Erasing originals.
It's kinda funny that the creator of Velma put out a statement about "not wanting to erase the original."
The statement was dumb. It was basically "We're not trying to get the old stuff scrubbed from the internet."
That's not what we're talking about.
I've never been a Scooby-Doo fan; so, I don't care that much. I've been a Star Trek fan my whole life.
I've never accused Jar Jar Abrams or Kurtzman of trying to scrub the preceding years of Star Trek from viewership. What they're doing is changing the image of Star Trek just like Velma is changing the image of Scooby-Doo.
For more than a decade, Star Trek has gone from a series of moral homilies and the exploration of moral quandaries to dumb people doing dumb things for dumb reasons in space with lens flares. They're not technically erasing Star Trek.
What they're doing is making people think that Star Trek is as interesting as a sheet of aluminum foil is to a person on acid.
That's what Velma is doing to an already fairly boring and innocuous franchise.
I liked Scooby-Doo as a kid. While not a big fan, I thought they did a reasonable job of making the live action versions a number of years back. However, I have no interest in this reimagining. Might as well just create a brand new series with new characters if that's what you want. No need to tell people it's Scooby Doo related.