took so long to write this response, I will be cross-posting it on my account as a short article as well. Thank you for reading if you got this far!!

Scientists shy away from the topic for political reasons, nothing more. Haplogroups do impart advantages and disadvantages depending on the environment.

Thank you for introducing me to this new word! A haplogroup is a genetic population group of people who share a common ancestor on the patriline or the matriline. Haplogroups are assigned letters of the alphabet, and refinements consist of additional number and letter combinations

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