My fab choice: #Burger in Sharosu-gil - #9Ounce Bruger
Have you ever heard 'Sharosu-gil'(샤로수길)? There are rows of restaurants and cafes lining the street very near to 'Seoul National Univ. Station'.
Above all, I want to introduce one of the greatest burger house, <9Ounce Burger>. After one of the popular TV show, <백종원의 3대천왕>, had introduced this place, it became much more popular than before. So, keep in mind that <9 Ounce Burger> is crowded very with people, especially in a weekend! :scream:
The place is pretty much neat but around 5 tables are available only. I ordered '9 Ounce Burger (Caramelized onion, American cheese) because this one is a signature menu in here. BASIC is the BEST.
Of course, a bottle of beer is necessary! Try it out and see if you like it.
welcome to my freinds
Thank you very much! Welcome :)
i love and thank you my dear