Barrett's name and reputation are about to be smeared because Trump nominated her.
Over the coming weeks I'm likely to raise the ire of a few of you by refusing to jump onto the "Justice Amy Barrett is a witch that wants to enslave women and make America a theocracy" bandwagon.
Here's why:
I'm serious about my stance that the only way to defeat Trumpism is to be its opposite, and that means gaining understanding by evaluating primary sources instead of political narratives.
I'm sick and tired of hearing things like "RBG can't be a fair jurist, she's a Jew" and "John Kennedy can't be a fair president, he's Catholic" or "Dear god, we have MUSLIMS in congress!". There must never, ever be a religious test to hold public office. Whatever arguments are to be made for or against Justice Barret must stem from her stated beliefs and writings, and not from the sweeping generalization that a Catholic can't be an impartial jurist.
One of the greatest acts of impartial justice in American history was the American patriot John Adams defending the British soldiers accused of the Boston Massacre. The only way to find the truth is to go looking for it. There are no shortcuts, and none of us ought be afraid to seek it out.
Memes are hurting America. They reduce our collective IQ to the bare minimum and remove any need to critically think or do research. They’re little self-replicating confirmation bias capsules we can all ingest like so much Brave New World soma.
If you want to know what Justice Barrett thinks, the only way to do that is to read the things she has written. There is less than zero value in reading political narratives that purport to tell you what she thinks. Don't let confirmation bias cause you to abandon standards of evidence.
Here are some relevant links to some of her opinions/dissents/writings to get up to speed.